posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 02:04 PM
We have three cats, Yes they have fleas, we are poor too, and I rarely flea treatment our cats mostly in the summer months.
Actually just bought a flea treatment for them as we are going away for two weeks and staying in someone else's hut by the river on our farm. Our cats
always come with us, they love staying at the farm by the river.
I have seen a pop up add recently for some powder you sprinkle on their food, I can't remember all the ingredients but I know it had Brewers yeast in
Flea comb everyday also helps.
We had a tic tac container with some live fleas in it. They were still alive after two months. Now my daughters comb the cats and put the fleas in a
zip lock bag until there us a few and the squash them in the bag.
Yes fleas live in the grass.
What about borer, any tips on borer (spelling)