posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 03:41 AM
... I originally started this thread because when Iwas active in the U.S. military I was given a series of three (3) injections... To my knowledge
noone else was given these injections at this time...I was about a week away from returning to America, along with the rest of my squadron. There was
a corpsman in the sickbay whom I had gone to hospital corps school with., (he seemed more frightened than me when I was given the injections)
When I was given the shots in the military, they said they were for tetanus, typhoid, and flu.
In the short term I had some disturbing psychtropic reactions, but I have not been really ill since that time, even with the flu. Often now, if I feel
a cold coming on and I treat it phrophylatically with just asprin, I won't even get ill at all. Add this to the fact, that according to doctors, I
have a low white blood cell count!
A couple of years ago I was stabbed in the face with a knife. A day or two later I was gettig a sore throat, and thought I was coming down with
tetanus. I went to my doctor to get a tetanus shot and my symptoms were
dissapating around an hour later!
I was once bitten on the leg by a disabled person, in a group home. I went to the hospital for a series of hepatitis B shots, and I didn't have to
complete the series because according to the hospital I already had immunity, according to my blood work.
Now, ...I was released from active duty in the military over twenty(20) years ago!!
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