posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 05:10 PM
OK, now I know a very small bit of what Manly P. Hall says.
How does that make it so? You've lost me, regarding that point.
Why am I to take his word for it.
If I'm not mistaken, Hall is just another of hundreds of commentators on Freemasonry.
If these "enlightened" conspirators have been around for thousands of years, they aren't very enlightened. There have been many chances to gain
total control throught out the years. All they had to do was to throw support to the many that have almost done it without their help, ie, Ceasar,
Alexander, Napoleon, Hitler as well as others.
They missed huge opportuniies during and after WW1 & 2.
Where do the concentration camps come in.
I live and travel all over the US regularly. I am a building contactor who handles government contracts. If we were building camps all over the
I would have heard at least something.
And think about it, I agree that our liberties are being eroded slowly away but I don't see the benefit to the ruling class of having a discontented
populace. Who's going into these camps?
Let me also say that i know many, many, Freemasons. Many are 32nd degree and I know two 33rd degree.
If these guys are part of the insidious plot they are accused of then I understand why the plot isn't working well. These are great guys, and are
intellegent enough as men go. But they certainly aren't the calibre to be involved in something like that. They aren't that smart.