posted on May, 6 2005 @ 06:26 PM
I had the same dream! I had the dream when I was in the 3rd grade back in 1963 and it has haunted me ever since. I remember, in my dream, being
outdoors. The sound of the birds was deafening and my dog ran away from me. I remember being diswrought. Suddenly the light from the sky
"changed" and I looked up. The clouds were...well, strange. And suddenly the clouds parted and there was a cross in the sky. It was a very vivid
dream and everything seemed so real except the cross was made up of nothing that I had ever experienced before or since. It had weight, it was not
made of clouds and it terrified many people who saw it. People were running everywhere but there were many who simply froze and stared at it. This
dream has been with me ever since. I have never re dreamed this dream but I have thought of it often, especially when the sky is particularly strange
as it sometimes is before a big storm.