I am a complete technophobe, not that I dislike new technology, I just avoid technology that I can't see any use for.
So, down to the nitty gritty.
I was watching a video the other day (UK's Neil Oliver to be precise) and it was on a platform called Patreon.
Now I know I had heard of it, but had no idea what it was about. I made a weird assumption it was another form of YouTube/Bitchute etc, but it's
For quite some time now I have been wanting to get away from Facethingy for a number of reasons.
My main reason is as follows, hence my interest in Patreon.
On Facethingy I have my personal page, by business page, a couple of general interest group pages and in particular a Private page for my students.
Within my Private student page there are students who have studied with me in the past, but just sit there in the background now, pretty much doing
nothing, but gleaning all sorts of useful information, hints and tips etc both from myself and other students/therapists. Some current students have
expressed their views that said people are getting basically free information, whilst others are paying for doing courses and they feel its unfair.
I was going to just have a clear out over Christmas by contacting the lurkers individually and give them the option to leave the group if they
were/are not intending to do any courses with me next year.
I also often get asked if I record my classes as maybe the date doesn't suit them to attend class live via zoom.
Some days I'll write an ;article' and put it all over my various groups and I get good responses and shares.
As I said I've been mulling the idea of 'monetising' what I do on there somehow, which is a no go with meta's rules and regulations.
I then considered looking into seeing if I could set up a members only section only accessible via password for more exclusive content.
I'm hoping you can see now where I'm going.
The universe decided to oblige me the other day by directing me to watch the Neil Oliver video where he was doing his comparison with past history to
what is going on now. That is how I found Patreon as he is on there.
The crux of Patreon is that you set up your account where people pay to have varying levels of access to your material.
On screen it appears to be the answer. But it is an American based company and I was wondering:
a) is there anybody else on here who uses this platform and how do they find it.
b) in particular any UK members who are on there and have there been any issues with it being an American based company?
Any advise, recommendations, hints, tips, would be very much appreciated.
Link to Patreon website
My apologies now if I've used wrong technical terms etc.