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Street Artist Banksy is in Ukraine

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posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: gortex

Obviously these are for the Ukrainians. Hence my talk about upping the moral, sometimes I wish people would read posts instead of just reacting.

That "graffiti" is worth millions Pounds.

It isn't. It's all make believe and the name. The graffiti only has sentimental and now probably historic worth. Nobody sane would buy that for millions, it's again, just gimcrackery in art circles and you fall for it because they say so. I own a 80s Rally car with Walter Röhrls signature in different places. That's a legend that actually moved something in the world, accomplished a bit more than defacing walls. And guess what, the car is not "millions" worth either. If I find an idiot that pays millions, yes then it is.

But most won't. Only a selected few will be willing to put such sums on the table and even then it's not because of the art itself mostly, it's for financial gain. And you think it's actually worth millions, everyone laughs into their fists lol.

Unless the sale of something that really isn't worth thousands or millions is actually a money laundering or black ops money exchange scheme. I have suspected 'art work' has been used for these types of transactions for a while now, as nobody questions it and it ts a sale of goods so receipted. The worst was that stupid banana stuck to a wall with duct tape, really who is gonna pay thousands for that unless it is just a front to move illegal money or hide the real movement of money.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: CthulhuMythos

Art or collector items are supposed to be one of the best way to launder money, when you already have a truckload of it. The value is speculative so hard to prove. And yet there is no law in place I can not pay 10.000€ for a strip of chewing gum showing Jesus doing BBQ.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: XipeTotex

Banksy sold out ages ago when he hit mainstream.

Actually Banksy is cashing in on his popularity. Just like any corporation does when they develop a "hot" item or service.

It's capitalism.

Spin it how you like, he sold out. Some people place value on money in this world.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: XipeTotex

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: XipeTotex

Banksy sold out ages ago when he hit mainstream.

Actually Banksy is cashing in on his popularity. Just like any corporation does when they develop a "hot" item or service.

It's capitalism.

Spin it how you like, he sold out. Some people place value on money in this world.

I place value on money, if you don't and want to get rid of yours; I'll take it...

In fact a Blanksy might be a good investment. I was fortunate to acquire a Picasso drawing and an original RC Gorman many years ago. Now I could sell them at an auction house and retire quite comfortably to surf and fish my days away.

edit on 13-11-2022 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: XipeTotex

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: XipeTotex

Banksy sold out ages ago when he hit mainstream.

Actually Banksy is cashing in on his popularity. Just like any corporation does when they develop a "hot" item or service.

It's capitalism.

Spin it how you like, he sold out. Some people place value on money in this world.

I place value on money, if you don't and want to get rid of yours; I'll take it...

In fact a Blanksy might be a good investment. I was fortunate to acquire a Picasso drawing and an original RC Gorman many years ago. Now I could sell them at an auction house and retire quite comfortably to surf and fish my days away.

Yeah but thats the thing, you can make money without selling out. Its all good either way, just choices.

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