posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 02:06 PM
What people don’t want to accept is that it’s the phenomenon that is running the show. There in control.
In other words, they are the subject, the one doing something to something else—that’s us: the earth, humans and this world, and the skies and
seas, and our earth's environment are the object ---that Is that which is operated upon.
We are the yin, and they are the yang.
There are no big cases or flaps lately, then it’s because the phenomenon hasn’t done anything to cause a flap or big event.
At best, all that can be done is maintain Mufon-type monitoring of the events. Communications like this forum.
And the new UAP groups can get their super cameras and monitor the skies….
That’s about it
Oh…and of course, the exotic UFO tribe and the more sober UFO acolytes can continue their various and alternating extrapolations of UFO
phenomenon…past, present, and future in that continuing circle of communicative speculations.
I repeat, we must accept it as a yin thing to the phenomenon’s yang. Then in time, knowledge might flow the way we can recognize it.
I know we all want something significant to happen along these lines, but we have to be patient. It will likely come soon enough.
Of course,
will tell
As time, in the end, tells all things