posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to:
I already covered that in my original post of people using the Democrat claim when in reality they are pushing another agenda that falls under another
banner, such as Socialism, Communism, etc.
As folks have pointed out about Loomer and the Far Right it's mostly intolerance but Traditional Republicans have passed previously established
Enironmental Protection Laws (EPA - Nixon) and Social Security Measures (courtesy of Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican) , which is technically a
Nationwide Socialist Program that benefits ALL Americans, not just their select base.
I'm not condoning either canidate here, and after reading up on
Laura Loomer I'd like to clarify
that I am not in support of her policies or platform, her record of hate speech, nor her presonal belief system. So as far as I'm concerned the call
to her base not to vote is a good thing.
I looked up her opponent and he looks and sounds like a reasonable fellow and Traditional Republican to me so personally, I hope he wins.
edit on 9/24/22 by GENERAL EYES because: clarity of salient points