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As Travel Restrictions removed medical experts reiterate the risk of C19

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posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 10:34 PM
To no one's surprise.
The so called "Medical Experts" are the ones who are upset at the news that the Restrictions are being removed despite that we had being into this charade for almost three years.

As Travel Restrictions removed medical experts reiterate the risk of C19

"On the one hand saying that there's no restrictions now applied, and on the other hand saying that the pandemic is not over, those two things seem to not go hand in hand," said Muhajarine.

The pandemic is not over for these so called "Researchers" they all believed and hoped that 100% of people in Canada and rest of the world follow through with the C19 vaccination and the never ending boosters.

These are the same medical Researchers/experts who also supported what China is doing with the lockdowns.

These same medical Researchers have not being honest about the C19 boosters nor its efficiency if anything the are quiet on the actual data on the efficiency.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 10:35 PM
For some Medical Researchers they still continue to demand people to wear masks despite that masks had caused injures on our youth and delayed their development of speech.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: vNex92

I'm honestly enjoying sitting back watching this Covid-19 charade unravel and it is little by little unraveling , and I'm just so relieved I didn't take the Vaccine .

Every time I think about it I get a big smile

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 05:13 AM
Pfizer be like

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Every time I think about it I get a big smile
I am also unvaccinated for covid, but every time I think about it, I just feel sadness for my fellow citizens who believed the "super uber deadly disease" bull# in 2020.
Genuine sadness, people who I know are intelligent, just tragically far too trusting of UK health authorities advice.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: angeltone
I feel mildly sad for those who were literally forced to take it or the mafia would.
I am not sad about the morons who took it of their own free will and then behaved self righteous.

It is because of people like that, that we are in the global situation we are in now.
Easy to brainwash, easy to manipulate, believe everything their masters tell them.

I wake up every day more than happy to be free of the jab and free of stupidity.
I am ecstatic.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: Hecate666
Agreed about the self righteous people at the time, "do it to save your Granny" etc.
I woke from a coma February 2020, saw all the scary news on TV, bust myself out of NHS care a day before the first lockdown, and I've thanked my lucky stars every day since that I didn't believe the totally brainwashed 'health professionals' who were obviously drunk on their new emergency powers.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 06:27 AM
It's over Bidet said so last week!!

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 06:54 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
For some Medical Researchers they still continue to demand people to wear masks despite that masks had caused injures on our youth and delayed their development of speech.

Source for literally everything you've said.

Wasn't the speech problem found to be due to parents using baby shark videos to babysit their kids rather than spending time with them?

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: vNex92

This is an American thing.

We vaxxed heavily and now have Herd immunity because of it.

Restrictions have been almost totally gone for ever a year now.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 06:57 AM
Things that are riskier than COVID: everything.

Things that get talked about besides covid: nothing.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: vNex92
For some Medical Researchers they still continue to demand people to wear masks despite that masks had caused injures on our youth and delayed their development of speech.

Source for literally everything you've said.

Wasn't the speech problem found to be due to parents using baby shark videos to babysit their kids rather than spending time with them?

A quick google has NPR mentioning it:

Numerous scientific papers have established that it can be harder to hear and understand speech and identify facial expressions and emotions when people are wearing masks. (Some of these studies also suggest workarounds, which many practitioners are using). These are critical developmental tasks, particularly for children in the first three years of life.

"Kids need to train up their face recognition," he says, and they need to see full faces to learn to identify emotions as well as to learn language. "Babies were never designed just to see the upper half of the face and to infer the lower half; even adults have a hard time doing this."

edit on 9272022 by Butterfinger because: fun

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: vNex92

The "medical experts" are no longer wearing masks in public. Ignore them. They made enough money and are not crossing into greed territory....desiring to milk the dumbest sheep.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: Butterfinger

unfortunately morons can only think 1 thing at a time instead of a 1000 things at once. So they never see any of the connections between anything as they bumble around in the darkness of their inept brain.

Since they havent thought about any of it at all, all the details are too much and can only look at 1 thing at a time, where as if you've learned and thought about things thousands of times, you can see many details at once.

This cannot translate into the morons brain until they have thought about thousands of things, which is too much effort for them.
edit on 27-9-2022 by thethinkingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: vNex92

I'm honestly enjoying sitting back watching this Covid-19 charade unravel and it is little by little unraveling , and I'm just so relieved I didn't take the Vaccine .

Every time I think about it I get a big smile

I will never smile, but will be extremely satisfied when the lawsuits start flying against the top people who mislead us, and are now admitting it. Covid deaths, suicides, academic failures...many many reasons to sue top CDC and Pharma brass right into the poor house.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 09:39 AM
Here in Great Britain the last of the international travel restrications were lifted back in March.

Travel Restrications lifted UK Gov.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 02:01 PM
The Omicron is not that bad of a virus for most people, but there should still be a little precaution taken to help to keep a minority of people protected. That vaccine does not help to deter the spread much. People just need to be cautious, these people at high risk can get any disease and have it kill them...the Omicron is pretty catchy even though it is not very hard on most people, in fact most people who get it don't even believe it is more than a cold or allergy.....but that still can kill someone who is at high risk.

I wouldn't do what they did before, but people flying all over can spread disease quickly and most that fly go visit their relatives when they get back. Old relatives lots of times. People just need to be sensible, people are nuts.

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