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Australian average death rates still climbing.

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posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 02:54 PM
Tim does the weekly figures on the rising figures of excess deaths in the Australian population. Unfortunately, they are still at higher sustained levels. These are provisional data points from the government figures, this means that the sickness rate must be going up as well. He questioned the baseline that the government is using, they are including vax years in their average which screws the pre-vax average figures downward. When removed it shows one spike a fifty percent rise in the prepandamic average death rate. I wish we had some good news where this figure returns to the pre pandamic average.

posted on Nov, 3 2022 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Up 40% on this time last year with his calculations…
I think this is more realistic that 16 % what’s been floating around .
Big spike in deaths last February as well .

edit on 3-11-2022 by Scotchjimmy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2022 @ 06:49 AM

Virus Hits 7:1 Vaxxed Over Unvaxxed
Data analyst Ethical Skeptic concludes from CDC, Worldometers, Walgreens data: “A 7:1 appetite in the virus for the recently vaccinated”

Now data analyst “Ethical Skeptic” has compiled updates of some of the databases (Walgreens, Worldometers, CDC) that I examined in my book Neither Safe Nor Effective, and sees from the most recent data that COVID vaccinated people are seven times as likely to test positive for COVID as the unvaccinated, after adjusting for proportion of the population in each category and testing penetration in each group. Yes, it is possible that the unvaccinated may feel less interested in COVID testing, but have been more bullied into testing by employers and others (Graph 4).

posted on Nov, 4 2022 @ 08:45 AM
It's taking off. Greece is at 24.3% above normal for all cause mortality.

posted on Nov, 4 2022 @ 05:35 PM
I suspect it's gonna accelerate...

though I hope with everything in me that I am wrong.

It amazes me that even as the percentages grow, people are still trying to claim that it is unmet health needs, or delayed exams etc. There's gonna come a point where the math doesn't work. Anyone who is good with numbers could potentially prove it to be impossible based on current numbers.

posted on Nov, 4 2022 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

If a third of all deaths are medical misadventures. then with the lockdowns and the nonability to get medical care,it should have dropped the death rate. by a third as medical misadventure would not be an issue.

posted on Nov, 4 2022 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
I suspect it's gonna accelerate...

though I hope with everything in me that I am wrong.

It amazes me that even as the percentages grow, people are still trying to claim that it is unmet health needs, or delayed exams etc. There's gonna come a point where the math doesn't work. Anyone who is good with numbers could potentially prove it to be impossible based on current numbers.

Exactly, you could blame that back in 2020, but we're coming up on 2023. How long does this excuse work for? Also you're talking about astronomical SUSTAINED numbers.

posted on Nov, 5 2022 @ 08:53 AM
The less precaution, the more deaths.

posted on Nov, 5 2022 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: ChiMan

That is false...

as it pertains to covid strategies. I would like to hear how you justify that statement.
edit on 5-11-2022 by MaxxAction because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2022 @ 09:43 AM
Here in the UK I think I read that less than half of the over 50s they’ve invited for their latest jab have actually come forward.

The papers here already started reporting that the NHS is becoming overloaded and that this is only going to get worse if people don’t get their jab.

Knowing that it doesn’t stop you getting covid, it doesn’t stop transmission, it doesn’t stop you ending up in ICU and it doesn’t stop you dying. How exactly is me getting a jab helping the NHS?

Far better telling people if they are feeling ill with a cold or flu to stay away from vulnerable people. To wash their hands more often, cough or sneeze into a tissue. You know like decent people have been doing for decades. This does and would do far more than some chemical mixture that comes with side effects for some poor souls.

(I actually think if you’re very old you should get the jab. Covid just like the flu can be deadly for the old and vulnerable)
edit on 5-11-2022 by Tortuga because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2022 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: Tortuga

I don't know if you followed what was happening on this side of the ocean...

but our "leaders" pretty much did exactly the opposite. Several states, seven in total, more or less forced infected individuals into long term care facilities and nursing homes, putting the most vulnerable at risk of almost certain infection.

They forced social distancing and mask wearing for the perfectly healthy, under the mysterious and non existent specter of "asymptomatic spread." Some young woman spokesperson for the CDC came out in june of 20 and said that they had found that Asymptomatic spread didn't exist, and the next day they came out and "Re-defined" what the woman had said, and she never did another press conference.

They shut down local businesses, except weed dispensaries, liquor stores, strip joints, and bars. 25% of our locally owned restaurants didn't survive.

I was in Germantown TN, just outside of memphis in 2020, and the city council was out marching maskless with BLM while they were telling everyone else that if they didn't observe their arbitrary covid rules, their businesses would be chained shut.

Then they tied to enforce vaxx mandates on everyone, even if you had previosuly had covid and had natural immunity. They went as far as to say natural immunity was some kind of conspiracy theory.

They outlawed Hydroxychloroquine, and Ivermectin, and any other drug that could be off label re-purposed to try to cure people, and threatened doctors that would dare go against their murderous BS rules.

Finally, there was no guidance on how people could boost their immune systems while it is pretty common knowledge that average americans eat like #, and over 50% were vitamin d insufficient, and somewhere around 20% being completely deficient.

Mass madness...

posted on Nov, 5 2022 @ 10:11 AM


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