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The Real Anthony Fauci Movie

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posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 07:44 PM
Well I just finished this. It's free for 10 days at the following link: (email sign up)

The first 30 minutes or so are kind of just Covid/lockdown/vaccine 101, but the rest of it (it's 1 hour and 49 minutes) is very eye opening.

So this is just a shout out to anyone who wants to watch it, that's in my opinion quite wort watching. Fauci has been at it in one way another since 1984.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 08:18 PM
Not going to give a summary or synopsis out anything?

I'm happy you had the time to watch it.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: lordcomac
Not going to give a summary or synopsis out anything?

I'm happy you had the time to watch it.

I'm still watching it. So far it appears to be about how Fauci has influenced the health and pharmaceutical industry to a huge degree since 1984.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: thebtheb

I wonder when Part 2 will be released?

The film was very enlightening and informative.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 11:05 PM
I'm watching now. The dude is a straight psychopath.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: NightFlight

Their support team said it'll be released "soon" and that the people who registered for the free screening will be notified.

As someone who read the book, the movie is following the same 'script', so I'm expecting part two to be even better! (As far as exposing Fauci for the true POS he truly is).

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: Shredder36
a reply to: NightFlight

Their support team said it'll be released "soon" and that the people who registered for the free screening will be notified.

As someone who read the book, the movie is following the same 'script', so I'm expecting part two to be even better! (As far as exposing Fauci for the true POS he truly is).

That's good to hear. I wanted to read the book, but I didn't want to spend that long being angry, so I'm hoping the movie is a good summary.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: thebtheb
Well I just finished this. It's free for 10 days at the following link: (email sign up)

The first 30 minutes or so are kind of just Covid/lockdown/vaccine 101, but the rest of it (it's 1 hour and 49 minutes) is very eye opening.

So this is just a shout out to anyone who wants to watch it, that's in my opinion quite wort watching. Fauci has been at it in one way another since 1984.

For more information on Fauci I have created a thread here

where the Nobel Prize Winner for the discovery of PCR, Kary Mullis, annihilated Fauci describing him as unfit and unsuitable to hold the position he did for many years.

The video is here:

The entire video can be found on the opening page.

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 12:07 AM
a reply to: Shredder36

Update for anyone who hasn't seen it: Part 2 will be released Tuesday.

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 12:15 AM

originally posted by: Shredder36
a reply to: Shredder36

Update for anyone who hasn't seen it: Part 2 will be released Tuesday.

Is it just a glorification of him or?

posted on Oct, 23 2022 @ 08:51 AM
New video!

Need to watch this one!

Describes perfectly Anthony Fauci back at the AIDS pandemic and makes comparisons to the current Covid-19 pandemic.

In the video it is discussed that everyone who followed his recommendations at any given time was severely damaged.

Dr Kary Mullis the Nobel Prize Winner for the discovery of PCR has heavily criticised him arguing the guy knew nothing and he shouldn't be in the position he is.

At one point a reference is made to AZT which was the most toxic and deadly form of chemotherapy which was backed up by Fauci and had devastating consequences for those who took it to fight HIV. An expensive chemotherapy that was abandoned as it was too toxic for cancer patients but yet was brought back to fight HIV and AIDS in complete disregard of what other scientists were saying against it.

Fauci sidelined a range of drugs that were available to doctors and backed Remdesivir, an ebola drug, which wasn't even given to those who had ebola due to its toxicity.

posted on Oct, 24 2022 @ 12:42 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: Shredder36
a reply to: Shredder36

Update for anyone who hasn't seen it: Part 2 will be released Tuesday.

Is it just a glorification of him or?

No, I think this will cover his testing on puppies and the other evil stuff he's done. The book and movie was written/created to do anything but glorify him.

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 05:31 AM
Im listening to the book by RFK Jr book right.
I love how adept he is at compilling data and references.

It might be a bit hard for most to listen or read, because ots sp data heavy, but I leaves no doubt in my mind that they #ed us up roayly both with the virus Gain Of Function, handling of the (deliberate?) pandemic and their covering up of established and proven to work durgs like Hydroxichloroquin and Ivermectin.

I didnt know the EUA rules were as they were... that in order to issue an EUA, there can be no proven licensed drugs that can provide treatment of the illness the EUA would be for.

So now it makes sense that hydroxichloroquin after having been sold as safe over the counter for 65 years suddenly required a perscription and was rounded up and stockpiled only to be destroyed...

Did you know, France.... revoked the authorization of HCQ on jan 17th 2020? Interesting timing...

And their basis and reference for "HCQ doesnt work for Covid-19" is its use on hospitalized patients, on ventilation, given too high a dose.....
When in fact HCQ was showing succes, being administered as soon as you knew you were infected.

If you go look at fact checks and old articles, they always reference lack of results on in-patients.
Clever since it was meant for out-patients.

In most cases cutting illness time down to half.

I highly recommend reading or listening that book.

And no, I dont own stock in it 😅 I just appreciate being offered data and coming up with my own calls, instead of being told by lying corrupt media like AFP, AP, Reuters, USA Today, CNN, MSNBC, etc etc what to think Nd feel....

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