Interesting dream. The moon is a bit of a mystery., and the moon blowing up in your dream is interesting too. I reckon that is theoretically posible.
One would never know for sure until it hapens.
We have all read here on ATS the stories about the Americans being warned not to go back to the moon, and as
olaru12 pointed out; the moon is
said to have rung like a bell when the Americans crashed a part of the landing module on the surface.
We could go the orthodox scientific explanations that the moon is just a rock. But where is the fun in that?
We can account that the moon need not be totally destroyed to give the distinct impression of it blown to pieces.
Let's say the moon is artificial. That implies that there could be a metalic shell below the dust and rocks that makes up the surface we see in
If we have a metalic shell, we can also have electrostatic charges. Like the feather-dusters on the TV adverts that electrostatically pick up all the
dust on the bookshelves.
Electrostatically charge a metal sphere and it will collect dust and other objects.
Here is a photograph of a cat demonstrating static cling to illustrate what I mean.
(Original image: Sean McGrath from Saint John, NB, CanadaDerived image: Black Rainbow 999, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons)
Styrofoam peanuts clinging to a cat's fur due to static electricity. The triboelectric effect causes an electrostatic charge to build up on the
fur due to the cat's motions. The electric field of the charge causes polarization of the molecules of the styrofoam due to electrostatic induction,
resulting in a slight attraction of the light plastic pieces to the charged fur. This effect is also the cause of static cling in clothes.
Source: Wikipedia electrostatics.
A metalic sphere could camouflage itself quite easily when you take into account the knowledge needed to build it in the first place.
One could also suggest the accumulation of debris as being an electrostatic weapon. Change the polarity of the shell and dust and rocks fly off in
all directions. Localise the change in charge and one could target certain directions. Earth for instance.
Polarity changing: attract and repel. - Nice and simple.
If one could translate orbital energy into rotational energy. One could move the moon closer to earth too. Get to the halfway point and our tides
would be eight times higher than now.
Shed the rocks and dust to pepper the Earth, move the moon closer to flood the coasts and then invade. Fire from the sky and global floods.
Not that I am implying the moon is an enemy. The moon seems to quietly mind it's own business and leave us alone for the most part. However if the
moon were to feel threatened by governmental and corporative greed, one could understand a preemptive strike.
Just spitballin' as the Americans say.
edit on 14-10-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: typo