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Small Businesses Want to Know Where Are The Customers

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posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: stosh64

It's really amazing how a book written thousands of years ago describes perfectly what is happening in our 'modern' world.

It's actually selected writings with a bunch of stuff thrown out.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Annee

No idea what you're talking about. So, humans should not think responsibly about environment? But, Hey! What do Carl Sagan and Neil DeGrasse Tyson know?

If course you don’t. It would deflate your world. Im talking about the fact that trucks have had to be up to some bureaucratic regulations just to drive because for one thing the California regulations the trucks cannot pick up at the container shipyards and thus only trucks who are up to the regulation can pick up. It’s caused a severe backlog for several years now. Then there’s the diesel fuel filter regen process Redneck posted a whole thread on just couple days ago, which likely is part of the regulations.
Hence empty shelves and less merchandise.
Hope that helps 😊
As for Carl Sagan, I’m pretty sure he’s tied in to the whole pbs disinfo. I prefer to listen to adtrometeorologists such as Theodore White who predicted the Grand Solar Minimum cycle we have been moving into, which is less solar activity and colder climate.
I can find more on that later, at least for those who are interested.
Oh yah, so that’s for the question of where’s the merchandise.
For where are the customers… yes not as much disposable income, and the devaluation of the dollar from excessive spending by drunken democrat “sailors” and the printing of money. It’s a fact that it’s a hidden tax and a general causative factor in inflation.
edit on 20-12-2022 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 11:53 AM

It's actually selected writings with a bunch of stuff thrown out.

Yes like Origen and the Book of Enoch 😊

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: RickyD
a reply to: Ahabstar

I stopped going grocery shopping almost a year ago. I buy a few things monthly but absolutely nothing perishable. We go out for meals now...found that we wasted over half of the perishables we bought due to working so much and not wanting to get home after a long day and cook. I know a few others who do similarly too so I doubt sit down restaurants well go away...just the bad places.

You are LIVING my dream.
I love cooking and I'm a great cook, but I also love other people cooking (great) food.
Unfortunately it is very expensive to eat what I like here (real food). Unforunately, I would have to move to S. America, Europe or Asia to do that.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 12:55 PM
"Small Businesses Want to Know Where Are The Customers"

I can only speak for Germany and for me and many people around me. We simply stayed where you wanted us people/customers without vaccine app, without masks and without whatever corona BS to be. Not long ago and we are not all suffering from dementia and forgot which shop, store, bar, restaurants etc behaved like the best Third Reich citizens/supporters. You didn´t want our money back then and now you want me to bring my good money into your shop, store, restaurant or whatever again? Do these "business people" have a little fever, long vaccine maybe?

Next thing is, i don´t need to visit shops which never have anything of the stuff i need. They tell me then that they have to order it. Thanks, i can order from Amazon or AliEx by myself, don´t need to waste my time and energy to unsuccessfully visit your shop or whatever. That started a decade or longer ago here.

It´s not my fault that you treated people worse than dogs since 2020. It´s not my fault that you believed that the internet is a hype that will die faster than it had time to grow and that you missed the switched from 1980 to 2000. If they want to know where the customers now are, on our way to own nothing and being happy about it, these ducky "business people" should first ask themselves about what their faults were the last years.

If i see one of those businesses, which were more than happy to punish their fellow citizens and customers in anticipatory corna BS obedience, closing down now, then this makes me kind of happy. Happy is maybe the wrong term but let´s say it doesn´t hit the wrong ones. Own fault, they had the chance to end some of that corona BS madness with the power they have as business owners but couldn´t be government obedient enough and punished their own customers.

And now, where money is worth next to nothing anymore, i should bring my good money into whatever businesses which anyway don´t have what i want and create moon-prices for everything now? You paved the way you have to walk now by yourself, i couldn´t care less about your misery.

Of course are there also going businesses which didn´t behave like little Nazis going down the drain now. But it is not like the people weren´t warned about how a Great Reset feels. And most of them still believe that everything that happens since 2020 is kind of unfortunate circumstances but nothing else.

They have drunk varnish as we say in Germany.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 01:43 PM
It will hit next year after Christmas. A lot of people are going to be paying more for heat/etc and it will come to a head.

The small businesses I see being hit soon here in Florida are the following and it will cause issue. A lot of the cash jobs.

Landscaping. It employs a LOT of people and with lawn mowing services a lot of people support their families. People are not going to have that money for those types of things. I know quite a few who are losing larger residential communities or commercial accounts because those HOA's and companies cannot afford it anymore. People are deciding to pay 150 for a lawn service is in their budget...

Construction here is big but they are also having supply issues. Day workers are in demand but they are generally hiring half of what they did. Supplies are about 80% of where they were 3 years ago.

Friends in trucking who are getting close to not being able to do it anymore. Privately anyway. Talking people with 25 plus years in.

People are not tipping the way they used to. This is hurting bartenders and wait staff now making half of what they did.

Cleaning companies. Businesses cannot afford them.

It is a trickle down affect. If those small businesses cannot thrive.

The government is in the final stages of removing middle class America....
edit on Decpm31pmf0000002022-12-20T13:45:15-06:000115 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Same here...and if I do shop and cook I am very particular about the ingredients. I buy organic and low or unprocessed stuff typically...which is very expensive. I don't eat much if any fast food but I also don't go to the top and places either. I don't know why but its a bit easier to comp to ise on the quality of food I eat when I dont have to cook it or clean up after lol.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 03:09 PM
There's alot of reasons why prices are going up where I'm at in Texas. You have people moving here thinking we have jobs, you have a mass influx of liberals since 2016 because we screwed Hilary so they want to turn Texas blue. You also have a huge movement of conservatives moving here to escape liberal states. Plus you have the Internet telling low wage workers they should sit at home and starve if grocery and fast food won't pay them $15/hr. Well these places caved and gave it to them and what happened prices went up to compensate, leaving the low wage workers right where they were, the higher wage workers now have less buying power so yes entertainment is usually the first cut, followed by out to eat and such. And there will be a bunch of mad people saying it doesn't make prices rise. But a quick Google search shows the average price of a big Mac in Seattle where they have a $15 min wage is almost $7 in Austin Tx $3.75. The only winner when min wage is raised is the Govt they will collect billions in taxes off the people they claim they want to help the most. Add in the massive increase in rents because of mass movement of people creating crazy demand and places simply charge more when they think people have more money. Even private landlords have to raise rent because property taxes are tied to home value which most have doubled and even tripled in the past 2 years. Seems like an all out attack on the American people to break them.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I started noticing the war on USA private small business back in the spring of 2020 as I have several major remodeling projects ongoing. Still do. Included in what I have ongoing are two under the County Building Department meaning all of my work is inspected per Code as I am considered the Master Contractor.

My primary source for Yellawood was a private owned lumber yard about 40 miles from downtown Columbia, South Carolina. Pre Covid I could buy a pressure treated subsurface stud for about $1 over Home Depot for their curly cue french fry studs. Same for Lowe's. That is a special stud as it can be used for docks under water and its approved by the EPA. Then his source jacked his prices by over 100%.

Then his drywall source and wood provider stopped shipments. I ended up buying ceiling drywall instead of wall drywall. Yes there is a difference as the paper is thin.

Then I went to Lowe's and bought regular pine studs for under $7 each. I stored them in my garage and to my amazement they didn't warp bend or curly cue. So I still have a couple inside leaning near a wall. So almost 2 years old they are perfectly straight.

That's NOT right as both big boxes sell sheet lumber. Or they used to but they seized on the covid-19 opportunity to knock out the little guy so as to gain a monopoly. The Democrats are fine with that as that's in their play book.

Destroy mom and pop along with the rest of the middle class.

The 4th Reich lives on and is well and alive.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

The small businesses I see being hit soon here in Florida are the following and it will cause issue. A lot of the cash jobs. Landscaping. It employs a LOT of people and with lawn mowing services a lot of people support their families. People are not going to have that money for those types of things. I know quite a few who are losing larger residential communities or commercial accounts because those HOA's and companies cannot afford it anymore. People are deciding to pay 150 for a lawn service is in their budget...

Yes it’s already happening. I’ve seen people say they are available on Next Door which hasn’t happened since before Covid. Cleaning ladies, Landscapers, Pest Control are going to take a beating.

I already cut my pest control guy because he was always coming after the issue and by that point I would just do it myself. (Box elder season, June beetles etc.) Also the best mouse control on earth is a good Cat (I said a good one, not a lazy one!) No pest control can compete with a good cat!

Did you see McDonald’s is experimenting with a completely automated restaurant?
Bye bye last of the workers.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Everyone jumped on the raise prices band wagon, this is the net results.

Was traveling and decided to treat myself to a chain restaurant, ordered the double Patty burger with fries. It looked like they took the Patty, cut it in half and stacked it, that’s their double burger!. The fries was just a small handful.

Price?….$28!!! Without the tip!

I’ll stick with my traditional grocery store deli when traveling from now on.

edit on 20-12-2022 by 38181 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: JAGStorm

Everyone jumped on the raise prices band wagon, this is the net results.

Oh without a doubt there is an element of GREED that is just disgusting.
They are testing how much people are willing to pay for products. I hope this backfires on them!

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I don't think people are as broke as people are saying. This is the heaviest I have seen packages at the USPS since I started about 10 years ago. I just think people would rather have stuff delivered than go to the store.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 06:00 PM
I can confirm. I currently have two jobs.

1. I work in management for a mid-size brewery and can tell you that this year we were 20% below projected sales on the year. Our big events--about 8 per year--drew significantly less attendance than last year.

2. I recruit truckers for carriers all around the country. Just 2 weeks ago, we had a conference call on which we learned that carriers are cutting back commissions and relying on internal recruiters for the next 6+ months. Many of them are even laying off some of their internal staff. All but 1 of our 12 carriers are doing this.

The latter is the more concerning. If truckers aren't needed for hiring, that means less money is being spent in the market and companies aren't ordering the inventory they previously needed in response. A looming recession post-holiday season is going to be a real thing. January is the slowest month in the retail and hospitality industries... that's when we'll really see the impacts.

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Time to ditch all the monies and go full "Star Trek" where everyone in the stinking solar system works for absolutely nothing! More like "Slave Trek" am I right? 😏

Will somebody please think of the freakin children and save us from all the evil monies already??? 🙀

posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 07:21 PM
me also. in automotive repair. busier than all my 30 years in business. have so much work it stresses me out. Nobody wants to work and cant get parts but have customers everywhere. a reply to: RickyD

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 04:14 AM
At big stores you can just take most items without paying for them


posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 04:52 AM
I steak in my local pub is $59 Australia NSW.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: WideAwakeNow

Also lamb cutlets up the road have gone for $65 a kilo.
True story.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 05:29 AM

originally posted by: Crumbles
a reply to: JAGStorm

I don't think people are as broke as people are saying. This is the heaviest I have seen packages at the USPS since I started about 10 years ago. I just think people would rather have stuff delivered than go to the store.

That's my thought. Brick and mortar stores might be on the wane, but online shopping and commerce are still pretty high. That's where I do 80% of my shopping.

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