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90,000 new isolation pods built in Racoo...ehrm, Guangzhou city.

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posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
It gives me a terrible feeling of despair to see what's been unfolding in 'Zero COVID' China over the past couple of years.. And it's even more disquieting to realise that the evil bastards under the aegis of Klaus Schwab & all the little quislings under his employ are determined to bring that sort of societal control to the Western nations too. We need some sort of revolution, a quiet war in which the good people within the military industrial complex establish an alternate power structure - I can't believe I'm saying it, but I believe a military coup may be preferable to what the World Economic forum has in store for us.

We're almost 3 years in, and so far most of the G20 has actually gone the other way. No lockdowns, no covid passports, no mandatory vaxxing, mask wearing is mostly optional, the schools are back open. Life is pretty much back to normal, and most governments agree that locking down so dramatically at the start was extreme overkill.

You say that this is what they want, yet it's the total opposite of what we now have. If anything governments are acting like covid is simply a bad case of the flu for most people.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

And . . . most of the new cases are in people who are vaxxed 😲

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 04:07 PM
Account at youtube was terminated, that seems a bit extreme.

Dont doubt it, wonder how many protestors will be "diagnosed" and have to be put in them.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
It gives me a terrible feeling of despair to see what's been unfolding in 'Zero COVID' China over the past couple of years.. And it's even more disquieting to realise that the evil bastards under the aegis of Klaus Schwab & all the little quislings under his employ are determined to bring that sort of societal control to the Western nations too. We need some sort of revolution, a quiet war in which the good people within the military industrial complex establish an alternate power structure - I can't believe I'm saying it, but I believe a military coup may be preferable to what the World Economic forum has in store for us.

We're almost 3 years in, and so far most of the G20 has actually gone the other way. No lockdowns, no covid passports, no mandatory vaxxing, mask wearing is mostly optional, the schools are back open. Life is pretty much back to normal, and most governments agree that locking down so dramatically at the start was extreme overkill.

You say that this is what they want, yet it's the total opposite of what we now have. If anything governments are acting like covid is simply a bad case of the flu for most people.

This is some more nonsense propaganda.

The CDC v-safe data showed 8 percent of people reported side effects severe enough to be hospitalized. They had to be sued for over a year to release it. Under reported VAERs has 10s of thousands of deaths which is probably 100x that and the swine flu vaccine got pulled after 50 or so deaths. There's millions of injured people as well. People are dying suddenly all over the place, all cause mortality is 40% above baseline in highly vaccinated countries. Birth rates are down 70% in Australia. They lied about everything every step of the way. They just agreed at COP27 to integrate vaccine passports for global travel. They fired countless people who wouldn't comply with the clot shot mandates. Forced people to receive remdesivir which they know would kill them. And it's all part of the WEF future hellscape.

And you have the nerve to say "DURRRP It's all back to normal." No it's NOT.
edit on 4-12-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2022 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf
I came back to this thread to share the video with a friend..... and 'poof', like you said it has gone!

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