From his description of the accident, it sounds like he almost completely over-stepped the first step, but not quite. His foot slipped off the very
edge of the first step, and he fell backwards. Looks like when he fell back, he could have hit the edge of the porch. I can see how that would be a
back breaker. He should probably get porch railings and hand rails on both sides of the steps ,just to be safe.
a reply to:
I also want to point out that in the picture of
Dan's steps , the first step going up has no
"riser" or what might be called a kick plate.
Steps with no risers are not the strongest nor
the safest of steps.
Someone once told me his personal story
about how he broke his leg on steps with
no risers . His leg got caught between two
steps during a fall .This resulted in a severe
break, which caused bone marrow to get
into his blood stream. The bone marrow
caused a blood clot on one lung ,and subsequent
necrosis of the lung, due to lack of blood
flow, necessitated its removal a few weeks after
the accident.
It could have been worse ,since bone marrow
in the blood stream can also cause strokes.
Moral of the story is be careful on steps.
Be extra careful on steps with no handrails
nor risers.
If you are building steps, consider the fact
that steps with risers are stronger/safer.