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Aren't we good at pointing the finger?

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posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 09:35 AM
Everyday I come to ATS and try to read as many threads as I can and I certainly have learned a lot from many of my fellow ATSers. (thank you all). But there is one thing I keep saying to myself... "ok, another thread that points the finger and lays blame" (and in many cases rightfully so.) but what good is that in the end?

I'll get to the point... I feel as if we are just sitting back complaining to each other rather than trying to find solutions for this increasingly hostile and demoralizing world we are living in.

I don’t want our rights taken away, I don’t want to see WWIII, I don’t want this world to destroy itself and I'm sure many of you share these concerns as well. We all have made it quite clear we are fed up with what our gov, other countries, and what this world has come to... but what can/should we do about it??

I'm sure your saying "yea sure Serum as if we can DO ANYTHING, we are "insignificant" and powerless" just like the system wants us to be." I know this thought well, I lived with it almost all my life thus far- but no more.

There are highly intelligent people here that may have a keen insight as to how to resolve certain conflicts and issues or at the very least may provide a small step in the right direction. Perhaps if we mention or discuss possible solutions to the issues we highlight we can somehow in the long run "make a change".

I know that is a lofty aspiration but at some point change HAS TO HAPPEN and hopefully not because the world is contaminated by radiation.

I read a quote somewhere that hit home. I think it was from a monk/Buddha/ or someone of the "zen" mentality... if anyone knows this please let me know who said it. It goes something like: "A butterfly flapping it's wings causes a tidal wave on the other side of the earth" (forgive me if I'm not accurate on the exact quote) But the point is we ARE all connected in some way and every action we take cause a chain reaction of events, in many case so subtle we don’t realize.

Maybe, just maybe, someone in the right place at the right time with the power to get the ball rolling will read one of our posts/solutions and walk away with the idea that we are on to something- you NEVER know.

Be well


[edit on 6-4-2005 by Serum39]

[edit on 6-4-2005 by Serum39]

[edit on 6-4-2005 by Serum39]

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 11:36 AM
Amazing... 34 views & not one reply as of now... perhaps I misinterpreted the spirit of ATSer's.

Silence speaks volumes.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 12:24 PM
yeah, you totally misinterpreted dude.

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