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Christians And Muslims Unite In Michigan To Fight Sexually Explicit Material In School Libraries

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posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 10:04 PM
The Leftist push for sexualizing children got a new vocal adversary this week as members of the Islamic Institute of America have made Islamic population of Dearborn, MI aware of what was going on in their schools. Appears the school board meeting was overwhelmed with hundreds of people resisting the relentless push by the Leftist activist to push sexuality on their children.

I don't think the Groomers are going to win this one.

People from different faith backgrounds are uniting in Dearborn, Michigan, to fight against leftist indoctrination in Dearborn Public Schools.

The Washington Post reported that outrage over the sexually explicit content in the LGBTQ books in the schools began with Christians who then turned and “rallied the significant Muslim population” in the area to join them.

Local Islamic leaders pushed Muslims to attend a school board meeting held by Dearborn Public Schools weeks in advance and even used sermons as a platform to urge attendees to go.

“Some of those books are completely inappropriate for our children to read,” said Imam Sayed Hassan Al-Qazwini of the Islamic Institute of America, one of the most prominent Muslims in the state. “Some of those books promote pornography. Some of them promote homosexuality. We don’t need this.”

Hundreds of people attended the school board meeting earlier this week, which got out of control when the crowd learned that their public comments would only be limited to three minutes.

Protesters shut down Dearborn school board meeting over LGBTQ books

Hundreds of protesters packed a Dearborn Public Schools board meeting this week and shut it down with cries of anger over certain LGBTQ books they said are too sexually explicit for children. And now, some community leaders anxiously await a rescheduled meeting set for Thursday night as others call for calm.

A heavy police presence failed to prevent the Monday night meeting from descending into chaos as demonstrators took it over and then various factions within them jostled for control, shouting at each other. Protesters often ignored the requests of police officers to stop interrupting board members.

It was unclear who was in control of the meeting at times. Most of the crowd appeared to be in opposition to the books, but there were also a number of people with the the American Federation of Teachers union who showed up to support inclusion of LGBTQ people and others.

Michigan Muslim Community Revolts Against Pornographic Books in Schools, Shuts Down Board Meeting

Protestors chanted “vote them out” and held up signs reading “Homosexuality Big Sin” and “Keep Your Dirty Books In The Closet” before the board determined the full meeting room was a fire hazard and decided to suspend the meeting before the public comment period, according to a video of the event posted by the school district. The school is currently reviewing six books in its school library including, “This Book Is Gay,” a book that gives the “ins and outs of gay sex,” and “All Boys Aren’t Blue,” a descriptive memoir of a queer, back boy.

“You see this frustration growing all across the country and in Dearborn we’re not tied to the left or the right on this issue,” Hassan Chami, a a Muslim parent of a Dearborn student, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “We believe that education should be impartial. The media is trying to change the narrative that this is about LGBT. It is not. Whether this is a homosexual book or heterosexual book, sexually explicit material is immoral and does not belong in schools.”

Roxanne McDonald banged her gavel repeatedly during Monday night’s school board meeting in Dearborn, Mich., where hundreds denouncing books with LGBTQ content packed into the Dearborn Public Schools administration building.

Protesters, upset about books in school libraries that they consider too sexually explicit for students, carried signs that read, “Keep your porno books to yourself,” “If democracy matters, we’re the majority” and “Protect the children,” the last one written out in five languages.

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Christians And Muslims Unite In Michigan To Fight Sexually Explicit Material In School Libraries

What a beautiful sight to see.

You see this frustration growing all across the country and in Dearborn we’re not tied to the left or the right on this issue,” Hassan Chami, a a Muslim parent of a Dearborn student, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “We believe that education should be impartial. 

And what beautiful words to hear.

I'd love to see and hear more of this kind of unity among the people... people power.

I don't think the Groomers are going to win this one.

I hope and pray you're right.

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 10:53 PM

edit on Wed Oct 12 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Awesome. Hopefully this spreads to all schools globally , where this sh*t gets pushed

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: infolurker

I hear the Michigan Muslim Community want to take the School Board on a Field Trip to NYC as a Gesture of Friendship . First Stop , the Empire State Building.......

posted on Oct, 12 2022 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: infolurker

It's funny how this happened. The left has too many special interests they try and cater too. This will happen more often than anyone will admit. It's like why they are losing the Latino vote, they neglect that a large number are Catholic. I agree with the OP the groomers are going to lose this fight. It's because it's at the expense of lots of other groups values.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 01:46 AM
Lets get religion in charge of educating our kids that has worked great in the past, especially for the groomers

Keeping kids uninformed about sexuality is the best condition for pedos and groomers. It really starts to look like those that scream the loudest are either uneducated religious zealots, or actual pedos and groomers.

Deny ignorance

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
Lets get religion in charge of educating our kids that has worked great in the past, especially for the groomers

Keeping kids uninformed about sexuality is the best condition for pedos and groomers. It really starts to look like those that scream the loudest are either uneducated religious zealots, or actual pedos and groomers.

Deny ignorance

no groomer, that's not what's happening here. Different religions are coming together to say this is wrong, no matter who you pray to. That isn't using religion to teach anything other than the groomers sick brains are twisted and need to be removed from this setting.

Parents are allowed to say what, how, and when their kids are taught this stuff. Pedo groomers can all go back to their bath houses now.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
Lets get religion in charge of educating our kids that has worked great in the past, especially for the groomers

Keeping kids uninformed about sexuality is the best condition for pedos and groomers. It really starts to look like those that scream the loudest are either uneducated religious zealots, or actual pedos and groomers.

Deny ignorance

Do you understand that pornography is being shown to children at schools?
Because if you do, there is nothing else to discuss unless you want to provide your name and address

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 09:29 AM
Interesting that Christians and Muslims would unite on this. As I understand Islam, not to mention the political aspects, I believe this "my enemy's enemy is my friend" thing is a dangerous union. Otherwise it's hopeful and amazing that these local grassroots citizens groups are putting aside differences and uniting against this. The true "power to the people" and overall a good thing, for now.

posted on Oct, 13 2022 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: Notabot12345666

You mean the books are pornography... 🤣I get that some extremely religious zealot prolly the same that would stone a mother for breastfeeding in public, see it as pornographie.

You can try and justify your sexual repression scheme all you want.
Your best bet to protect them is not by making it a tabu but by adressing it and openly talk about it all.

It's called education, you should try it some time.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 09:47 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 10:35 AM
How Dare They Find Common Ground! 20 years ago I had to pay a Cover charge, and be 21+ to be exposed to alternative lifestyles...Now kids compulsory education, involves parading insecure adults around in Dominatrix gear, with sexual overtones...For our kids, education...Really? We had to pay money for that because, it should be Taboo for young minds...

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: infolurker

Christians And Muslims Unite In Michigan To Fight Sexually Explicit Material In School Libraries

What a beautiful sight to see.

You see this frustration growing all across the country and in Dearborn we’re not tied to the left or the right on this issue,” Hassan Chami, a a Muslim parent of a Dearborn student, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “We believe that education should be impartial. 

And what beautiful words to hear.

I'd love to see and hear more of this kind of unity among the people... people power.

I don't think the Groomers are going to win this one.

I hope and pray you're right.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: MatthewGraybeal13

How Dare They Find Common Ground!


I gotta wonder if the haters and dividers -- the ones who spend so much time polarizing and vilifying and canceling the "enemy" -- ever saw this coming. Or if they truly believed that their cancel culture and divide-and-conquer campaign was so successful that they had totally and completely divided the people forevermore. Given their arrogance and cockiness, I'm betting it's the latter!

20 years ago I had to pay a Cover charge, and be 21+ to be exposed to alternative lifestyles...

Not to mention that two or three drink minimum!

Now kids compulsory education, involves parading insecure adults around in Dominatrix gear, with sexual overtones...For our kids, education...Really? We had to pay money for that because, it should be Taboo for young minds...

And the whole atmosphere of the clubs -- blacked out (or non-existing windows), one door, dim lighting -- adds to the whole taboo vibe, which, of course, makes lots of kids (especially guys) that much more enticed and eager to be part of it all. (At some point, most people understand it's just part of our capitalist society to get the consumer hooked and make more $$...)

On a more serious note, though, it has occurred to me that much of this new anything-goes-and-you're-just-a-bigot/prude/zealot agenda is undermining marriage and healthy romantic relationships. Which further erodes the family dynamics and unity. Long-term loving and committed relationships are replaced with immediate sexual gratification and cheap thrills.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 11:26 AM
What are the books that are sexually explicit? Are they apart of class reading or just in a library?

I don't see the issue with pro-homosexual books as long as they aren't graphic.

I think the key is in the details here, which im having trouble finding.

Like what are the sexually graphic books about?

Kids have access to porn fairly easily today. I doubt kids are checking out books with boobies in it like its the 1970s.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: CensoredApe
What are the books that are sexually explicit? Are they apart of class reading or just in a library?

I don't see the issue with pro-homosexual books as long as they aren't graphic.

I think the key is in the details here, which im having trouble finding.

Like what are the sexually graphic books about?

Kids have access to porn fairly easily today. I doubt kids are checking out books with boobies in it like its the 1970s.

I believe some of the books go as far as to not only acknowledge that gay people exist, but that they aren't all going to burn in the firery pits of hell.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Notabot12345666

You mean the books are pornography... 🤣I get that some extremely religious zealot prolly the same that would stone a mother for breastfeeding in public, see it as pornographie.

You can try and justify your sexual repression scheme all you want.
Your best bet to protect them is not by making it a tabu but by adressing it and openly talk about it all.

It's called education, you should try it some time.

Depending on age, I think you may be right. Most kids have instant access to hardcore porn. If there is a way to teach them about safe sex and the ills of watching pornography, then maybe it should be done.

I remember health class would show sexually explicit images and teach about safe sex. But i dont think its a good topic below middle school.

But it all depends on what the books are and if a majority of parents dont like it , then the school should listen.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: ScepticScot

What travesty! How dare kids treat homosexuals with respect.

posted on Oct, 14 2022 @ 11:38 AM
Here's some pages from This Book is Gay, one of the most contested books in school libraries.

Helps to know what the content folks are concerned about rather than just going off articles.

edit on 10/14/22 by GENERAL EYES because: Spelling

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