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School Girls FORCED To SHARE Locker Room With TRANS Student SPEAK OUT!

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posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 01:27 AM
The fight against biological males in the girls shower moves on as the girls who are sick of being portrayed as the "bad guys" finally push back and speak out about this insanity.

Why should girls have to be made uncomfortable because a male wants to use their shower and changing room? Why?

It is an assault on women's rights period, now they have to get naked in front of boys (which I should remind you are not all claiming to be attracted to men just because they claim to be girls today).

I hope this incident induces change. Girls need to feel safe.


NEW: @DailySignal spent this week in Randolph, Vermont, speaking to high school girls who face heavy criticism + potential punishment from their school for pushing back against a biological male using their locker room. Here's what these girls have to say for themselves:

First, the story broke. Then, the story was removed when the ACLU and various LGBTQ activists complained about it. The news outlet agreed to work on a new story that met their approval. The Daily Signal traveled to Vermont to get the girls' side of the story.

High School Girls Explain Why They’re Uncomfortable Having a Biological Male in Their Locker Room

During a well-attended Tuesday evening forum with parents, school Superintendent Layne Millington claimed that coverage of the girls’ pushback has sparked hatred and bigotry toward both the trans-identifying student and the school district. And other parents and students criticized Blake and her family for speaking up on the matter.

Parents who spoke with The Daily Signal said the superintendent and the forum did not focus on the most pressing matter at hand: their daughters’ discomfort at having a biologically male student in the locker room able to observe them while they are changing.

Parents we spoke with told us that they are outraged that the school district and the high school would allow such an incident to even occur—they don’t want biological boys in their daughters’ locker rooms, and they are bewildered as to why the school system is apparently prioritizing the needs of students who identify as transgender over their daughters. They also strongly pushed back against allegations that speaking up is hateful.

“I want all kids, all kids at RUHS to feel safe, all kids nationwide to feel safe in their spaces where they need to change or are supposed to be private spaces,” Blake’s mother, Jessica Allen, told us. “We have to get creative as a nation to really figure out how to keep everybody safe, and everyone working together. The hate really does need to stop, because that’s not what this is about…let’s have an open dialogue about how to keep everybody safe and feeling comfortable, because we’ve taught children to protect their bodies.”

School Girls FORCED To SHARE Locker Room With TRANS Student SPEAK OUT!

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 01:40 AM
Why can I see this leading to a teacher in every shower room ‘monitoring’.

Knowing these cheese heads it will be a mandatory tranny in EVERY shower room.

Predatory education system lol who would-a-thunk-it

a reply to: infolurker

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 02:24 AM
Did America go crazy with the loonitics in charge?

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Why should girls have to be made uncomfortable because a male wants to use their shower and changing room? Why?

Because the world gone insane. It's now more important to comfy a tiny tiny mentally ill minority in their insanity instead of giving the majority a safe and intimate place to redress or shower. One would have thought sanity prevails when it's about little children but since we see them being indoctrinated sexually from a young age on, with support by LGBTQ, there's nothing than despise and beginning hatred left from my side.

Where is the clear sign from that community to speak out against it? I don't see or hear it. Morally wrong. I can tolerate transgenders when they leave the rest alone. What I will not tolerate is vulnerable children forced to participate.


posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 03:17 AM
a reply to: infolurker

I wonder if this is an issue that can only be settled by the first under 18's only referendum?

By the way, I would wonder also if a lot of boys wouldn't be comfortable with a girl to boy trans sharing their changing room.

I am currently looking for funding for a product called a 'Q-bical' that is installed in changing rooms, and trans can use to protect everyone's modesty.

I'm a bored with pc adults messing with kids emotions.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: infolurker

The locker room was to shield kids from the other genders body and to minimize the tension sexuality induces, it has nothing to do with your DNA...

They should change them to vagina and tities and pecker rooms... Problem solved...

I can guarantee you the guy with a vagina is much worse off in a male locker room, but I guess you phobic folks would actually wish that on him... If he feels like a woman looks and acts like a woman, it's prolly just some xenophobic religious zealots trying to bitch around...they come in all gender...

Now certainly there are lesbians and some are predators, it should be handled just as swiftly as any sexual predatory behavior.... but again noting to do with DNA...

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 04:03 AM
I love that this guy is pointing out that identifying as "trans" doesn't mean they are homosexual. They are, in fact, most likely to still be heterosexual and still sexually attracted to women.

Someone needs to teach him about autogynephiles, and that all these girls are now being forced to perform in his sexual fetish.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 04:07 AM
Again.. where are the parents in all this ?
They are the ones that can put a stop to this madness happening in the schools.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 04:17 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: infolurker

The locker room was to shield kids from the other genders body and to minimize the tension sexuality induces, it has nothing to do with your DNA...

Not true. Locker rooms were created to for our anatomical SEX. Not gender. At the time locker rooms were invented, no one -- NO ONE -- was thinking "gender" in today's re-definition of the word. NO ONE!

They should change them to vagina and tities and pecker rooms... Problem solved...

That is exactly what they were designed for. And it's called SEX not GENDER.

I can guarantee you the guy with a vagina is much worse off in a male locker room...

Moot point.

but I guess you phobic folks would actually wish that on him...

Hell no!!! I have stated many times that I do worry for such GIRLS. However, the opportunities for GIRLS to compete with BOYS in sports are slim. Most boys have a clear unsurpassable advantage in sports to most girls. It's the BOYS who want to slaughter compete with girls that force themselves onto the GIRLS teams, and into the GIRLS locker room.

If he feels like a woman looks and acts like a woman, it's prolly just some xenophobic religious zealots trying to bitch around...they come in all gender...

He's still male. Doesn't matter if he feels like a "woman," or if he looks (LOL!) and acts (Double LOL) like a "woman." He is not. And it doesn't require xenophobic (oh lordy...) religious zealots to not only recognize that fact, but to call it out.

Now certainly there are lesbians...

Of course there are adult human females who are sexually and romantically attracted to other women.

...and some are predators...

Yup. But the overwhelmingly vast majority of predators are male, particularly sexual predators. should be handled just as swiftly as any sexual predatory behavior.... but again noting to do with DNA...

Yes, exactly, by maintain safe, private single-SEX spaces (including locker rooms) for WOMEN and GIRLS that exclude men and boys -- who are the overwhelmingly vast majority of sexual predators.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 04:24 AM

originally posted by: Spacespider
Again.. where are the parents in all this ?
They are the ones that can put a stop to this madness happening in the schools.

Seriously? They're standing right alongside the girls fighting this:

Vermont High School Under Fire as Girls, Parents Push Back Against Biologically Male Trans Student Using Female Locker Room

The Daily Signal has spoken with a number of parents who are outraged that the school and Orange Southwest School District allowed such an incident to occur. These parents do not want biological boys in their daughters’ locker rooms, and they are bewildered as to why the school system apparently prioritizes the needs of students who identify as transgender over the needs of their daughters.

“We allowed a child who is biologically the opposite sex, male, go in a locker room where biologically girls were getting fully changed,” one of the girls’ mothers told The Daily Signal. “The biological child was not changing and sat in the back and watched girls getting changed. That made girls feel uncomfortable, made girls feel violated and not protected.”

“When parents and kids went to the school principals they were told it was a law—nothing they could do about it,” she added. “The law gives them room to protect all and they did not.”

That's where the parents are.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 04:27 AM
A couple interesting quotes from the article I posted above:

But female student B said that on Thursday, during a math class, some of her friends showed the news hit to the trans-identifying student. According to female student B, the student allegedly reacted to the video by allegedly saying, “I’m going to f—ing kill someone,” before allegedly adding, “I f—ing hate” female student B.

Female student A and B both told The Daily Signal that the student had allegedly also said, “my male instincts are kicking in,” referring to another female students’ breasts (though neither female student A nor female student B heard the remarks made herself).

These are probably the comments made that the girls earlier stated made them "uncomfortable." Yeah, I bet!

Naturally, the mother of the boy identifying has trans has denied this happened (though she could not know personally of course):

“I am the mother of the trans student in question and my daughter did not make any comments at all. The entire team can back this up, other than the girl that made up the story for attention,” Facebook user Mo Sivvy posted (she did not immediately respond to a request for comment).

Vermont High School Under Fire as Girls, Parents Push Back Against Biologically Male Trans Student Using Female Locker Room

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 04:40 AM
sounds like indecent exposure to me
courts are ultimate going to have to rule on this

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

So what...?Is the separation in looker about the genitalia or about the DNA?

I doubt the males in question still have a pecker. I'd say if the teeny bitches didn't knew he transitioned they wouldn't be aware of the diffrent DNA... So it is based on some irrational phobia rather than a direct thread of male genitalia invading female lockers...

If however it's a horny smart ass boy, that taught he could go and watch the girls if he cross dress I totally agree and it isn't ok.

edit on 15-10-2022 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Boadicea

So what...?Is the separation in looker about the genitalia or about the DNA?

Yes, we are classed by sex -- our internal biology and our external anatomy, including our genitalia -- and our safe and private spaces are separated by sex. Single-sex to be specific.

I doubt the males in question still have a pecker.

Doubt all you want. It isn't fact. It's also not reasonable or rational based on known facts:
1 -- Because he is a teen -- and we're told that gender-affirming surgery is NOT performed on teens;
2 -- Because only a small percentage of males who identify as transgender actually opt for the surgery; and,
3 -- Because the vast majority of males who identify as transgender are heterosexual autogynephiles who want to continue using their male genitalia with female partners.

I'd say if the teeny bitches...

Teeny bitches? Oooh... bet those were fun words to say. But I get it. Punching down is all you've got.

...didn't knew he transitioned they wouldn't be aware of the diffrent DNA...

LOL! Fat chance!!! Very very few men successfully "pass" no matter how much they are humored and coddled to believe so. I'm betting those girls knew he was male from a mile away!

So it is based on some irrational phobia rather than a direct thread of male genitalia invading female lockers...

Gaslighting. Literal gaslighting. "It's the girls that are crazy! Not the guy who dresses in girl's clothes and pretends he's really something he is literally not."

If however it's a horny smart ass boy, that taught he could go and watch the girls if he cross dress I totally agree and it isn't ok.

More likely he's an autogynephile acting out his sexual fetish and forcing these girls to roleplay for his perverted thrills.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Boadicea

So what...?Is the separation in looker about the genitalia or about the DNA?

I doubt the males in question still have a pecker. I'd say if the teeny bitches didn't knew he transitioned they wouldn't be aware of the diffrent DNA... So it is based on some irrational phobia rather than a direct thread of male genitalia invading female lockers...

If however it's a horny smart ass boy, that taught he could go and watch the girls if he cross dress I totally agree and it isn't ok.

Grow up .

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Terpene

the guy with a vagina

Spot the error.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: musicismagic


posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: infolurker

This sort of thing seems to be playing out across the US. I don't know where it ends. My guess however is that it will accelerate the flight from "public schools" even as there are fewer and fewer kids born every year.

So what does this really mean? It means that the problem will be worked out by immigrants, legal or otherwise. My other guess would be that fewer girls will sign up for PE/Sports programs in an effort to dodge the dreaded "locker room/showers". And that's probably the best answer altogether. Let the kids/girls play games/do PE AFTER school so they can go home to Shower/Change clothes.

In reality, these schools have become "creep" zones run by weirdos. The teachers are weirdos and the Administrators are worse than weirdos.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Not only is this whole situation FUBAR, local news outlets are caving to the woke (fascist) mob and deleting their stories about it after the fact!

WCAX news director Roger Garrity said the station took it down last week "to prevent others from using our reporting to attack people in the transgender community.

WCAX Deletes Story About Transgender Student in Randolph

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