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On The Edge of Revolution?

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posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:47 PM
Do you ever get the feeling that we (humanity) are right, just directly on the tip of some massive revolution? Well that feeling seems to be coming to a lot of people right now. I don't know why or how this sensation has coincidentally affected the bulk of people of spoken of the issue about, but I'm thinking it's indicative of some truth. Something is about to happen that will challenge the essence of humanity, I believe...

Okay, I am going out on a limb. But I've come to trust my intuition and trust it even more when it coincides with a large amount of others. I think human beings "know" a lot more than we give ourselves credit for, and this is an insurpassable opportunity to test that theory.

The reason this is posted in the 'Alien' section is because I think there is a chance this feeling may involve the imminent revelation regarding the relationship between alien intelligent life and man.

Do any of you feel this way, that something big is coming?

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 11:23 PM
Yes, but in the form of a 700km in diameter IronOre chunk, inbound, very hot and heavy.

But thats just me.

But to a degree I get that sensation you mentioned.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 12:23 AM
I think that people are enslaved, mentally, by the system that's been feeding them and alienating them at the same time, but I also feel that things are beginning to change in the "foundations" of society... more on a community/local level as well as through the global networks. But for a real revolution to happen, an alien contact might be necessary in order to free people's minds and shake things up in the right way. That might be one of the main reason why governments keep the UFO phenomenon silent... because they know that if aliens would become part of the reality of humans, that they would be taken as granted by everyone, then governments would stop being taken seriously by most people, nations would fall, and most probably people would find it stupid to work for buying stuff that rich people possess. The whole system would lose its credibility.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Echtelion
I think that people are enslaved, mentally, by the system that's been feeding them and alienating them at the same time, but I also feel that things are beginning to change in the "foundations" of society... more on a community/local level as well as through the global networks. But for a real revolution to happen, an alien contact might be necessary in order to free people's minds and shake things up in the right way. That might be one of the main reason why governments keep the UFO phenomenon silent... because they know that if aliens would become part of the reality of humans, that they would be taken as granted by everyone, then governments would stop being taken seriously by most people, nations would fall, and most probably people would find it stupid to work for buying stuff that rich people possess. The whole system would lose its credibility.

Why would governments fall because of the realization of intelligent alien life? I don't quite understand.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by iceofspades
Okay, I am going out on a limb.

I don’t think you are. I agree with you. I have noticed this also. You know I was thinking about this the other day. I know exactly the feeling you are talking about. Lately, I have felt like something is looming on the horizon. I can’t really say what it is but it is definitely there. It’s almost like there is some sort of an unconscious countdown happening. We definitely are living in an age of great change already. I mean just the advent of the personal computer has changed the world and that’s just one thing you know?

[edit on 7-4-2005 by Event Horizon]

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Event Horizon
It’s almost like there is some sort of an unconscious countdown happening. We definitely are living in an age of great change already. I mean just the advent of the personal computer has changed the world and that’s just one thing you know?

I'm glad it's not just me! The suspense of what this feeling may entail is very nervewracking though!

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 12:51 PM
The revolution is that all the veils of the lies that have been placed on humanity are about to be lifted. For better or for worse.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 01:07 PM
I have had that sensation from years now. It has been gradually increasing, and I believe now it's the higher there can be!

Something will definitely happen soon, I have the feeling that it might be this year. Who knows?

The fact is that it will.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 01:09 PM
I think alot of people feel this. Probably for the following reasons....

The current war with Iraq
The possible war with Iran and or Korea
The recent devastation from the tsunami
The soon to be end of the worlds oil sources
The increase in volcanic activity throughout the world (this is speculative)
The increased threat of terrorist attacks throughout the world (again, this is speculative)
The increase in warnings about global warming

I think all of these kinds of things are having that affect on people globally. And there are those of us here who also would throw in the idea that alien disclosure is soon upon us

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 01:11 PM
time will tell...

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 01:30 PM
(posted by Diseria, WO's g/f)

I have had that notion for awhile. And, I agree, the more tensions keep mounting, the more I get a knot in my core. But the suspence is thrilling -- when will the breaking point be reached? and how will it (society?) come crashing down?
I can't wait!!!!! And yet I must. Which is fine... it'll make the whole scenario even better.

Methinks that humanity has long lost its true purpose on the Earth: we thought ourselves gods when we are really just the garden keepers. I can't come up with any other purpose for humanity other than to simply understand how things work. (And with the way we're built, basing our knowledge on the senses, we, inherently, will not understand everything.)

Personally, I'd love it if aliens came down. Be they friendly or aggressive, I'd die happy. (If nothing else to burst our pompous little 'we're the one and only form of conscious life in the universe' bubble.)

I agree Info -- time will tell. (I just hope it's in my lifetime.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 01:31 PM
It is Annunaki powerful mind control devices which is starting to make an impact on your mind from Nibiru. It is going to be much stronger in the upcoming years.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 10:38 PM
Here's what I think it is:

You're bored. You're fed up with everyday life, suffering, hardship, on yours and everyone else's accounts, and you want adventure that only change can provide.

It's nothing more than that, I think. The reason I think that is because I feel the same way.

We have to be careful what we wish for though. Usually for people to wake up, very bad things have to happen or we have to come to the very brink of experiencing said very bad things. Hopefully we only come to the brink if something does, in fact, happen.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 10:48 PM

Originally quoted by iceofspades
On The Edge of Revolution?Do you ever get the feeling that we (humanity) are right, just directly on the tip of some massive revolution? Well that feeling seems to be coming to a lot of people right now. I don't know why or how this sensation has coincidentally affected the bulk of people of spoken of the issue about, but I'm thinking it's indicative of some truth. Something is about to happen that will challenge the essence of humanity, I believe...

I can only hope.....

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 10:49 PM

from my understanding the Annunaki and a species of grey aliens have been chased away from earth by the galactic federation.

since ~1995 no grey alien abductions have occured.

the earth is going through serious changes.

since humans are a divine species, the forces of light are invloved in many activities to ensure a positive future.

sounds like star trek, but the universe is that big.

google: "prepare4contact"

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