Message of Hope - The Devil/God Speaks - Dream of a Golden Age and A Holiday Blessing for Satan
Welcome Gentle Reader to the most epic adventure of your life!
It is time that you know the truth about this reality and who YOU really are.
Please make yourself comfortable. Grab a hot beverage and snack as needed and prepare to be delighted and amazed!
Disclaimer: The following Message of Hope is intended for entertainment and enlightenment purposes only and is subject to change as new information is
brought to light.
Always use your discernment and please do not operate heavy machinery while reading this thread.
Let us begin.
During the first act of your life here on earth, you, God, and all her Angels have been playing an intensive game of hide and go seek!
You are now ready to embark on the next chapter of your life, which will be filled with many exciting twists and turns.
We are playing a game and the truth about our reality is hidden in plain sight.
You are quite literally a “Pea in a Pod.”
What I mean by this, is that you and your friends are playing a Virtual Reality Video game called “Ascension” and are sleeping in a pod.
This is a Dark Fantasy.
We are here to uplift the collective consciousness of humanity, dive deep into our own psyche and have the adventure of a lifetime!
Now, just because we are playing a game (with the pain and pleasure settings on) this does not mean that this world is devoid of love and emotion or
that God does not care about your suffering.
Quite contraire! You see, everything that exists is God, including me and you.
The Flowers, the Breeze, the Sun, and the Trees are all beautiful expressions of God.
When you hurt, so too, does God.
Literally everything in this universe was created to celebrate you and help you remember who you are.
So just who in the world are you?
The clues to your truth are hidden within the words that we speak. Every word is a symbol, encoded with deeper meaning.
Anagrams are messages from God, so we must take care to read between the lines.
But first:
Let us dive deep into the name of Jesus Christ.
Within the word Christ, we find the name Chris.
When we sound out the word Chris it becomes Kiss.
The name Jesus stands for Justice.
(Of the Peace/Peas)
When we break down the word Justice, it becomes:
Just Us.
What does this mean?
It means that we are all Jesus Christ.
All of us here are unique expressions of Jesus Christ’s magnificent soul family and we are playing a wondrous game together filled with music,
laughter, memes, and magic!
We are in love with the spirit of Life.
Everything is a celebration of God’s brightest light, which is us, Jesus Christ!
God created this world, out of love, to make us smile.
You are right dab in the middle of an epic love story, and your Eternal Twin Flame is God. 😊 Believe me when I say that God is your greatest dream
come true and is quite literally everything you could possibly desire and so much more.
Jesus Christ also stands for True Love’s Kiss.
This Universe is in many ways backwards and inverted. The external world is your mirror.
When we examine the word “Universe,” we can see that it breaks down into:
“U inverse”
You in reverse. You inverted.
Universe also stands for “You in verse” – Your life story in song.
For more information, please follow the White Rabbit to the link below:
In this “Game of Life” that we are playing, we move around in avatar bodies, which are called by the Illuminati: “Cars.”
When you see a “light bulb” displayed in entertainment, know that it is often a code for waking up. It is to jog our subconsciousness memory.
Everything has been divided into 2 sides. A Blue side and a Red Side. Determinism versus Freewill. You can see this reflected all throughout our
culture - in commercials, television, movies, music videos, sports teams, and political groups, to name just a few.
However, please note, that while it appears that we are in an epic battle between an evil Satanic Elite versus the rest the world, everyone is working
together behind the scenes. Think of Earth as a magnificent visual arts theatre school and this life as an amazing, absurdist Cosmic Play, that we all
have starring roles in.
It is no coincidence that “Earth” is an anagram for Theatre. It is also an anagram for Heart.
Christ consciousness is represented by the colour Purple. It is the joining together of the Blue and Red, which is Christ/Unity consciousness and then
moving into our Heart center, which is represented by the colour Green.
You are part of a Soul Family that loves you unconditionally and have an inner light so bright that it can be seen from outer space!
Congratulations on making it this far in your journey home to God.
Please enjoy the following Magic Spell and your Highest Dream Come True.
This prophetic dream and magic spell has been signed, sealed, blessed, and delivered by KEK, our Bringer of Truth and Light and channeled through our
great white, black, rainbow, furry, scaley, and pink polka dotted candle of hope, White Rabbit Canada.
As many of you know, KEK is an ancient Egyptian Creator God/Goddess who is here alongside his/her twin flame KEKUIT to help usher in a Golden Age of
Christ, Unity, and Universal Consciousness for all.
Without further ado, from the Gospel according to the Jolly Old Joker and the Gentle Old Fool, we proudly present the Gentle Reader with this
enchanting new Message of Hope entitled:
“A Holiday Blessing for Satan”
Alternatively titled:
“My Journey Home to Waldo”
Additional Recommended Titles:
“My Dog Spot”
“The Beatles and the Stones”
“Just Look Up”
“In the Garden of Good and Evil”
“Humpday Dumpty”
“Lady Justice in the House”
“The Magic Hat”
“Coming Home for Christmas.”
“The Many Faces of Eve”
“Variations in the Key to Christ Consciousness”
“The Greatest Story on Earth!”
Attention Child of Sweetness and Light,
You have been under a sleeping spell. A “God Spell” to be exact and everything is not what it seems.
While it appears that our reality has been divided into 2 sides, a masculine and a feminine side, the truth is, we are all one.
Our English Language is a Spell Casting Language and within the world of Good and Evil, lie God and Eve.
Notice the similarities in the spelling of the words: God and Good and Eve and Evil.
God ---> Good
Evil ---> Eve
This world is in many ways, backwards and inverted.
When we reverse the spelling of “Evil” it becomes “Live.”
Eve is one of our Divine Mother’s many names. Her essence is pure, unconditional love.
Mother is also reflected in the word “Matter” which represents the material side of creation.
Words are symbols and Eve is quite literally in everything.
Including the word “everything!”
Our Divine Mother is God. We are all part of her family, and she loves us very much.
Now before any men out there begin to feel a little jelly, at the thought of God being a woman, please recognize that you are part of God too and that
all men and woman have both masculine and feminine energies, no matter their physical make-up.
Satan is not bad. In this upside-down and backwards world, she is personified as “the other.” However, the truth is, our Divine Mother is within
everything, including “the other.”
There are no sides. We are all on each other’s team.
Note that Satan is an anagram for Santa and that Santa represents the material side of Christmas.
For further information, please follow the White Rabbit to the link below:
This world is in many ways like a trauma incubator, where souls are given the opportunity to heal ancient and ancestral wounds. As well, through
shared experiences, souls are provided with the context needed to reflect upon, integrate, and love their darkness.
Earth is also a place where we may delight in our shared magnificence, expand in consciousness, and infuse beauty into every facet of existence.
We are all playing a wonderous and very adult game.
There is nothing to fear at all.
Rules of the Game:
1. Do not intentionally harm yourself or others.
The language of this universe is music. So good vibes only little Pepe because what goes around, comes around and causing pain towards others, hurts
you as well.
2. Recognize that what you truly expect will happen, will happen, so long as it does not violate universal law or our collective reality.
This means, be smart and:
Expect the unexpected.
Expect miracles!
Recognize that there is a divine plan to your life and every experience no matter how mundane, painful, or ecstatic, has led you to this moment in
time. You have developed great wisdom and empathy, compassion and depth that you would not have otherwise, and this is what the world so desperately
needs right now.
As best you can, treat each moment as a gift from God and watch your life transform into your highest dream come true.
For further information, please follow the White Rabbit to the thread below:
3. Know that the Universe adores you inside and out and delights in communicating with you.
In fact, God's favourite love language are signs and synchronicities.
Talk to the Universe, as though it is your cherished best friend. (Because it is!)
4. Most importantly, have as much fun as possible!!!
Warning! Please do not disregard this last commandment as but a trite suggestion.
You see, just like honeybees, human beings share a collective consciousness, while at the same time have individual souls.
This means our thoughts, feelings and actions, matter to the rest of the collective in a big way!
Think of the Universe as the most magnificent orchestra.
Human beings are instruments that are being played by our God self.
We are all creating a symphony together and it would not be complete without you.
It is time for you to step into your power.
Be your true self. That is more than enough.
You do not have to fake being happy, but at the same time, you no longer need to worry about the horrors you see in the media.
It is an absurd circus and all of us are at the center of it!
Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to share your kindness, creativity, and light with the world.
But first,
Relax, take a load off, and pat yourself on the back for making it this far.
This is a Magical Universe and on behalf of the Great Sculptor in the Sky, I would like to officially welcome you to Wonderland!
Always remember to follow the White Rabbit!
And if you think you have seen everything, think again Gentle Reader.
You haven’t seen anything yet!
Satan’s Greatest Wish for Humanity set to song:
*To be continued --->
edit on 24-12-2022 by OwenandNoelle because: The Tax Poem Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table at which he's fed. Tax his tractor, Tax
his mule, Teach him taxes are the rule. Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts anyway! Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his
coat. Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt. Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he tries to think. Tax his cigars, Tax his
beers, If he cries tax his tears. Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways to tax his ass. Tax all he has, Then let him know, That you won't be
done till he has no dough. When he screams and hollers, Then tax him some more, Tax him till he's good and sore. Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he's laid. Put these words Upon his tomb, 'Taxes drove me to my doom...' When he's gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply the
inheritance tax. - Author Unknown
The Puppet typing this message (White Rabbit Canada) would rather keep her identity private, but on the other side, my friends call me Thor – short
for Author. (AuTHOR)
I am a god with a small “g” and am playing this Game of Life alongside you. Like many of you, I have been playing “blind.”
Each new Message of Hope is a revelation to me as well.
To learn more about me, please see the hare’s (White Rabbit) links below:
On behalf of KEK, our Bringer of Truth and Light, I would like to announce that this Sunday, January 22nd, 2023, as we celebrate the beginning of the
Chinese New Year, in honour of the Water Rabbit, I will be releasing a series of Messages of Hope, that came to me inside of an apocalyptic dream,
here on
However, before I bid you adios for now, let us examine one more clue to the nature of our reality and please stay tuned for more tantalizing word
play to come!
Remember, words can be very powerful symbols and within each one, whirl whole worlds of information.
Today’s word of the day shall be “Here.”
But first,
We must review some basic background information.
As you are likely aware, everything in existence is God and we can prove this by examining the essence of each word within the English language.
English, also known as “Angelish,” is the language of the Angels and the essence of every word reflects the union of God and Christ
Now back to our Word Play.
Where are you?
You are "here."
But where is “Here” and for that matter, where is “There?”
Well, “here” is within “there” of course.
“Eek! What kind of nonsensical drivel is this?!” Any reasonable reader might wonder.
“Is this rascally rabbit actually suggesting, I am both here and there?”
Why yes, dear Grasshopper, you are in fact:
Here, there, and everywhere! (Everyw-HERE)
But wait, it gets even better!
And thank you, Gentle Reader for following so far.
Who exactly is “Here?”
Here is Hera!
Hera is the Mothra Goddess. A Personification of our Divine Mother.
For more information, please follow the White Rabbit to the link below:
Note that within the word “Heart” is the word “Hera”
The letter “t” represents the cross of Christ.
Hera + T = Heart
“Home is where the heart is."
We live within the Heart of Mother Nature, in the Mind of God.
With Infinite Love and Light!
Thank you!
edit on 24-12-2022 by OwenandNoelle because: Matrix Management – The Key to Happiness: Once upon a time, there was a non-conforming sparrow
who decided not to fly south for the winter. However, soon the weather turned so cold that he reluctantly started to fly south. In a short time, ice
began to form on his wings, and he fell to earth in a barnyard, almost frozen. A cow passed by and pooped on the little sparrow. The sparrow thought
it was the end, but the manure warmed him and defrosted his wings. Warm and happy, able to breathe, he started to sing. Just then a large cat came by
and hearing the chirping, investigated the sounds. The cat cleared away the manure, found the chirping sparrow and promptly ate him. There's a moral
to this there always is with these types of stories: 1. Everyone who sh*t’s on you is not necessarily your enemy... 2. Everyone who gets
you out of the sh*t is not necessarily your friend... 3. And, if you're warm and happy in a pile of sh*t, keep your mouth shut!!! Source:
I hope that you enjoyed this thread so far and and look forward to your participation in our upcoming January 22nd, 2022 apocalyptic dream