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Solar Dynamics Observatory caught the Sun's 'sinister smile' in time for Halloween

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posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 01:44 PM
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory has revealed the Sun's Halloween mask , or it's laughing at our stupidity , either way it's Spoooky.

Looks like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man's head to me.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: gortex
or it's laughing at our stupidity

"Another good wet burp and I'd set them back 300 years!"

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: gortex

Ohh boy. Elon takes over twitter and even the sun is trolling or warning us.

My limited understanding of magnetic fields and geometry makes me think this is a bad sign without the irony of the jacko face.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 02:50 PM
Yea I seen this a couple days ago. Kinda eerie eh?

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 03:01 PM
Hey BTW Gortex. I seen a few posts from you and know you appreciate music, so when i 1st saw this the otherday the first thing that came to mind was this album cover from a band called Riot.

Hope you like. It even adds more ATS weirdness huh?

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: gortex

should had added a jump scare at teh end.

posted on Oct, 30 2022 @ 02:04 AM
SOON. heh heh heh.

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