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NC School District Forfeits All Games Against Rival Team after Trans Player Injured Female

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posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 12:19 PM
You know since there is such a preponderance of Trans children these days. I mean isn't there at least one in every classroom?? Then perhaps there needs to be school's which are setup just for them and their special needs. Think of it no bathrooms or locker rooms need to be separated by sex since it's how you feel not what your genetic code reads. That's the answer right?? Then we can put this issue behind us and get back to being indignant at the next issue.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: MykeNukem

In all cases, probably not...but in at least some, that's exactly what it is.

Can't dominate/bully boys on the court/pool? Oh, hey, I bet I could dominate those girls over there!!!

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: zosimov

Maybe have 3 teams going forward.

Men, Women, and Trans.

Too fair?

I can already see the argument. Picture this, three locker rooms. men, women, and other. When you get two furries (funny, that word is underlined as if it's wrong! LOL IT IS!!!) one identifies as a cat, and one as a blue nose pit bull, there may be a fight. once that happens, who will be held responsible? I know it will be republican's fault, but I do enjoy asking, just to get those thinking juices flowing.

That's racist?

Did I think it right?...

if the end result is realizing you are racist due to your privilege, you must have done it right.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: MykeNukem

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: zosimov

Maybe have 3 teams going forward.

Men, Women, and Trans.

Too fair?

I can already see the argument. Picture this, three locker rooms. men, women, and other. When you get two furries (funny, that word is underlined as if it's wrong! LOL IT IS!!!) one identifies as a cat, and one as a blue nose pit bull, there may be a fight. once that happens, who will be held responsible? I know it will be republican's fault, but I do enjoy asking, just to get those thinking juices flowing.

That's racist?

Did I think it right?...

if the end result is realizing you are racist due to your privilege, you must have done it right.

Bah, I must have done it wrong.

I went and earned what I have.

I'll keep tryin...cuz if I do get this "privilege" someday, I'll take it, lol.

edit on 10/22/2022 by MykeNukem because: eh?

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: zosimov

I'm sorry, I cannot offer anything other than Clown World, smmfh.

why not have all the girls teams filled with men who pretend to be women, and level the playing field. Oh wait, that would just be men's sports.

No Sports any more.

Just Games.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
Earlier this month, a North Carolina male high school volleyball player identifying as a female slammed a spike into a girl's head, causing head and neck injuries from which she still hasn't recovered. In response, the Cherokee Board of Education voted 5-1 to forfeit all of its games against the offending school.
This is a great first step. If schools continue to put girls/women at risk by allowing males to compete against them, I'd love to see all of the opponents refuse to engage.
The schools looking for an unfair advantage might find themselves alone, without any competitors to face.
They can stick to intramurals and injure their own players this way; still harming females, but far fewer. Perhaps the teammates will find other schools and the self identifier can play with himself.
No one cares what you want to wear or how you feel, so long as you don't negatively impact real women.

Men shouldn't play in professional women's athletics. That much is common sense. Moving along, there's also a matter of decorum in competitive arenas. No prize justifies the application of brute force. If you're going to play games like a gorilla then you should submit your resume to the Gorilla Olympics and politely excuse yourself from civilized athletics.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: zosimov
Earlier this month, a North Carolina male high school volleyball player identifying as a female slammed a spike into a girl's head, causing head and neck injuries from which she still hasn't recovered. In response, the Cherokee Board of Education voted 5-1 to forfeit all of its games against the offending school.
This is a great first step. If schools continue to put girls/women at risk by allowing males to compete against them, I'd love to see all of the opponents refuse to engage.
The schools looking for an unfair advantage might find themselves alone, without any competitors to face.
They can stick to intramurals and injure their own players this way; still harming females, but far fewer. Perhaps the teammates will find other schools and the self identifier can play with himself.
No one cares what you want to wear or how you feel, so long as you don't negatively impact real women.

Men shouldn't play in professional women's athletics. That much is common sense. Moving along, there's also a matter of decorum in competitive arenas. No prize justifies the application of brute force. If you're going to play games like a gorilla then you should submit your resume to the Gorilla Olympics and politely excuse yourself from civilized athletics.

but is it, when in clown world? magic 8 ball says....don't count on it.
edit on 22-10-2022 by network dude because: Beto, what a stupid name

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: network dude

You still own one of those things? More efficient to toss a coin than play Cleverbot with what amounts to a dice in a snow globe.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: americanbuffalo1
You know since there is such a preponderance of Trans children these days. I mean isn't there at least one in every classroom?? Then perhaps there needs to be school's which are setup just for them and their special needs. Think of it no bathrooms or locker rooms need to be separated by sex since it's how you feel not what your genetic code reads. That's the answer right?? Then we can put this issue behind us and get back to being indignant at the next issue.

For something that's supposed to be rare, or at least very uncommon, it sure has become trendy common.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: americanbuffalo1
You know since there is such a preponderance of Trans children these days. I mean isn't there at least one in every classroom?? Then perhaps there needs to be school's which are setup just for them and their special needs. Think of it no bathrooms or locker rooms need to be separated by sex since it's how you feel not what your genetic code reads. That's the answer right?? Then we can put this issue behind us and get back to being indignant at the next issue.

There's a word for separating communities according to their physical characteristics and social status.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 03:42 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 05:40 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

So basically, this kid is not supposed to play as hard as "she" can in competition? Honestly, that goes against everything you are taught as a competitor.

Yes, when we spar we are expected to exert some control. We aren't trying to hurt each other as it's a game of skill more than brute force, but we are also expected to go hard or go home. To that extent, accidents happen and so do injuries. You aren't expected to be so scared of hurting your opponent that you constantly pull everything.

I am sporting a massive bruise across the front of my calf today from Monday because of this.

posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 11:40 PM
If some dude wants to put on a dress and pretend his is female, I really don't care. And I won't care until he uses that excuse to injure women in some way, or, he demands I play the enabler to his delusion. He has absolutely no right to dictate my actions and no authority to enforce his agenda on me or anyone else.

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 04:19 AM

originally posted by: nickyw
a reply to: zosimov

As a topic this appears to fit as our transubstantiation where both sides agree on a lot but where they don't agree it's so fundamental as become an immovable topic..

As a society all the various topics demonstrate is a deep struggle its having safeguarding its vulnerable groups.

wow you did kamala to a T!

i agree with the op.

stop dealing with that crap.

it'll only take a season or 2 to change.

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 04:25 AM

originally posted by: americanbuffalo1
You know since there is such a preponderance of Trans children these days. I mean isn't there at least one in every classroom?? Then perhaps there needs to be school's which are setup just for them and their special needs. Think of it no bathrooms or locker rooms need to be separated by sex since it's how you feel not what your genetic code reads. That's the answer right?? Then we can put this issue behind us and get back to being indignant at the next issue.

what i don't get is why these trans don't compete against men?

now THAT would be sumpthin, if she won!

too funny, white chicks is on. lol.

edit on 03/22/2022 by sarahvital because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: americanbuffalo1
You know since there is such a preponderance of Trans children these days. I mean isn't there at least one in every classroom?? Then perhaps there needs to be school's which are setup just for them and their special needs. Think of it no bathrooms or locker rooms need to be separated by sex since it's how you feel not what your genetic code reads. That's the answer right?? Then we can put this issue behind us and get back to being indignant at the next issue.

There's a word for separating communities according to their physical characteristics and social status.

does it begin with a D

and end with a T?

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 09:46 AM
How can Democrats take something so simple...

Men and women are different

And try and blend them into something similar.

Competition should be kept separate. I would think 90% of the world who are the few who push this agenda.

And even when its such a battle because so many people are against it, nope they got some power to push it through.

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: network dude

I find this ironic. For years Title IX has been used against men. There are those who believe that men are NOT covered by Title IX. Now that Title IX is being used against women, we hear all of this. I've seen articles by women who have gloated over Title IX's use against men. These same women are now screaming bloody murder now that it is being used against women.

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: JIMC5499

Of course people could let the gender fluid cult drive a wedge between males and females, but why would they?

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