Choronzon Eats Science...
In the road to nowhere,
Somebody fled out,
A divine soul all alone,
Amidst dying screams and shouts,
True beauty a relic,
Most didn’t get it.
Watchers imprisoned in stone,
Wondering if they'll make their way home,
Fear paralyzing the fool's back,
As ignorant footsteps stumble forward.
I will take you home,
I will attack,
Falling down,
Crawling slowly,
Ones' never safe when I am around.
Blind man what do you see?
The crossroads of heavens?
Or time eternity?
A Sun that never sets?
You haven’t got there yet…
The forgotten don’t fear the dusk,
Remind you I must,
Completely alone,
Make the most of the journey.
I will take you home,
Your vision is a ghost…
Not knowing where you’re going,
Confused where you are?
Trap set in your mind,
Endless web stretching beyond time.
Death is watching in your blind spot,
Demon logic,
Impure thought,
Endless hunger,
Unlimited pain,
Everything becomes the same.
The beginning and the end,
A gain,
Comfort and rejoice,
Fear is around the bend.
A bite from a spider,
Writhing pain inside out,
Your dying heart becomes still,
Spiders arms,
A cold embrace,
No power,
No will.
In the end,
Everywhere eyes,
The spider grows larger,
Visions' paralyzed.
Divine soul devoured,
You fell from the highest tower,
See the light,
Fight the past,
Escape the spider's wrath.
The dying ones' last chance,
Submit to your conscious,
Outsmart mystery,
Become one with me,
I am no spider,
I am no liar.
The END.
edit on 21-12-2022 by dffrntkndfnml because: Spacingx2, Added Non Writer to thread heading, capitilized end, went lowercase for Non
Writer, added hyphen to non writer,cleaned up edit tagsx2