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Former Pfizer VP, Dr. Mike Yeadon - Everything We Have Been Told About Covid-19 Was A Lie

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posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: Annee

But so far time has told us he is innocent 100% of not keeping his word or violating our laws. No, I don't like braggers either in case you are wondering. But observations don't show any future change on this count, he is the real deal NY style.

Trump was not exonerated by my report, Robert Mueller tells Congress

As I said -- time will tell.

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 11:16 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: Annee

But so far time has told us he is innocent 100% of not keeping his word or violating our laws. No, I don't like braggers either in case you are wondering. But observations don't show any future change on this count, he is the real deal NY style.

Trump was not exonerated by my report, Robert Mueller tells Congress

As I said -- time will tell.

Ok, lets see.

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: Quintilian

I am anti-Trump because he is a narcissist moron. His only interest is what benefits him.

I have not said I am pro anyone.

But show me exactly what Biden stated -- with link.

Jimmy (who you'll surely enjoy) did a little montage. Starts about 7.15.

He is clearly saying that the American people should have no faith in the vaccine (because...Trump!). Also asking "who is gunna take it? Are you gunna be the first to say, sign me up ?". His calls for transparency and independent scientific scrutiny being required before anyone should have faith in them (the so called vaccines) all forgotten when he gained office and tried and mandate it. In reality he and his vp were the worst vax hesitancy promoters. lol

Seems he is quite fluent in hypocrisy.

You'll get no argument here re Trump. Though you'll have to go back quite a ways to find a US president who isn't a low IQ moron, and Biden was hardly the brightest bulb in the box even when he still had cognitive faculties (before senility). Now he is a hair sniffing, senile geriatric dullard who rarely seems to know what planet he is on. As Carlin used to say... "look at the average person, then realise that half the population is dumber than that!" seems this is the half that comprises politics.

Trump has a knack of alienating many, but objectively he was the "least bad" US leader probably since Jimmy Carter. He started no new wars, talked about disbanding nato and tried to increase relations with certain other countries such as Russia.

He was also correct about the WHO, which is too corrupt and political now to be useful. He was also correct about not trusting Fauci (another compulsive liar). He was also correct about the "lab leak" explanation. Also correct about hydroxychloroquine (that was touted as a curative with great potential for the original SARS.....though suddenly became a poison for corporate/political reasons during covid).....

edit on 8-1-2023 by Quintilian because: fix link.

posted on Jan, 13 2023 @ 01:45 AM
Virology is a lie. Germ Theory is a lie.
This video tells it all:

There shouldn't even be a single person on this site that doesn't understand this by now.
edit on 13-1-2023 by gottaknow because: fixing link

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