posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 03:59 AM
Spent about 10 minutes trying to show what the hell is that plane... Seems like a Grippen, I agree, Xar.
Sounds strange that a cobra would be try at such a low altitude, and even more tried with such an aircraft... Too many $$ thrown away for a simple
acrobatic manouvre!!
I quote from the comment section of the website where the video was:
This is a swedish JAS-39 Gripen. The reason this airplane crashed (actually it crashed also in 1988 or 1989) is because the pilot´s trying to over
control the FBW-system. Fly-by-wire tells the hydraulic cylinders in the plane to expand etc. Now, what happens when your computer program is
inadequate is, that sometimes pilots are giving 100´s of small corrections on the control stick, and the computer tries to input these movements to
the hydraulic cylinders. Well, hydraulics cannot follow commands as fast as the program would like to, and the result is a loss of control due to
incompatible command/action link between the pilot, computer and hydraulic cylinders. A computer flaw.
Matti Rissanen Finland
With this link also provided:
Forge your own opinion...