posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 08:45 AM
This is a simple one which I think has been much ignored by many churches, which surely wasn't deliberate, but it opens up a greater depth of meaning
for you when reading from the Old Testament, which many Christians struggle with, as it seems remote from the New Testament gospel message & the life
of Jesus & the Apostles.
Understanding that the plan of salvation - through the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross - was foreshadowed in the lives of dozens of high
profile Israelites & personages in the surrounding nations during Old Testament times is a key insight which enables us to witness the Providence of
God, having perfect oversight of the eternal plan of salvation right from the beginning, reflected in so many of the famous Israelites, it's
impossible not to see it when you've been shown that it exists!
Here's a link to a great explainer on the matter of 'Type/Antitype' characters reflecting the life of Christ (Type is the personage or concept
foreshadowing, Antitype is the actual person or concept being foreshadowed, the greater meaning, as it were) ~
Symbols & Meanings throughout the Bible
Here's an excerpt to introduce the concept:
When one begins to understand the flood of light that can come from studying types and antitypes, the Old Testament can come to life with its
deeper and richer meanings.
Adam – A 'Type'
Special attention is called to the fact that not every detail of a type has a corresponding antitype. For example, Adam is a type of Christ. The
Apostle Paul wrote, "Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses… who is the figure of him that was to come" (Romans 5:14). The word figure in
this passage is the Greek "tupos." So, Adam was a type of Christ, [who is] the antitype.
Adam is the father of our race and mankind is his posterity. Likewise, Jesus is the new Adam, the new life-giver. The Apostle Paul terms him "the
last Adam" (1 Corinthians 15:45). Mankind will have the opportunity for eternal life because of Jesus' sacrifice. He is therefore considered the
second Father of our race (Isaiah 9:6). But we cannot take this symbolism too far because Adam was a sinner while Jesus was "holy, harmless,
undefiled, separate from sinners" (Hebrews 7:26).
Christ's life is the key to God's Plan. The Scriptures tell us that he had two births and two lives. He was born of the flesh first and after his
crucifixion, he was born as a spirit being. 1 Peter 3:18 tells us he was "put to death in the flesh and made alive (the second birth) by the
There's a lot of insight to be gained from reading about the characters of Isaac, Joseph, Moses & others from this perspective of seeing their lives
as a foreshadowing of everything that would be embodied & accomplished by Christ when He came to the Earth much later than those original patriarchs.
I highly encourage you to read the linked article, it will perhaps give you a newfound appreciation for the depth & purpose of symbolism in the Old
And that's all I wanted to share on this topic, as the article speaks far better than I can on the issue, I hope you find it helpful. I particularly
found that it gave me greater understanding concerning the command to Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, a story which had never really made sense
to me, aside from loose meaning associated with total obedient faith, etc. Now I see it as a very clear example of Type/Antitype, and it fits
extremely well in the overarching narrative of Scripture. Once you see it, it's hard to see how you missed it before!