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Small Businesses Want to Know Where Are The Customers

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posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: stosh64

Great call on the scripture you brought up there, it's very apparent that we are indeed living in the End Days, everything has been inverted, good is called bad, everyone out for themselves, and as you say, Christ & His followers are openly mocked, yet nobody calls for the mockers to be 'cancelled', as would be the case if Christians mocked trans activists.

I once saw an interview show on the BBC where a 'woman' (an extremely acidic trans man) was screaming, frothing at the mouth practically, regarding a slightly bemused & confounded Christian couple who had refused to bake a perverted cake for a gay couple, and this trans activist hissed "You're worse than ISIS!!!" Now this was at the time when ISIS were burning Christian girls alive in metal cages in Syria, yet this deluded, foul, evil bitch was cursing this poor Christian couple as though they were devils from Hell, when in fact, the inverse was true of 'her'.

Scandalous that the BBC host didn't reprimand the trans woman for her vile abuse, but instead sided with her. Victoria Derbyshire was the host's name, always good to name & shame I believe, when righteous people are publicly berated by those who should know better.

Sick world.

edit on DecemberFriday22012CST08America/Chicago-060009 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: JAGStorm

It's a damned shame that people and businesses are suffering.

But we all know why it is happening.

And it's not my fault.

Come one DB, you know and we all know and you know we all know that it's all your fault.

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: DoomsdayDude
a reply to: JAGStorm

Time to ditch all the monies and go full "Star Trek" where everyone in the stinking solar system works for absolutely nothing! More like "Slave Trek" am I right? 😏

Will somebody please think of the freakin children and save us from all the evil monies already??? 🙀

I knew there was a way they’d get the original Enterprise (model) removed from the Smithsonian

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