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Detransitioners Crash School Board Meeting To Caution Against Transgender Ideology

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posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 02:20 PM
About time. We now have a unified Detrans group which will be going after the greedy and sick doctors and mental health professionals that are promoting insanity. Malpractice lawsuits incoming.

I certainly hope they go after the teachers and councilors in schools as well. Story below is heartbreaking. They got ahold of her at 11 and had her having a double mastectomy at 15!

I certainly hope it is time to pay for the crimes they have committed in the name of their sexuality religion.

Cole’s story documents how she was introduced to gender ideology at 11 years old, which led to her self-identification as a transgender boy at 12 years old. Cole had her hormones and was given puberty-blockers at 13 and a double mastectomy at 15 to remove both of her breasts. “gender affirming” She claims that her parents were emotionally manipulated by medical professionals to consent. One year later at the age of 16, she realized her irreversible error.

On Tuesday, Chloe Cole, Abel Garcia, and Cat Cattinson phoned into the Conejo Valley Unified School District’s (CVUSD) Board of Education meeting during their public comments session to voice their dissent about the ideology that caused to them to believe they were transgender and pursue medical transition. Although they were only allowed two minutes to speak due to time constraints, each was met with roaring applause from the audience in attendance.

Eighteen-year-old detransitioner Chloe Cole phoned in to tell the story of how gender ideology caused her to reject her female body, setting her down the path toward medical interventions with permanent consequences.

“I would get comments on my body both from peers and adults, some of which were sexual in nature,” Cole said of entering puberty. “I hated growing into a woman. I didn’t identify at all with the women around me. I decided that I wanted to become a boy and I chose a new name for myself: Leo.”

Cole’s story documents how she was introduced to gender ideology at 11 years old, which led to her self-identification as a transgender boy at 12 years old. Cole was prescribed puberty blockers and testosterone at 13, and received a double mastectomy surgery to remove her breasts at 15, all at the behest of “gender affirming” medical professionals who she says emotionally blackmailed her parents into giving their consent. Only one year later, at 16, she realized she had made an irreversible mistake.

“I had only about six months time between my initial referral and my actual surgery,” said Cole of her bilateral mastectomy. “Very quickly, I was given what I wanted, but it was far from what I needed. Two years later, I am still suffering from major complications.”

Cole ended her call by telling the school board that what happened to her could happen to other children if they continue to be “exposed to developmentally inappropriate and confusing content and ideas from a young age.”

Cole warned the school board that children should not be treated like adults and presumed to have the mental faculties for proper long term decision making.

“You are placing children in direct harm,” said Cole. “Children deserve better.”

We are a group of former transgender-identifying youth and adults who have come together to voice our dissent against "gender affirming care," influence policy, and provide a network of support for detransitioners.

We are a new support network and advocacy group created by detransitioners, for detransitioners.
We aim to help connect detransitioners with each other, mental health professionals, medical malpractice lawyers, and others who can provide support.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 02:45 PM
According to the Centers for Disease Control, about one million people in the U.S. identify as transgender. I want to hear from them.

Are there going to be some with regret? Of course.

But am I going to support Detransgerders because it's what I want to hear? What I want to support? NO

I support the right of all transgenders to be who they are and make decisions for themselves.

NOTE: I do not support any physical alterations or surgery for a minor.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: Annee
According to the Centers for Disease Control, about one million people in the U.S. identify as transgender. I want to hear from them.

Are there going to be some with regret? Of course.

But am I going to support Detransgerders because it's what I want to hear? What I want to support? NO

I support the right of all transgenders to be who they are and make decisions for themselves.

NOTE: I do not support any physical alterations or surgery for a minor.

You support drugs and hormones for a minor ?

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: Annee
According to the Centers for Disease Control, about one million people in the U.S. identify as transgender.

No offense, but the way that rolls off the tongue insinuates that its a disease.....

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: godsovein

originally posted by: Annee
According to the Centers for Disease Control, about one million people in the U.S. identify as transgender.

No offense, but the way that rolls off the tongue insinuates that its a disease.....

No kidding.

I am not the only one that noticed... LOL

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: godsovein

originally posted by: Annee
According to the Centers for Disease Control, about one million people in the U.S. identify as transgender.

No offense, but the way that rolls off the tongue insinuates that its a disease.....

Is is.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: Annee

Affirming and supporting a child to live in fantasy is the abuse.

Believing Santa Claus brings them presents down the chimney is one thing, telling them they can become the opposite gender using indoctrination, drugs and body mutilation is sick and disgusting.

My little girl used to play with our dog, she would crawl around the floor on all fours, bark and stick her tongue out and pant. Even at 7 years old she realised she wasn't a real dog, would you think it bad parenting if i told her she could become one in the future? Maybe i should graft her a tail.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: Annee

Lot's of bad parents now-a-days...


Lot's of people who shouldn't be having kids.
edit on 15-10-2022 by AutomateThis1v2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: Annee

Once you castrate yourself with chemicals and chop body parts off theres no going back.....

16 yr old female going bald after taking testosterone...

the chemical doesn't make you a man, only being born a man, can you become a man.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 06:44 PM
Not one time has a female 'transformed' into a male and competed against males in sports at a competitive level.

Only the opposite occurs, dude who is mediocre athlete becomes a ma'am then dominates actual females in their sport...

Hmmm, what a wonderful stupid world.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

Her parents would have been better off getting her a nose job. That would have been half the battle.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: Lysergic

Her parents would have been better off getting her a nose job. That would have been half the battle.

She looks like a 38 yr old incel IT nerd.

Awesome transition!

No Ragrets.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: Lysergic

originally posted by: Creep Thumper
a reply to: Lysergic

Her parents would have been better off getting her a nose job. That would have been half the battle.

She looks like a 38 yr old incel IT nerd.

Awesome transition!

No Ragrets.

Yeah, that's the aspect you never hear about - the negatives.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 08:27 PM

originally posted by: Lysergic
a reply to: Annee

Once you castrate yourself with chemicals and chop body parts off theres no going back.....

16 yr old female going bald after taking testosterone...

the chemical doesn't make you a man, only being born a man, can you become a man.

We don’t know how many transgender people there are in the UK but estimates are up to 1%. The vast majority do not have a GRC and so remain legally the sex they were born. The vast majority also do not seek medical treatment so retain the anatomy of their birth.

Contrary to public perception the overwhelming majority of male-born transgender people retain their penis and are fully male-bodied.

There is a growing trend of transgender people who are choosing not to have surgery to alter their bodies to match their gender identity. For many, the cost and risk of surgery is simply too high. Others feel that they do not need to go through such extremes to be comfortable in their own skin. And still others have come to accept their bodies as they are, imperfections and all. This trend is particularly pronounced among younger transgender people, who are coming out at ever younger ages and are more likely to be comfortable in their own skin.

edit on 15-10-2022 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
About time. We now have a unified Detrans group which will be going after the greedy and sick doctors and mental health professionals that are promoting insanity. Malpractice lawsuits incoming.

I certainly hope they go after the teachers and councilors in schools as well. Story below is heartbreaking. They got ahold of her at 11 and had her having a double mastectomy at 15!

I certainly hope it is time to pay for the crimes they have committed in the name of their sexuality religion.

Cole’s story documents how she was introduced to gender ideology at 11 years old, which led to her self-identification as a transgender boy at 12 years old. Cole had her hormones and was given puberty-blockers at 13 and a double mastectomy at 15 to remove both of her breasts. “gender affirming” She claims that her parents were emotionally manipulated by medical professionals to consent. One year later at the age of 16, she realized her irreversible error.

On Tuesday, Chloe Cole, Abel Garcia, and Cat Cattinson phoned into the Conejo Valley Unified School District’s (CVUSD) Board of Education meeting during their public comments session to voice their dissent about the ideology that caused to them to believe they were transgender and pursue medical transition. Although they were only allowed two minutes to speak due to time constraints, each was met with roaring applause from the audience in attendance.

Eighteen-year-old detransitioner Chloe Cole phoned in to tell the story of how gender ideology caused her to reject her female body, setting her down the path toward medical interventions with permanent consequences.

“I would get comments on my body both from peers and adults, some of which were sexual in nature,” Cole said of entering puberty. “I hated growing into a woman. I didn’t identify at all with the women around me. I decided that I wanted to become a boy and I chose a new name for myself: Leo.”

Cole’s story documents how she was introduced to gender ideology at 11 years old, which led to her self-identification as a transgender boy at 12 years old. Cole was prescribed puberty blockers and testosterone at 13, and received a double mastectomy surgery to remove her breasts at 15, all at the behest of “gender affirming” medical professionals who she says emotionally blackmailed her parents into giving their consent. Only one year later, at 16, she realized she had made an irreversible mistake.

“I had only about six months time between my initial referral and my actual surgery,” said Cole of her bilateral mastectomy. “Very quickly, I was given what I wanted, but it was far from what I needed. Two years later, I am still suffering from major complications.”

Cole ended her call by telling the school board that what happened to her could happen to other children if they continue to be “exposed to developmentally inappropriate and confusing content and ideas from a young age.”

Cole warned the school board that children should not be treated like adults and presumed to have the mental faculties for proper long term decision making.

“You are placing children in direct harm,” said Cole. “Children deserve better.”

We are a group of former transgender-identifying youth and adults who have come together to voice our dissent against "gender affirming care," influence policy, and provide a network of support for detransitioners.

We are a new support network and advocacy group created by detransitioners, for detransitioners.
We aim to help connect detransitioners with each other, mental health professionals, medical malpractice lawyers, and others who can provide support.

I have covered the documentary:What is a woman? By the dailywire and Matt Walsh on this thread

For those who haven't watched the documentary please do so. It exposes the transgender ideology and its logical fallacies and flaws.

The documentary has gained a lot attention. As a result of this and dailywire's efforts momentum was created and the Vanderbilt Pediatric Clinic has paused all reaffirming medical procedures for children.

It is likely in the State of Tennessee that reaffirming medical procedures will be banned in the future.

posted on Oct, 19 2022 @ 09:22 AM
Finally a detransitioning group is gaining traction - long may it continue! The only way we're going to stop this sick travesty against our children is by getting the support of those who have transitioned, who have deep regrest - and that's a huge percentage of those who transition, from what I hear.

Those who have transitioned then get buyer's remorse are stuck in a hellish position, I certainly don't envy them the incredible mental & spiritual battle ahead of them to find peace with who they have made themselves to become, and I hope each & every one sues the schools, the counsellors, the medical centrea & the doctors who butchered them. They will have an incredibly strong case to make for compensation - sue the practitioners into the ground, and this will stop.

Here in the UK we have put a stop to child transitioning/ affirmative 'care', the Tavistock Centre has closed its doors to children under pressure from the Tory government, who are now instituting a more balanced talking therapy approach, to explore the dysmorphia which the child/ teenager is suffering from, to see if it can be alleviated by conventional therapy, rather than hormonal disasters & butchering affirmative surgical 'support' which was offered previously.

When those who transitioned under pressure from ideological participants sue those participants into the ground, on either side of the Atlantic, then this will stop. If we're still here in thirty years (IE - if we can put a stop to the Net Zero nonsense & other maladies brought about by the World Economic Forum), then we're going to look back at this period in history as dark times for our supposed intellectually enlightened society.

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