posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 06:49 AM
i found and interesting PDF from the DIA and NASA about various types of eletric propulsion for space and even hypersonic applications.
i found it interesting that according to the paper, these hypersonic aircraft can generate large amounts of power via it own extream exaust and plasma
formation at the tip of the aircraft but dumping alki metals or mixes of them, in this case NaK also known as 'nack' it doubles as a nuclear reactor
coolant(just an interesting side note).
the system is said to be able to give power in the range of kilowatts at least, and for very little cost in weight.
the paper also talks about using e-beams to create vitural inlet configurations as well as protecting the inlet via boundary layer control and the
layer of plasma.
the intresting part to me is the dumping of metals into the stream or exhaust, it would like up like a neon light in the sky and leave behind it a
glowing trail that would slowly fade away.
it would look orange(sodium burns orange) and some other burn green( copper compounds), the more conductive the ions the better.
but i guess if your super high up and going like a bat out of hell not much could catch you.
some very cool looking examples of air craft/space craft in there and there are black and white picture's of some very cutting edge eletronic