posted on Jan, 9 2023 @ 02:42 PM
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The true kingdom of Light is God's kingdom, the Devil when he rebelled was cast out after no place was found in heaven for him as he is no longer of
the light - that is the light of God the devils false light is another matter.
Jesus is the TRUE LIGHT, true light FROM true light, True God from True God.
He came into our world and is the light of the world but the world did not know him, even so he shines to the people in darkness, he is shining his
light of truth to us and calling us home.
But he pointed out that the evil men love the darkness more than the light, the hide there evil in the darkness (lies and spiritual darkness) and do
not come into the light for they will be exposed.
We are all condemned for we have all fallen short of God's law but Jesus grace and mercy have paid for us to be redeemed with his own blood, we have
to let go of our own inner darkness and be filled with the light of his truth.
Our burden of shame for our sin's is nothing compared to the burden of our sin's on the back of an innocent man who died for us.
The burden he gives us is light his innocence and lack of sin covers our shame with his blood and washes us clean justifying us, his wounds take the
place of the punishment we so truly deserve and through him alone, by the grace of God alone we are saved, not by our own work's but by his sacrifice
in our place.
God created the stars, he created the light itself and there is more than one kind of light, the light of truth and God's mercy and the love of God
are the most beautiful form's of light, if we learn to see by them we will see the world far better than we do now, some day he will remove the scaled
from our eye's that we may truly see.