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Lets chat about Money, Politics, Religion and Hypocracy

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posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 09:33 AM
Hi again, this one isn't long its ok to read (suckers). oops did I say that out loud....
Any way, part of my morning routing is to read the news and gather the relevant info I need for the day, which involves some twitter/youtube/twitch stuff. Today, and the past few days the markets are red, this always creates tension in these communities. Today in particular i got fed up with and blocked it all out and cut off some subscription ect. but I had this one though.

I got fed and up said to myself "f$%& it, I'm gonna make all the money in the world disappear."

Sure not the first time some has thought it or said or even tried it maybe but it started this train of thought that really made think and I wanted to know others opinions. What would happen to the world if literally all the money just disappeared. like a "left behind" scenario but instead of people it was just the money, ALL OF IT! anything that represents a monetary "idol".
OK even if you don't believe in or like religion you have to admit you would have to be pretty godlike to make that happen... that made me think of all those biblical quotes about banking and not charging interest but paying interest, everything in society goes against those teachings.

They have turned money into something it isn't, the value of it is an illusion and the very idea of it is corrupt and corrosive. But try living without it.
Funny how they put god all over it but ignore the very teaching that are said to come from the same god.

I don't think I need to delve into the depths of corruption and hypocrisy, you probably all have your ideas about this subject and THAT is exactly what I want to hear, what say you? What would happen if all the money in the world just suddenly vanished
(sure we can talk about pebbles and beads and other forms of historical items of value, like tulips for example, if we need to but I think you get the point).

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: datguy

What would happen to the world if literally all the money just disappeared.

We would necessarily return to a trade/barter system, with all its limitations and obstacles and inefficiencies. I would offer a product or service in exchange for another person's product or service. This is, of course, problematic in that I may want something another person has to offer, but they don't want or need what I have to offer. Which is why money was created to begin with, allowing us all to exchange something of universal value for something we want/need.

Unfortunately, our economies have slowly been manipulated and compromised to give some advantages over others, and even power over others, to the benefit of a few and the detriment of others. Specifically, government and corporations.

Income tax is the most important means by which they control our income and productivity. There should be no personal income tax on any individual's earned income, which severely restricts our ability to provide for ourselves, and to enter consensual agreements with others, for goods and services.
edit on 23-9-2022 by Boadicea because: formatting

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: datguy

Within an hour people will work out another currency to replace "money" otherwise civilization goes back to it's earliest steps. Most likely.

The distribution of resources goes hand in hand with the distribution of labour, most might see money but others see fluidity and this world is far too complex for people to be dragging sheep to the shop to trade for some milk or sugar.

These are principles that totally predate any Abrahamic religion, money is currency but so is a symbol, a seed, whatever people believe is currency... Its either generally accepted by all or backed by an authority.

Evidence suggests strongly that book keeping was a driving force in the evolution of written language, currency datguy. They were keeping scores and calculating stores.

I'm definitely not saying there's not tonnes of conspiracies and corruption around money because their clearly is, I'm just saying the concept itself isn't foreign to an advancing society.

Matches, bullets and alcohol is supposedly the new currency if shtf... Or bottle caps and water, probably just drinkable water.

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: datguy

Lets chat about Money, Politics, Religion and Hypocracy

Churches and religious organizations should lose their tax exemption status now that they have become big business and political.

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: datguy

A whole economic branch would be unemployed.

Life could go on as usual if we all agree to keep doing what we did before but not expecting any pay and never having to pay for anything.
Then you have those that can never have enough, throwing a big monkey wrench into it...

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: datguy

I got fed and up said to myself "f$%& it, I'm gonna make all the money in the world disappear."

Anyone who has a simplistic agenda like that and desires to change the world for everyone else is to be feared. It's not your call, and if you think it is, we need to make sure you never get into a position of power.

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 01:44 PM
Then the lizards at the top couldn't do their money magik.

y u no liek lizard folk?

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 04:02 PM
You cannot make money disappear, money is just an analog for all things we value

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