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Georgia Doctor Fired for Refusing COVID Vaccine Says Mandates Won't Prevent Virus Spread

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posted on Dec, 18 2022 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
This is just one of millions of stories that are yet to be told.

I don't know whether we can find a database with all those or let's say with most of those who were fired because they refused to get vaccinated.

How absurd it is that one looses their job because he/she refuses to get vaccinated. Since when vaccinations are job requirements?

And not taking into account that these vaccines are untested, experimental, and potentially hazardous causing several serious adverse reactions and death.

Another thing grabbing my attention is that none of those large medical groups including this Piedmont hospital have or will release how many people were fired or quit because of being forced to jab with worthless experimental compounds.

What this means is their brass have some guilt associated with this, and don't want to be publicly shamed for enforcing this inhumane mandate. So they worry about their own guilt but only for selfish reasons. It didn't make them become responsible, nor did it get them to "do no harm", so they have violated quite a few morals and ethics, and instead of being real men and women who exemplify moral responsibility, they will continue to FAIL spiritually.

Quite sad to see. I know no one in my family was brought up to be like that.

They won't as it seems. But they may be forced to do so later on.

They have already damaged themselves and their reputations. Nobody believes anymore in anything that emenates from them.

posted on Dec, 18 2022 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The doctor is right.

I swear, when I see something like this, it only further my curiosity around MIS-A, and the idea that we’re dealing with a virus that’s very different than we have been told.

posted on Dec, 18 2022 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: VulcanWerks
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The doctor is right.

I swear, when I see something like this, it only further my curiosity around MIS-A, and the idea that we’re dealing with a virus that’s very different than we have been told.

Of course he is right. There is no much doubt about this. He has the right to refuse to get vaccinated right to express his personal as well as his professional opinion.

He is not alone in this one though. Several scientists have argued on similar grounds and have asked for the vaccination program to be paused or abandoned.

posted on Dec, 19 2022 @ 07:36 AM
Very good news from Italy which has been covered in this thread

Around 4,000 nurses and doctors to be re-employed after having been dismissed because they refused to get vaccinated with these products.
Finally some common sense.

I think I have read on other articles that Governments all over the world are thinking or restoring order and common sense at least to some degree by calling back to service those who have either been dismissed or suspended because of vaccine status.

Likewise this very experienced and well qualified doctor as well as everyone else in the US who had the same fate should return to service asap.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 12:11 AM

Fired ER Doctor, Who Refused Vaccine Mandate, Explains

Dr. William Redwood was fired from working at both Wellstar and Piedmont hospital systems for not getting vaccinated against COVID-19.

ATLANTA, GA — Dr. William “Tommy” Redwood, 63, worked as medical director of emergency services at Wellstar Kennestone Hospital in Marietta for 16 years. He also worked for four years as an emergency room physician at Piedmont Healthcare in Atlanta.

But after both hospital systems implemented vaccine mandates for employees — and Redwood failed to follow the mandate before the deadline — he was fired from both roles last week, he told Fox 5 Atlanta’s I-Team.

He offered to be tested for COVID-19 weekly, but got no response from Piedmont.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

What isn't being said is that if you do get covid, the vax reduces the duration and severity of the infection.

This alone makes it worth while. Covid caused a huge loss of productivity due to people being sick. The vax reduces this.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 05:59 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: VulcanWerks
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The doctor is right.

I swear, when I see something like this, it only further my curiosity around MIS-A, and the idea that we’re dealing with a virus that’s very different than we have been told.

Of course he is right. There is no much doubt about this. He has the right to refuse to get vaccinated right to express his personal as well as his professional opinion.

He is not alone in this one though. Several scientists have argued on similar grounds and have asked for the vaccination program to be paused or abandoned.

He might not be alone, but he's in a miniscule minority of people.

The percentage of people who dispute the official narrative is lower than the percentage of sex offenders who think child molestation should be legalised.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 06:04 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

What isn't being said is that if you do get covid, the vax reduces the duration and severity of the infection.

This alone makes it worth while. Covid caused a huge loss of productivity due to people being sick. The vax reduces this.

Official narratives and vaccine apologetics have miniscule impact and worth very little in these conversations or elsewhere.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 06:07 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: VulcanWerks
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The doctor is right.

I swear, when I see something like this, it only further my curiosity around MIS-A, and the idea that we’re dealing with a virus that’s very different than we have been told.

Of course he is right. There is no much doubt about this. He has the right to refuse to get vaccinated right to express his personal as well as his professional opinion.

He is not alone in this one though. Several scientists have argued on similar grounds and have asked for the vaccination program to be paused or abandoned.

He might not be alone, but he's in a miniscule minority of people.

The percentage of people who dispute the official narrative is lower than the percentage of sex offenders who think child molestation should be legalised.

The official narrative is wrong and there is an increasing number of people who question the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. As a result the booster campaign is failing.

The original campaign was based on fear, terror, coercion, pressure, intimidation, blackmailing, scaremongering, and threats of dismissal by employers. Far from being a scientific campaign. The most absurd and ludicrous medical campaign ever.

As one of the Italian members of the European Parliament said: This is the greatest medical scandal in history.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: VulcanWerks
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The doctor is right.

I swear, when I see something like this, it only further my curiosity around MIS-A, and the idea that we’re dealing with a virus that’s very different than we have been told.

Of course he is right. There is no much doubt about this. He has the right to refuse to get vaccinated right to express his personal as well as his professional opinion.

He is not alone in this one though. Several scientists have argued on similar grounds and have asked for the vaccination program to be paused or abandoned.

He might not be alone, but he's in a miniscule minority of people.

The percentage of people who dispute the official narrative is lower than the percentage of sex offenders who think child molestation should be legalised.

Can you also provide a source for what you said in your second paragraph. Or is it in your signature?!?!

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

What isn't being said is that if you do get covid, the vax reduces the duration and severity of the infection.

This alone makes it worth while. Covid caused a huge loss of productivity due to people being sick. The vax reduces this.

That's another lie. "the vax" doesn't reduce the duration or the severity, this isn't a conclusion based on a shred of science.

I refused all these jabs and finally got Covid and my symptoms were identical (fever, cold shakes, and a mild cough), as 15 coworkers who were jabbed and boosted, but my symptoms didn't last as long as theirs did, and a couple of them had to be hospitalized.

One of those co-workers is still brainwashed though. When they returned to work she couldn't wait to share her opinion "I'm really glad I got "Vaccinated" or my symptoms would have been much worse" is what she said. I just smiled at the time. I wanted to laugh out loud, but this co-worker is very sensitive to having her politically motivated beliefs challenged.

I bet you can relate to her.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Another qualified claim by Mr Zombies...
I am sure he has the evidence for it.

The percentage of people who dispute the official narrative is lower than the percentage of sex offenders who think child molestation should be legalised.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

What isn't being said is that if you do get covid, the vax reduces the duration and severity of the infection.

This alone makes it worth while. Covid caused a huge loss of productivity due to people being sick. The vax reduces this.

That's another lie. "the vax" doesn't reduce the duration or the severity, this isn't a conclusion based on a shred of science.

I refused all these jabs and finally got Covid and my symptoms were identical (fever, cold shakes, and a mild cough), as 15 coworkers who were jabbed and boosted, but my symptoms didn't last as long as theirs did, and a couple of them had to be hospitalized.

One of those co-workers is still brainwashed though. When they returned to work she couldn't wait to share her opinion "I'm really glad I got "Vaccinated" or my symptoms would have been much worse" is what she said. I just smiled at the time. I wanted to laugh out loud, but this co-worker is very sensitive to having her politically motivated beliefs challenged.

I bet you can relate to her.

If you are not in a high risk group then natural immunity is by far the best path. One word describes natural immunity: Superior

As the matter of fact no competition between these two processes.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

What isn't being said is that if you do get covid, the vax reduces the duration and severity of the infection.

This alone makes it worth while. Covid caused a huge loss of productivity due to people being sick. The vax reduces this.

It's not being said because it's not true.

The vax increases your risk of future infection with each booster. Your assertion, like most you have parroted or fabricated, are lies made by paid promoters of pharmaceutical junk products and junk science.

He might not be alone, but he's in a miniscule minority of people.

The percentage of people who dispute the official narrative is lower than the percentage of sex offenders who think child molestation should be legalised.

Miniscule minority is the number of people that die from COVID.

Aside from the absurdity of this comment given the widespread disagreement about the disproven and discredited narrative, including from former federal MP and Australian (AMA) president Dr Phelps, I don't know who has to resort to making up statistics about the exploitation of children to make a point. Many of the narratives have been contradicted by the very officials that created them to begin with and by you from one month to the next. I don't know why you bring up a shocking thing like child rape as part of discussion on public health science, but it's disgusting that you specifically fabricated this as part of your pharma defense rhetoric.
edit on 12/23/22 by Ksihkehe because: (no reason given)

edit on 12/23/22 by Ksihkehe because: Typo

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Merry Christmas! Great post as usual!

edit on 25-12-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 06:31 PM

The Georgia doctor noted that people who are vaccinated can still spread the virus and America has seen breakthrough cases. Some skeptics have pointed to breakthrough cases as evidence vaccines are ineffective

And the good doctor was correct as usual through simple observations and by applying common sense without being dogmatic or fearful of saying the truth.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

What isn't being said is that if you do get covid, the vax reduces the duration and severity of the infection.

This alone makes it worth while. Covid caused a huge loss of productivity due to people being sick. The vax reduces this.

This is only your erroneous belief. In real reality and practice it is blatantly false and provable so.

All where I work were jabbed except for me, as I held out for the supreme court decision that banned the mandate for employers over 100 people.

And everyone including me finally became infected and tested positive for Covid. My symptoms lasted less than those who were jabbed. My family who was also infected and not jabbed, their symptoms were less severe and less duration than those people I work with, and a few of them had to be hospitalized.

That right there alone proves you are only following the MSM's mantras that are unequivocally false.

I heard the same exact verbatim lies from the true believers at work, who after seeing proof of their mistaken beliefs, would still not acknowledge their false beliefs because of their overwhelming commitment to believing in their false messiahs in the media and Dr. death Fauci.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:02 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Asmodeus3

What isn't being said is that if you do get covid, the vax reduces the duration and severity of the infection.

This alone makes it worth while. Covid caused a huge loss of productivity due to people being sick. The vax reduces this.

This is only your erroneous belief. In real reality and practice it is blatantly false and provable so.

All where I work were jabbed except for me, as I held out for the supreme court decision that banned the mandate for employers over 100 people.

And everyone including me finally became infected and tested positive for Covid. My symptoms lasted less than those who were jabbed. My family who was also infected and not jabbed, their symptoms were less severe and less duration than those people I work with, and a few of them had to be hospitalized.

That right there alone proves you are only following the MSM's mantras that are unequivocally false.

I heard the same exact verbatim lies from the true believers at work, who after seeing proof of their mistaken beliefs, would still not acknowledge their false beliefs because of their overwhelming commitment to believing in their false messiahs in the media and Dr. death Fauci.

He is also cmsiming that herd immunity to Covid though vaccinations can be achieved and has been achieved in his country which are completely false. And his arguments have been refuted repeatedly. A simple search reveals why herd immunity isn't possible and if you have basic knowledge and apply the definition of herd immunity you will see that when a population isn't immune to future infections then herd immunity cannot be achieved.

Herd immunity was one of the pillars of the propaganda mechanism for the purpose to get as many possible to get vaccinated. It has been debunked.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: VulcanWerks
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The doctor is right.

I swear, when I see something like this, it only further my curiosity around MIS-A, and the idea that we’re dealing with a virus that’s very different than we have been told.

Of course he is right. There is no much doubt about this. He has the right to refuse to get vaccinated right to express his personal as well as his professional opinion.

He is not alone in this one though. Several scientists have argued on similar grounds and have asked for the vaccination program to be paused or abandoned.

He is certainly not alone.

What grinds my gears about all of this is we lost the ability to have discourse, and also crushed logical reasoning.

This guy is a #’in doctor. I have friends who are doctors, surgeons, etc. I have clients who are doctors, surgeons, etc.

They used to speak openly and voice their qualified opinions at the table of scientific debate.



You can’t snow me like that. You won’t talk? I’m over target.

I won’t and haven’t pressured these folks into sharing what they really think. Some have shared privately.

What concerns me is they don’t say what they think at all any longer without caveats.

That’s weird because docs have big egos. I get how they roll, maybe that’s why they’re my friends. But, they say nothing.

However, the above statements concerned the # out of me. That tells me all I need to know. They silenced the very people who are trained to keep humanity alive - and innovate to keep more people alive.

Love the docs, hate the system. Those docs spent years learning their craft, and they have to kneel at the foot of something that, in most cases, is not what they signed up for.

I bet many of us get that point, too.

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 04:02 AM

originally posted by: VulcanWerks

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: VulcanWerks
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The doctor is right.

I swear, when I see something like this, it only further my curiosity around MIS-A, and the idea that we’re dealing with a virus that’s very different than we have been told.

Of course he is right. There is no much doubt about this. He has the right to refuse to get vaccinated right to express his personal as well as his professional opinion.

He is not alone in this one though. Several scientists have argued on similar grounds and have asked for the vaccination program to be paused or abandoned.

He is certainly not alone.

What grinds my gears about all of this is we lost the ability to have discourse, and also crushed logical reasoning.

This guy is a #’in doctor. I have friends who are doctors, surgeons, etc. I have clients who are doctors, surgeons, etc.

They used to speak openly and voice their qualified opinions at the table of scientific debate.



You can’t snow me like that. You won’t talk? I’m over target.

I won’t and haven’t pressured these folks into sharing what they really think. Some have shared privately.

What concerns me is they don’t say what they think at all any longer without caveats.

That’s weird because docs have big egos. I get how they roll, maybe that’s why they’re my friends. But, they say nothing.

However, the above statements concerned the # out of me. That tells me all I need to know. They silenced the very people who are trained to keep humanity alive - and innovate to keep more people alive.

Love the docs, hate the system. Those docs spent years learning their craft, and they have to kneel at the foot of something that, in most cases, is not what they signed up for.

I bet many of us get that point, too.

It's precisely what happens when science is blended with politics or when it is replaced by politics.

It's beyond belief that doctors won't be allowed to treat their patients according to their knowledge and expertise but they have to follow and actually obey the instructions given by the CDC. Any deviation will bring consequences to the doctors and or even nurses who have been trained to do their job. Their job is not to follow orders by the way.

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