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New Compelling Bigfoot Video

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posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 07:53 AM
loud ass boat motor still within hearing range and more than likely still within sight from the cover of the brush, yet ol big foot decides it safe to cross a wide open space, and not even moving that fast

edit on 14-12-2022 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 09:54 PM
I have a friend who used to work on Hollywood sets - building them. He still does some work now and then as he lives next to one of the lots. He owns an incredible Big Foot costume - hand made because he is obsessed with Big Foot - just the fun of the idea of it.

Once he put that on and started walking around - nothing will ever convince me these videos are anything other than a man in a costume. Trust me, Ive lived in Alaska and Colorado where all the Bigfoots live *wink wink* and have all the souvenirs from all the places. When I was a little kid and hiking with cousins in the woods of Kincardine Canada, we would hunt for Big Foot and scare ourselves with our own minds. lol

But in that video, I just see a dude in a suit having some fun...

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 10:19 PM
I think PiratesCut nailed it... can see the boat wake leading from the shore.


This video reminds me of the day my father and I encountered a possible bigfoot while out fishing in a boat. We heard a loud howl, then saw a large tree being hurled into the river.

The splash from the tree shook our boat. My father claimed he saw it - an 8-foot-tall, hairy creature blending in with the treeline. It was an unforgettable experience that I'll never forget.


posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: imitator

Just cause this was a fake.
Fun, but fake.
It does not mean I think Bigfoot is fake.
New creatures are found all the time.
If he is out there he’d have to be real smart.
Some of the vids where you hear them, a language. Wow!
Someday the truth will be known.
I’d like to live long enough to see him become reality.
Would we leave them be if we found them?
I hope so…..


posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: theatreboy

No. It doesn't.

I've seen him, and I was stone cold sober.

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: seagull

I’ve never seen a Sasquatch in real life but man, oh man, would I ever love see and interact with one.
A nice, kind even, female Bigfoot.

Both me and many others have also seen things IN the Sea.
You’ll never hear this talked about except between one, maybe three fishermen and only in an out of the way place, away from people.
One thing above all stands out in these cases. In ALL the sightings that have been described to me over years, it’s always during Big Storms when it’s seen, and are all nearly identical looking.
Ever hear of the Aquatic Ape theory?
I can also tell you that the surface foam generated during big blows can and does create trippy and really weird 3 dimensional things to see just below the surface. 🤷‍♂️
And Fog, you see really weird chit in a heavy Fog.
Fog so thick that the extremely powerful deck-lights makes it look like diamonds and rainbows are floating the air all around the boat.
By the way, Saint Elmo’s Fire is a real thing and it’s only when the air far offshore is electrified during Thunder Storms. I’ve seen it, whole crews have seen it.
St. Elmo's Fire was only seen when the weather was so bad that we had to stop working and just lay-too or jog it out with the deck-lights off.
When the wind was really screaming and the waves were becoming mountains having their tops ripped off, shredded.
The first time I heard Thunder Snow was also far offshore during a major blow.
Offshore Fishermen are in general are a very, very suspicious bunch of guys.
You would not believe some of the dumb stuff I’d hear over the years.
Two examples.
# 1 Never ever whistle on a boat.
Whistling up a wind a wind is a throw back from the age of sail, at least around here.
# 2 Never turn a hatch cover upside down. That should only happen when a boat has rolled over.
I could go on and on but, you get the idea. Right?

Is Sasquatch real, with a cousin in the sea?

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: PiratesCut

I spent a number of years working the fishing boats in Alaska. Out of Dutch Harbor, Sand Point, St. Paul, and Kodiak.

...and, yes, I've seen some strange things, and heard of stranger.

Aquatic ape, however, is a new one on me!!

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: PiratesCut
a reply to: seagull

I’ve never seen a Sasquatch in real life but man, oh man, would I ever love see and interact with one.
A nice, kind even, female Bigfoot.

Both me and many others have also seen things IN the Sea.
You’ll never hear this talked about except between one, maybe three fishermen and only in an out of the way place, away from people.
One thing above all stands out in these cases. In ALL the sightings that have been described to me over years, it’s always during Big Storms when it’s seen, and are all nearly identical looking.
Ever hear of the Aquatic Ape theory?
I can also tell you that the surface foam generated during big blows can and does create trippy and really weird 3 dimensional things to see just below the surface. 🤷‍♂️
And Fog, you see really weird chit in a heavy Fog.
Fog so thick that the extremely powerful deck-lights makes it look like diamonds and rainbows are floating the air all around the boat.
By the way, Saint Elmo’s Fire is a real thing and it’s only when the air far offshore is electrified during Thunder Storms. I’ve seen it, whole crews have seen it.
St. Elmo's Fire was only seen when the weather was so bad that we had to stop working and just lay-too or jog it out with the deck-lights off.
When the wind was really screaming and the waves were becoming mountains having their tops ripped off, shredded.
The first time I heard Thunder Snow was also far offshore during a major blow.
Offshore Fishermen are in general are a very, very suspicious bunch of guys.
You would not believe some of the dumb stuff I’d hear over the years.
Two examples.
# 1 Never ever whistle on a boat.
Whistling up a wind a wind is a throw back from the age of sail, at least around here.
# 2 Never turn a hatch cover upside down. That should only happen when a boat has rolled over.
I could go on and on but, you get the idea. Right?

Is Sasquatch real, with a cousin in the sea?

Sasquatch has been sighted swimming in the PNW between islands so who knows how much time they spend in the water.

I’d love to hear some of the weird things you’ve seen out on the water.
edit on 16-12-2022 by underwerks because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: jtrenthacker
Always suspicious when people are filming seemingly for no reason.

Then you don’t take your camera and track down that $hit on foot?

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: ctccta787
a reply to: jtrenthacker
dude, you saw a a Bigfoot, why didnt you film it?

dude, you filmed a Bigfoot, thats fake as f##k.

i dont care. you think guys in monkey suits are having fun in the woods,

i dont know what to say to you.

And just where would one go to find a form-fitting bigfoot suit? Me thinks find THAT would be hard enough.

Framework is what concerns me IF the subject matter appears to pass my eyeball test. THIS video passed that test. It's the framework (out to film what?, in the middle of a lake) of the event that has me wondering.

I do note that the subject appears to be hunched over such as we see in the PG film, another eyeball test-pass but with off-the-scale framework red flags. Oddly, both the PG film and this one are absolutely fun/terrific. I'm not dismissing either film. I think people go way too far overboard with dismissing virtually any Sasquatch footage presented. This footage is damned compelling.

Its the situation. The seeming convenience and readiness to catch the subject on that "open stage" shrouded by if it was perfectly timed, lit and near-centered for us to catch it.

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: mzinga
a reply to: underwerks

Curious to hear the image analysis people on this site who can easily debunk this one if this is CGI. From 100,000 feet this looks pretty awesome. My biggest issue would be the vid looks super strange when zoomed in almost like a halo but I'm not one of the classic vid debunkers that lives here that would be able to point out and specifics that screams CGI.

I would also question did this guy go up and get any footprints as if this thing is as large as the vid indicates, it would leave quite the tracks.

At this point they have proven to be shills and of little use but to expose themselves as such. This COULD be fake and might well be. The gate did resemble the walk of the humanoid critter in the Patterson film. The only thing that keeps me from jumping in with both feet on these is the fact, or so I believe now, that there seem to be no bones found or a real one captured. Still I will remain open to the possibilities.

edit on 16-12-2022 by Justoneman because: sad da

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: seagull

It’s definitely an out there theory, for sure.
I’m not going any further with the subject other than to say, I’m far from alone when it comes to this stuff.
Look into it…….focus on Nor’eastern Greenland for starters.

As you yourself have seen.
There’s weird Chit out there, of that there is no doubt.


edit on 08-19-2021 by PiratesCut because: fix

posted on Dec, 17 2022 @ 07:14 AM
I am a believer in Sasquatch, when it "flits" into our realm. There have been many cases where Sasquatch tracks are followed, sometimes for miles, and then suddenly they simply stop, as if whoever/whatever was making the tracks vanished from our realm. Several cases.

Go back and read myriad accounts over hundreds of years and Sasquatch appears to be mostly covert; extremely intent on hiding or hasty retreat. Such is why I have a decidedly marked suspicion about known huckster Patterson and his supposed man-of-his-word partner and their absolutely terrific film. A film that I find very compelling. But here is my problem, the framework. P/G set-out with the intent to film a Sasquatch. Try that on for size, people. As the old saying goes, you don't find Sasquatch, Sasquatch finds you. Well, not only did P/G find one, they managed to film it dead center for an extended period AND the subject seemed all too happy to remain out in the open so as to be seen, not unlike a prancing model walking the catwalk. This behavior is decidedly contrary to the myriad reports about Sasquatch being stealth, covert and intent on hiding in a mere instant. Further, the subject barrels through the film with the finesse of a steamroller; not the swift, fast-twitch reactionary swiftness as related in those many past accounts. And why isn't there more to be seen? Why can we not see it barrel into the brush? For two armed guys with the agenda to film a Sasquatch they certainly lacked a certain expected bravery as our suspicious subject set for the foliage, despite their great curiosity. All of that aside, I love the P/G film.

Like with orbs. Like with many UFO accounts and some on film. Like with the supposed CIA backed remote viewing account from decades ago of creatures in Loch Ness that suddenly vanish. I could go on and on. A re-occurring theme of sorts. A pattern? I don't know.

I truly believe the whole Sasquatch legend suggest something more paranormal than any super high IQ offshoot of man or undiscovered hominid.

posted on Sep, 19 2023 @ 04:42 PM
No way that footage is even close to the P-G film- too far away to see any detail!!

posted on Sep, 20 2023 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: underwerks

Was waiting for the narrator to say... "my momma always said, life was like a box of chocolates".

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: underwerks

it looks too light compared to the shade of the foliage and I think it could be an inserted overlay of sorts into the video. looks almost animated, but I don't know. He's a LORGE BOI

I absolutely believe that Sasquatch is real, but I'm skeptical of someone who is able to take a video when you'd be so stunned if you actually saw something like that, that I think it's really suspicious that the person was also able to get the perfect shot of the thing.
edit on Oct❥2023 by rukia because: (no reason given)

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