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Priority #1 Elon Musk To Address Twitter’s Child Sexual Exploitation Problem

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posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: DavidsHope

First look around you. What do you see? Evil? Have you looked ever so closely as to find any “good” in your area.

Yes, the most of the good moved out in 2021. There were [4] residences that were sold . All who sold were native born South Carolina.

One was the parents of my wife's doctor. Her doctor was joking with her in 2021 and asked as to what is up with the laser light shows at our house. Her doctor thought it was us as they live on the other side of the lake. My wife it was next door and they do that when they have over 30 adult and hookers of all ages performing on their stripper stage for a weekend marathon. So in 2022 my wife sees her again for the annual checkup and my wife asks her whether she has seen any more laser light shows. The 30 something female doctor had the look of fear on her face and never responded. She looked scared. Her parents must have told her what they know. Were done here. Almost 5 years of our life has been lost. Were too afraid to be outside when they are home as all they do is try to entrap you. Watch that video and you will understand.

The ones who moved in were from out of state and already knew the other "evil" ones. So prior to that the count was [4] evil in total. Now its up to [6]. Two of the families are good young couples with kids. Last year in August 2021 Father Morey told me that we may have to move as evil is always trying to expand.

It is our job to pray for all. Many people call themselves Christian but they are not. You can tell the real deal just at a glance or "read" of their words. Pray for these evil pedophiles in your neighborhood. It is the right thing to do. One day pedophilia will stop. I hope Musk plays a part in it. One day your neighborhood will be free of evil.

I am considered spiritually gifted at the far right extreme end of the bell curve by the Catholic Church. However I am pragmatic and I don't wear religion on my sleeve. I am also considered an Empath by the Church and several PhD's. I have always been a fixer in my entire life. However this is not my fight and I will not lose my life over it. For all I now this guy is connected nationally within our health care system. They have access to children. They also have access to cartels.

Yes, we pray for the wicked and evil also. Last year I was told to pray to Saint Michael the Archangel. I did but I began to become more angry. Then I hurt someone with a text this August. I told my wife as that isn't my personality. I have since stopped praying to him so I now pray weekly to the rosary. I have settled down and am now more at peace. That's alot of Hail Marys and Our Fathers.

No I am done with this scene. Its now up to the Feds to clean it up.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

Thank you The2Billies. You are right on.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Are they they a cabal of shapeshifting cannibal lizard pedophiles, like Qanon has been suggesting?

I don't follow Q Anon. Wow so from New Zealand! Ground Zero for the New World Order! So, how do you like your salary and benefits with them? No, they are a Cabal of One-Per-centers who traffic drugs and possibly children.

but don't make a public show of something that is probably not 'real', to try rally the kooks and bolster up a failing investment

You don't make any sense. Our property value is up almost 100%. Possibly because of the traffickers and their Cabal?

edit on 28-11-2022 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
FYI I live in a above average white collar neighborhood. I believe in God, The Constitution of the USA and laws. The drug trafficking and possibly child trafficking are way over the top in this neighborhood. I have a neighborhood in which there are several families that all have each others backs meaning they are all in on it. Whatever they are up to is downright shady. I have contractors that will never do work at my home again not because of my wife and I "because the neighbors are pure evil" according to Wesley. Several months after he said that I witnessed what he saw. Its evil. I have made my referrals and we will move.

When it comes to "child trafficking" what do you mean by it exactly? No one's daughters are getting regularly abducted to never be heard from again in an upper middle class neighborhood. That's what trafficking is, moving numerous people and in this instance those under 18. If families in your neighborhood had multiple daughters that vanished to never be heard from again there would be hell to pay im sure. At the least it would be all over the news.

Drug trafficking is a little different. That's moving large amounts of drugs but in your case you might mean the sale of drugs in the neighborhood, please let me know if my assumption is wrong. In order for that to be happening, you need customers. This would mean a lot of your neighbors or at least their adult children are regularly buying drugs from the dealers, might even be involved in the business and selling them as well. That's a problem at the root level of the people themselves, the people driving to the neighborhood enabling it would be replaced by the next group that does the same thing if they weren't there, it's fueled by demand.

I believe in him and will pray for him and may God bless him. Its also time to grow a pair and fight against evil.

I'm not sure that this will help or that Elon Musk is who you think he is. On another note, I found this article that seems relevent:

A former Virginia police officer, believed to have murdered a teenager’s family in Riverside, California after “catfishing” her online, was killed in a shootout while trying to flee authorities, the city’s police department said in a news release.

Officers with the Riverside Police were dispatched Friday to check the welfare of a young female who appeared distressed while getting into a red car with a man, police said. While officers were responding, 911 dispatchers began getting calls about a fire in the same neighborhood, just a few houses away from where the welfare check originated.

Firefighters discovered three adult victims lying in the front entryway of the burning home. When they pulled them outside, it was determined they were victims of an apparent homicide, the release stated.

A preliminary investigation determined the young female described in the initial call was a teenager who lived where the house fire and homicides occurred, police said.

The man she accompanied was eventually identified as Austin Lee Edwards, 28, of North Chesterfield, Virginia, according to the release.

Detectives said they believe Edwards had met the teen through the common form of online deception known as “catfishing,” where someone pretends to be a different person than they actually are.

According to police, Edwards had developed an online relationship with the teen and obtained her personal information. He then traveled from Virginia to Riverside, where he parked his vehicle in a neighbor’s driveway and walked to the teen’s home, the release stated. At some point, authorities believe Edwards murdered the teen’s grandfather, grandmother and mother before walking back to his vehicle with the teen and leaving.

Several hours after the bodies were found, Edwards was spotted driving with the teen through San Bernardino County, police said.

According to the release, Edwards exchanged gunfire with the San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputies attempting to stop him, was shot by deputies, and was later pronounced dead at the scene.

The teen was unharmed and later placed into protective custody of the Riverside County Department of Public Social Services, police said.

How much would you like to bet that she was in on it and the investigation will show that they planned it together?
edit on CST12Mon, 28 Nov 2022 12:43:21 -060000000011b2022 by Thrumbo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 12:41 PM
Do not fear for your life, make your actions a prayer to God. The universal Church of Rome. Man. Out of the frying pan into the fire.

I hope you keep your strength up dude.

a reply to: Waterglass

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: Thrumbo

Why would they abduct children from their own neighborhood?

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: Waterglass
The best way to prevent children from being exploited by the genocidal socialist media is by restricting their access to it till the age of 21. No parent should allow their children to enter into contract with it.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: chr0naut

Are they they a cabal of shapeshifting cannibal lizard pedophiles, like Qanon has been suggesting?
I don't follow Q Anon.

But Musk does, or, at least he has restored the accounts of previously de-platformed Qanoners, and is now, himself, repeating their favorite topic.

Wow so from New Zealand! Ground Zero for the New World Order!

I think that the US is ground zero for the new world order. There's more stuff about it coming from there than from any other country on the planet.

So, how do you like your salary and benefits with them? No, they are a Cabal of One-Per-centers who traffic drugs and possibly children.

There is no reason for any one-percenters to risk their vast fortunes doing anything illegal. The problem of ultra-capitalism is not crime (which is usually done by the poorest, and most disenfranchised in society. And historically, the rich own the legal process and usually use it against the poor).

One of the major tropes of Qanon is the 'pedophile elite'. So much so that well meaning but deluded people have gone into a pizza shop, with guns blazing, to rescue the imprisoned children from the basement. There were no imprisoned children, nor was there even a basement. It was a pizza shop.

but don't make a public show of something that is probably not 'real', to try rally the kooks and bolster up a failing investment
You don't make any sense. Our property value is up almost 100%. Possibly because of the traffickers and their Cabal?

What I said has nothing to do with property prices.

Elon Musk recently purchased the company Twitter. While it was valued at about $35 billion, Musk ended up purchasing it for about $44 billion, which was about $9 billion more than it was then worth.

Subsequent to that, most of the technical staff that run Twitter, and have a deep knowledge of its code, have left the company, devaluing Twitter even further.

Musk's requests fr staff to work unpaid overtime - or to quit, has not helped the situation - it is like he is so abstracted from the real world that he doesn't realize people who work for him have lives and fiscal needs. And also that they have the knowledge that gives such an information technology enterprise its value.

So he is fairly desperate to turn things around before Twitter dies and he looses the billions he blew on it. One way is to make Twitter into 'conspiracy central', like many of those other platforms that collected together those that Twitter previously de-platformed.

Musk is now restoring the accounts of those previously booted off Twitter, but in all likelihood, these people have moved on now, so things are fairly desperate for him.

As other failed social media platforms (MySpace, Digg, Pownce, Ello, Xanga, Orkut, Friendster, Yahoo! Buzz, Ping, etc) attest, social media as an investment is all about fashion and sensationalism. As soon as it becomes truly innocuous and mundane, it is the end.

edit on 28/11/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Touche'...thank you!

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

"Correct as prayer goes both ways."- that says it all, Waterglass. And I know it...

God Bless ya...

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

just so ever one knows , Elon Musk did not kill himself.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: Waterglass

Are they they a cabal of shapeshifting cannibal lizard pedophiles, like Qanon has been suggesting?

Sure, get rid of the criminals, but don't make a public show of something that is probably not 'real', to try rally the kooks and bolster up a failing investment.

Sorry for the cynicism, but this move is so obvious.

So just make a joke out of Elon's move here
Yeah that does seem to be the go to answer from the Left.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 03:43 PM
The most interesting about this thread is the reactions to derail and ridicule, because they speak for themselves and the members writing them.

If you feel addressed, don't reply to me because your opinion is worth nothing, pedo excusers. Sick.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 03:43 PM
Public release of critical files showing damning internal communications at Twitter is imminent.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 06:30 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
FYI I live in a above average white collar neighborhood. I believe in God, The Constitution of the USA and laws. The drug trafficking and possibly child trafficking are way over the top in this neighborhood. I have a neighborhood in which there are several families that all have each others backs meaning they are all in on it. Whatever they are up to is downright shady. I have contractors that will never do work at my home again not because of my wife and I "because the neighbors are pure evil" according to Wesley. Several months after he said that I witnessed what he saw. Its evil. I have made my referrals and we will move.

So here comes Elon Musk who bought Twitter. Recall all those employees who quit? Did they quit over their so WOKE righteous ideas or was it some thing else. I defer to that its something else. I linked a video which if you have the time please listen to Mel K. This link is odd so once your on his site scroll down to the title as follows:

Elon just dropped a BOMBSHELL & pedophiles are FURIOUS. But can we trust him now? – Mel K Interview

Here's another story on Musk and Twitter

Priority #1’: Elon Musk To Address Twitter’s Child Sexual Exploitation Problem

Twitter CEO Elon Musk said Sunday the social media platform would make addressing its alleged child sexual exploitation problem his number one priority. Musk, who has made sweeping changes within his newly purchased $44 billion company, responded to a report shared by Twitter user EvaFoxU, which features a human trafficking survivor about how the company “has begun addressing the issue of posting child sexual exploitation content on Twitter after years of the platform’s inactivity on the subject under past management.

Here's another:

Elon Musks says the issue of child sexual exploitation content on Twitter is 'Priority #1'

So where is all of the USA MSM. This is a big deal by a big man. Also keep a close eye on those who trash or discredit him in public.

I believe in him and will pray for him and may God bless him. Its also time to grow a pair and fight against evil.

The MSM ran from this faster than humanly possible, as it forces them to ask the single most obvious question: Why didn't the previous Twitter admin do this? I mean, thousands of employees, many of them women (mostly girls really) and no one thought to do this?

Jack's handler, the legal goon who came up with,,, we are banning people who are projecting "wishes of harm" (her words) was, seemingly, fully on board with facilitating child exploitation being priority one at twitter.

Seems MAGA = "wishes of harm" but Child Trafficking, Exploitation etc. = Minor Attracted People are victims.

The Twitterati would like folks to think the issue is "democracy" when in fact it is Trafficking of all sorts,,, combined with... this...

In case folks haven't seen, Twitter is so much more than Happy Birthday Wishes to Bollywood Stars. American Phone-Tracking Firm Demo’d Surveillance Powers by Spying on CIA and NSA

In the months leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, two obscure American startups met to discuss a potential surveillance partnership that would merge the ability to track the movements of billions of people via their phones with a constant stream of data purchased directly from Twitter. According to Brendon Clark of Anomaly Six — or “A6” — the combination of its cellphone location-tracking technology with the social media surveillance provided by Zignal Labs would permit the U.S. government to effortlessly spy on Russian forces as they amassed along the Ukrainian border, or similarly track Chinese nuclear submarines. To prove that the technology worked, Clark pointed A6’s powers inward, spying on the National Security Agency and CIA, using their own cellphones against them.

If the above two issues are not included in the conversation about Twitter, then there really is no conversation at all.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 02:48 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: Waterglass

Are they they a cabal of shapeshifting cannibal lizard pedophiles, like Qanon has been suggesting?

Sure, get rid of the criminals, but don't make a public show of something that is probably not 'real', to try rally the kooks and bolster up a failing investment.

Sorry for the cynicism, but this move is so obvious.

So just make a joke out of Elon's move here
Yeah that does seem to be the go to answer from the Left.

It's not a joke.

Twitter is not an arm of the law, it makes its money as an entertainment. It is not truth. In fact, an outrageous lie fits Twitter's modus better than a boring truth.

If you want to catch drug dealers and pedo's, arrest, and charge, and remove them from society, like what law enforcement does. Not whatever Musk is making vague reference to...

And what sort of investigation and punishment of anonymous criminals is Twitter capable of? All they can do is to accuse and to ban, and the crims will just go elsewhere.

Face it, this nonsense from Musk is purely PR, for PR's sake.

edit on 29/11/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 04:42 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Waterglass
FYI I live in a above average white collar neighborhood. I believe in God, The Constitution of the USA and laws. The drug trafficking and possibly child trafficking are way over the top in this neighborhood. I have a neighborhood in which there are several families that all have each others backs meaning they are all in on it. Whatever they are up to is downright shady. I have contractors that will never do work at my home again not because of my wife and I "because the neighbors are pure evil" according to Wesley. Several months after he said that I witnessed what he saw. Its evil. I have made my referrals and we will move.

So here comes Elon Musk who bought Twitter. Recall all those employees who quit? Did they quit over their so WOKE righteous ideas or was it some thing else. I defer to that its something else. I linked a video which if you have the time please listen to Mel K. This link is odd so once your on his site scroll down to the title as follows:

Elon just dropped a BOMBSHELL & pedophiles are FURIOUS. But can we trust him now? – Mel K Interview

Here's another story on Musk and Twitter

Priority #1’: Elon Musk To Address Twitter’s Child Sexual Exploitation Problem

Twitter CEO Elon Musk said Sunday the social media platform would make addressing its alleged child sexual exploitation problem his number one priority. Musk, who has made sweeping changes within his newly purchased $44 billion company, responded to a report shared by Twitter user EvaFoxU, which features a human trafficking survivor about how the company “has begun addressing the issue of posting child sexual exploitation content on Twitter after years of the platform’s inactivity on the subject under past management.

Here's another:

Elon Musks says the issue of child sexual exploitation content on Twitter is 'Priority #1'

So where is all of the USA MSM. This is a big deal by a big man. Also keep a close eye on those who trash or discredit him in public.

I believe in him and will pray for him and may God bless him. Its also time to grow a pair and fight against evil.

The MSM ran from this faster than humanly possible, as it forces them to ask the single most obvious question: Why didn't the previous Twitter admin do this? I mean, thousands of employees, many of them women (mostly girls really) and no one thought to do this?

Jack's handler, the legal goon who came up with,,, we are banning people who are projecting "wishes of harm" (her words) was, seemingly, fully on board with facilitating child exploitation being priority one at twitter.

Seems MAGA = "wishes of harm" but Child Trafficking, Exploitation etc. = Minor Attracted People are victims.

The Twitterati would like folks to think the issue is "democracy" when in fact it is Trafficking of all sorts,,, combined with... this...

In case folks haven't seen, Twitter is so much more than Happy Birthday Wishes to Bollywood Stars. American Phone-Tracking Firm Demo’d Surveillance Powers by Spying on CIA and NSA

In the months leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, two obscure American startups met to discuss a potential surveillance partnership that would merge the ability to track the movements of billions of people via their phones with a constant stream of data purchased directly from Twitter. According to Brendon Clark of Anomaly Six — or “A6” — the combination of its cellphone location-tracking technology with the social media surveillance provided by Zignal Labs would permit the U.S. government to effortlessly spy on Russian forces as they amassed along the Ukrainian border, or similarly track Chinese nuclear submarines. To prove that the technology worked, Clark pointed A6’s powers inward, spying on the National Security Agency and CIA, using their own cellphones against them.

If the above two issues are not included in the conversation about Twitter, then there really is no conversation at all.

I can't see who you are since your colors are too dark to read, but...
Check out this:

I'm familiar with the area since I was escorted off the property that lines up with the Pacific Ocean. Only took them ( MP 's ) with fully loaded military gear maybe less then 1.5 minutes to detain me. Luckily I was a nearby resident with full ID.

There mostly are govt. that do this and that is why future leaders better watch out what the hell they say on ANY phone transmissions. Also, back in the 70's the USAF already had the tracking of all walki-talkies on and off base.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

And what sort of investigation and punishment of anonymous criminals is Twitter capable of? All they can do is to accuse and to ban, and the crims will just go elsewhere.

Perhaps your right but none the less they are shining Light on an other wise dark and ignored corner of the internet . These Predators should be exposed one way or another .

Face it, this nonsense from Musk is purely PR, for PR's sake.

and ? It's good PR matter of fact it's inspiring and refreshing PR . We shouldn't belittle these efforts . We should support Musk in his efforts to expose this evil in the shadows of the internet preying on children .

I understand you are loyal to your party I like that about you chr0 , But even your loyalty is mis-placed in this instance.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: chr0naut

And what sort of investigation and punishment of anonymous criminals is Twitter capable of? All they can do is to accuse and to ban, and the crims will just go elsewhere.

Perhaps your right but none the less they are shining Light on an other wise dark and ignored corner of the internet . These Predators should be exposed one way or another .

Face it, this nonsense from Musk is purely PR, for PR's sake.

and ? It's good PR matter of fact it's inspiring and refreshing PR . We shouldn't belittle these efforts . We should support Musk in his efforts to expose this evil in the shadows of the internet preying on children .

I understand you are loyal to your party I like that about you chr0 , But even your loyalty is mis-placed in this instance.

This has nothing to do with party politics. It's Twitter - social media on the Interwebz.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: chr0naut

And what sort of investigation and punishment of anonymous criminals is Twitter capable of? All they can do is to accuse and to ban, and the crims will just go elsewhere.

Perhaps your right but none the less they are shining Light on an other wise dark and ignored corner of the internet . These Predators should be exposed one way or another .

Face it, this nonsense from Musk is purely PR, for PR's sake.

and ? It's good PR matter of fact it's inspiring and refreshing PR . We shouldn't belittle these efforts . We should support Musk in his efforts to expose this evil in the shadows of the internet preying on children .

I understand you are loyal to your party I like that about you chr0 , But even your loyalty is mis-placed in this instance.

This has nothing to do with party politics. It's Twitter - social media on the Interwebz.

lol yeah just keep telling yourself that

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