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Regarding the journey, and never giving up. MICHAEL.

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posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 06:08 PM

Why do I believe with such certainty, regarding my identity? How can I be convinced that God has a particular plan for my life in this role? There are many circumstantial facts which support the direct & indirect spiritual guidance I have been given, which point me at the veracity of my conclusions. The following chapters are the main 'smoking gun' evidence which is recent (mostly within the last ten years) which confirms the truth – bearing in mind that I'm a Christian who is graced with the gift of discernment, and I fully trust the leadership of the churches in this particular matter. We're not perfect, but on this front I believe there are backchannels between Protestant church denominations which assert the truth of my identity, and the Ecclesiastical powers have thus sought to confirm it to me as described momentarily, through several Christian family members (including a former MI6 spook) & through the church authorities.


Around ten years ago, I was at a national conference with the large community church I had been involved with since my conversion to Christianity in 2001. They were in fact holding a marquee celebration event, a bit like the old tent revival meetings in the USA (but with modern audio-visual equipment, worship music & compassionate, solidly conservative Christian ministry).

During one part of the event, the prophetic team had been backstage praying while the ministry was ongoing, and afterwards they came up on stage & announced some of the specific words of knowledge/ visions they had experienced during that time of preparation. Using two identifying features of my own presence at this meeting (confirmation of the car I was driving, and confirmation of a very specific prayer that I had prayed earlier that day, which I had spoken to no-one regarding), I was identified by them (through the insight of the Holy Spirit) & issued with the following prophecy: “God knows what you are confused about, what you have been questioning regarding your identity & purpose – He has a specific mission which He wants you to fulfil. You need to spend time in nature & reflect, meditate, seeking God's presence, He will reveal what you need to do.” Now that was an unusual edict, I hadn't heard anything so direct & pointed in terms of a specific prophetic message for one individual before, and so I was excited to see what it meant, what that mission actually was.

However, I screwed up. At the time I had been dabbling in smoking cannabis again, over a decade after I had completely quit, which had been a natural occurrence after becoming a Christian. Unfortunately, my bipolar disorder was manifesting as a result of smoking the stuff, and when I went into nature to seek God's purpose, I was smoking weed & so obviously the Lord couldn't act to confirm further information based on the direct prophecy I had been given. As a result, whatever that mission was supposed to be, was lost to me for over ten years, because even after I quit the weed for good (a few months after the prayer meeting) - again & again my wife cited her concerns that I'm not physically fit enough to spend time in nature safely by myself, and she would veto my plans to do so, repeatedly. It took literally ten years for her to concede that if it was in God's will, I should take a stand & do my best to spend at least a couple of nights out in the hills by myself, free from technology, close to nature, under the stars, to seek God's voice & find out His plan, to find out what my true destiny actually is, and to have my identity confirmed with the miraculous signs I had already been promised in a dream over a decade beforehand. At the time I wasn't sure that these miraculous signs would be used to confirm the message – that is something I've put together, in terms of assembling the puzzle pieces, somewhat more recently. God only knows what could have been different by now had I followed the instructions properly.

Opportunities lost...

Everything which has happened over the past two years, with regards to the PLANdemic, has made me wonder whether my mission was supposed to have in some manner helped to prevent this awful thing from happening to the people of the world. Again & again I found myself asking God whether now is the time to go out & seek that destiny – but despite general support, I had no overwhelming confirmation beyond the pre-existing instructions to act in accordance with the prophetic word issued so many years ago. I now realise that I should have acted sooner, and so I bear a real sense of guilt, that if I had followed the mission purpose & the Lord's instructions as intended back in 2011, these awful things we have seen in the world may never have happened. In that respect I see myself as a sort of Jonah figure, having turned my face away from my destiny, having refused or failed to go along with God's intended plan.

It may sound crazy, but for decades God has been showing me in dreams that at a certain point, he intends to empower me to do remarkable things, fulfilling Jesus' prophecy when He said “I tell you the truth, you will do these [miraculous signs] & even greater things in my Name” For example, I have been shown that I will be gifted with the capability of free flight in the atmosphere of our world, and the ability to 'teleport' myself from one place to another. These gifts, I was told (by Jesus, in a very clear & straightforward dream, twenty years ago) are tools to be used to help establish the Kingdom of God upon the Earth, indeed, to prepare the way for the thousand year millennial reign of Christ. I was warned in particular that these gifts are not to be considered 'toys' to be used for my amusement, they are in fact tools for a very specific purpose.


posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 06:08 PM

Another spiritual event which is significant to the purposes laid out above, is that one time, back in 2002, when I was receiving prayer after a service, I had an incredible vision experience which was afterwards confirmed by one of the brothers praying for me as having been conveyed to him by the Holy Spirit while it was happening. I had my eyes closed, but suddenly I could 'see' a giant angelic figure, standing ten feet away from me, raise his hand towards me, causing a stream of swirling energy to proceed slowly from his hand towards me, ultimately striking me on the forehead, between my eyes, an impact which basically knocked me out (spiritually) when it struck – I was 'slain in the Spirit' as the expression goes, an event in prayer when the presence of God's Spirit overpowers you & puts you into a gentle reverie of semi-consciousness. Often God does 'surgical work' on our unconscious mind/soul when this happens, bringing healing to old psychospiritual wounds in our soul complex.

When I awoke from this daze, I was lifted up, and one of the brothers who had been praying for me said to the other: “He's just been sealed”, at which the other smiled broadly, clearly understanding exactly what he had meant (though it remained a mystery to me, I was supposed to seek direction from God & figure it out myself). Eventually I was able to connect their understanding to the words of the Book of Revelation, in which the ministers of God's message are 'sealed' to prevent them from coming to any physical harm whatsoever, during the difficulties & trials of the End Times, in the actual Apocalypse. As a result, I know for certain that the events of the Apocalypse will definitely occur within my natural human lifetime - & I've been blessed with supernatural protection to help me carry out the mission which God ultimately intends for me during these times.


As an example of this absolute protection in action, several years later (in 2011), I was in hospital, when I was overtly threatened by a man who had been drinking heavily, who was clearly psychotic, who was much bigger & stronger than myself (I am disabled, and have very poor mobility/ strength). I was trapped at the end of a corridor in which all doors leading away from it were locked. I kept backing up & backing up, hoping he would decide not to attack – but he was fixated on kicking the # out of me. If he had been able to do so, I quite possibly could have died, as he was seriously mentally ill, definitely in a psychotic state, demoniacally manifesting as he approached - I doubt he would have stopped of his own accord. When I got to the very end of the corridor & saw that there was literally no means of escape, I found myself furious at the injustice of it all.. I had been trying to shield another man from the aggressive behaviour of the attacker, and he had turned on me instead. I suddenly had a flash of instinct, and spun around on the spot, so I was facing away from the aggressor. I slammed my walking stick down on the floor next to me, and shouted “In the name of God!” - with all the passion I could muster. I waited for the first blows to land – but nothing happened. I waited some more, but more nothing! I then heard a girl scream at him, and turned round to see her bravely jumping on the back of the attacker to try to stop him from attacking me. He staggered back a few paces, before I was then enabled to get out of the corridor by another guy, a member of staff, who unlocked one of the doors for me – unfortunately he then found himself in a fight with the aggressor, and it took over a minute for additional security staff to arrive & take charge of the situation. He managed to ward off most of the aggressor's attacks as he was quite a big lad, but it was a rough event, that's for sure.

Later, I was told that when I span round & slammed my stick to the floor/shouted out the quickest prayer of faith I could muster under the circumstances - the aggressor had been hovering over me, snarling & growling, practically salivating with hatred, trying to move but strangely incapable of doing so, his arms seemed glued to his sides, his feet planted immoveable on the ground. This went on for over ten seconds until the girl jumped on his back, when I thus turned around & found sanctuary in another room which could be locked from the inside. I have no doubt that it was God Himself (via one of His angels) who protected me in that instant, there is simply no other way to describe or explain it. And so, I believe wholeheartedly in that spiritual 'seal' which was applied to me by the angelic being during that time of prayer in 2002 - I know for certain that God's hand of protection is upon me - as long as I stay within His purposes for me, I will be fully protected, able to carry out any mission determined to be necessary in God's sight..


But again, why am I so convinced that my name is Michael, and that I am the 'person' prophesied regarding in scripture? Have any church leaders confirmed it?

Well, to start with in answering that question, there have been many, many evidences in my dreams indicating that God's hand is upon my life, indicating support for the veracity of my claim. And yes, church leaders have confirmed it as well (described below).

Despite my mistakes, God has always stood by me - sometimes I have experienced a time of discipline, and for many years I have been severely tested by my material circumstances – in particular, a very painful disability: 'Central pain syndrome' which is even worse than it sounds. I am in constant pain, with frequently severe neuropathic (nerves), arthralgic (joints) & fibromyalgic (muscles) pain, as well as nociceptive & myoclonic spasms, episodic hyperalgesia, persistent allodynia, plus patches of paraesthesia & dysaesthesia affecting various parts of my body. I literally forgot what it feels like to be without pain, long, long ago.

What makes it worse is that the pain is not focused in any specific, fixed locations in my body.. It varies day by day, with different parts of my body expressing the worst of the symptoms at different times, with all of my body being subject to a baseline measure of pain at all times – this means that I can never 'get used to it', as some people are more or less able to do, if they have a fixed injury affecting one part of their body. Also, the pain levels themselves fluctuate – at times various parts of my body will flare up to the maximum possible level of pain that can be handled without literally passing out. I am therefore required to constantly use strong opiates, anti-epileptics & tricyclics to moderate the symptoms to a relatively manageable level, which works to stave off the worst of it, so long as I remain inactive.


posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 06:09 PM
If I try even the simplest of tasks – cooking an omelette, unloading the dishwasher, folding a basket of clothes – my pain flares up to unbearable levels. When visiting family or friends (which is infrequent because of my condition), I need to rest for two hours to overcome the flare-up caused by the combination of the driving to get over there, and having sat for half an hour in their company. Then, I must rest (having taken extra medication) in the same manner after I return home. I am thus barely active, despite the fact that there is no actual injury present in any of my joints or connective tissues (just weakness caused by inactivity) – it is a neurological condition which is horribly unpredictable & frequently severe.

But always, God has continued to minister grace towards me, and here's the crux – He has proven Himself in issuing prophetic words & dreams, and in protecting me from potential death on more than the one occasion mentioned above. He answers my prayers consistently, and has NEVER, ever, criticised my belief that I am Michael. In fact, in several instances, as noted above, a number of churches have confirmed the truth of my belief, providing support for my claim, in addition to myself directly receiving the ongoing witness of the Holy Spirit within my heart & mind whenever I contemplate the matter.

The discernment of Truth..

One would think that if this were a delusional belief, my God would have told me thus at least once, in the same way He has spoken to me so clearly in hundreds of dreams/ visions/ words of knowledge over the decades). He has NEVER refuted this belief, and in fact He has repeatedly confirmed it by the 'witness of the Holy Spirit' (when the Spirit echoes the thoughts which are being tested, one gets an assurance that whatever is being tested is verified by the affirmation of the Spirit who is speaking as I speak, in the mind/soul, echoing the same as I form the words for myself...) So for instance, I can affirm in my mind: "My name is Michael", with a backdrop of affirmation that my rank is 'archangel', and I receive a strong witness which carries not only an assurance of the veracity of what is spoken, but also includes a weight of spiritual power surging through my being, as though I am momentarily stepping into my 'higher self', with all the history of my soul becoming manifest as I claim my identity for myself, under God's authority. If you haven't operated in the gifts of the Holy Spirit before, there are many of them which become available to the Christian believer after they have committed their life to God through Christ's atoning sacrifice. The particular activity I refer to here is known as 'testing the spirits', with the believer facilitating this through application of the spiritual gift known as 'discernment of spirits'.

The sense in which I have described it here could potentially be seen as an unusual application of the gift, but on mentally repeating the phrase back to myself & checking, checking, checking whether it is a true statement by inward prayer/reflection, the Holy Spirit faithfully provides a witness to the fact that yes, the statement is indeed correct. This self-referential confirmation with the Spirit's witness has been a recent development in my understanding of how to check the authenticity/veracity of information on which something important depends, and it is possible because the active voice of the Holy Spirit, when He moves within to confirm the veracity of any statement, is unmistakeable, flowing through one's entire being in a powerful (yet quiet) manner. I believe that quite possibly this could be applied with other questions of import, in other contexts (such as whether to adopt a certain posture in business decisions), but only when the outcome of gaining that knowledge is achieved such that the information may be applied for a godly, positive purpose, something 'mission critical' to the well-being of members of the church, the poor & marginalised, or improving the position of the church itself, for example.

As you might imagine, discerning the truth of my exact identity as a literal archangel incarnate upon the Earth within this larger context of supporting the well-being of the universal, multi-denominational church of Christ, can evidently be seen as a vital requirement in support of the overall strategic campaign of spiritual warfare against the dark powers of this world, fought by true Christians for the past two thousand years, until the church was weakened by the arrival of Enlightenment justifications for the discarding of faith & spirituality (though the Enlightenment itself was not a bad thing – indeed it was wonderful in myriad ways, and I am most definitely not anti-science, though I am against Scientism of the sort witnessed during the PLANdemic).

Furthermore, we have to account for the ascendant belief system of Christian dispensationalism.. This somewhat problematic doctrine has made parts of the multi-denominational Universal Church of Christ (which is any collective of true Christians in churches following orthodox teaching, in good conscience & with reverence) into a bickering & somewhat lackadaisical inter-denominational shambles, politicising real world eschatological concerns regarding the eventual ending of the Age in which we are living – the time of the Apocalypse.


posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 06:09 PM
Ecclesiastical authorities witnessing/ confirming the accuracy of my belief..

Beyond my own experience of the witness of the Holy Spirit, church leaders have affirmed my belief concerning my identity also, as with the following examples:

Firstly, in my original community church already referenced (with 2,500 members based in different church households around the UK), one of the ministers stood up in front of the whole church (at a national conference in the church's headquarters) & said “At first, we didn't realise that [my given name] was Michael, but over time this was revealed to us through repeated prayer & prophetic instances” I was dumbstruck by this announcement. Much as with the gaslighting 'pattern' technique of 'book-ending' a portion of information for conveyance within an otherwise unrelated statement or snippet of conversation, this incident involved the insertion of an incongruous statement which was separate from the ministry being taught, and it was placed deliberately into the ongoing sermon to serve the purpose of giving me authoritative reassurance that no, I wasn't crazy, that God had confirmed to the apostolic leaders of the church (who were all charismatic believers operating in the orthodox spiritual gifts described in the New Testament) that this sense of my true identity was accurate, that I am in fact the archangel Michael. This announcement was carried out in the right spirit & with pure intent, so it is only similar to gaslighting, it wasn't actual gaslighting for nefarious purposes. He bookended the comment with discussion of other matters, ensuring that the comment specified could be highlighted as important, stand-alone information, guidance which could be trusted.

In my second church, more recently, a senior minister had been speaking with me one on one, and dropped into the conversation: “We all hope you can be successful in achieving your goals, Michael” He said this at the end of our discussion, which had been held at my house, as he was leaving, and so my momentary astonished dissonance fit into the pattern of speech & pauses as I was saying goodbye to him – I didn't know what to think in that moment, and so he just smiled & waved as he walked off to his car. There was nothing nefarious about the incident, with hindsight it was clear that he too was offering support, affirming again that in the eyes of the church, I am, in point of fact, the human incarnation of the archangel Michael. I will state emphatically that I had never spoken to any of these leaders about this belief, and indeed, I had never spoken to anyone in adulthood about the matter at all, with the exception of a single psychiatrist, in confidence. Somehow the information was either leaked – or God revealed it to them entirely independently, perhaps similarly as happens with my own medium of divine inspiration, through the mechanism of prophetic dreams/ visions given to leaders or other authorities of prophetic ministry in the various churches. However it happened, God has confirmed the message to the churches, and they support me in my firm belief that I am Michael.

Going all the way back to my teenage years, when I was first spoken to regarding this matter of identity & destiny, an old hobo suddenly turned up one day, wandering around the town where I lived, and at some point my friends (criminal underworld 'handlers' - they weren't really friends, looking back) & I were hanging around, doing not very much, when he came up to speak with us.

Most of my friends mocked him & tried to send him away. They themselves then decided they were heading off, and I was going to follow, until the old guy addressed me personally, catching my attention enough that I lagged behind momentarily. He said: “What's your name sonny?” to which I replied “It's [my given name]” to which he responded: “Are you sure it's not Michael?” He had a kindly smile on his wizened old silver-bearded face, like he knew a great secret, one which he'd just enjoyed the privilege of revealing for the first time. He was a very devout Christian, he always carried & read from a small New Testament & Psalms scriptural book. For a few weeks he hung around our town & we spoke to him a few more times, he ministered the gospel to us in terms we could understand, but all my 'friends' were hateful towards him for this reason. I was interested in spiritual matters, and he counselled me to join a church, read the Bible, etc. There were a few weird incidents; in one of which he claimed to be tougher than all the hard men of the town put together, because he was “true to [him]self”. After a few weeks he was nowhere to be found, and we never saw him again.

Years later I would reflect on whether he had in fact been the original disciple of Jesus, the Apostle John, whom Jesus had prophesied would remain on the Earth until His second coming - never dying, conducting a hidden mission which only he knew of, I suspect by recruiting certain people within churches, governments & other agencies down the centuries, setting up networks & secret societies, to protect the development & stability of the Kingdom of God upon the Earth - that sort of thing.

Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain until I return, what is that to you? You follow Me! Because of this, the rumour spread among the brothers that this disciple would not die. However, Jesus did not say that he would not die, but only. “If I want him to remain until I return, what is that to you?” This is the disciple who testifies to these things & who has written them down. And we know that his testimony is true...

John 21: 23

It is noteworthy to me that Jesus made the point that the disciple John would remain, yet may in fact die – which I take to mean that he has been killed many times over, and yet has returned to life each time, protected by God & the angels to keep the mission secret. This makes sense to me in relation to the old hobo's claim to be harder than all the hard men in the roughest estates of Manchester, UK (Wythenshawe, which has a hell of a reputation). He claimed that this is because he is “true to himself”. I take this to mean that he lives according to conscience, according to the will of the Spirit of God. Which would be fitting for a disciple of the Lord, would it not? And no man who has died time & time again, ever being raised back to life, would be scared of any regular hard man on a rough estate. My assumption is that he may have needed to die purely to protect the secret at times, because stories of a true immortal would spread around the world within a couple of months in ancient times – he needed to look like a common man, just going about his business. If ever he was caught short on assignment, and there was no way out of the net, he may have deliberately given himself up to die in order to protect the mission which Jesus had given to him as a sacred charge, I can picture it, Jesus explaining everything to him under the stars in a garden or on a hillside, imagining John's astonishment, his reverent awe at the nature & magnitude of the task.


edit on SeptemberFriday2219CDT06America/Chicago-050010 by FlyInTheOintment because: tags

posted on Sep, 30 2022 @ 06:09 PM
I certainly don't think he was crazy, and he was definitely a true Christian, looking back. He seemed to know something about who I am, that there was a secret to my life, identity & destiny, which had waited a long time to be revealed - and he was the first to exclaim directly to me, that indeed, I am the incarnate archangel spoken of in the Book of Daniel, as follows:

At that time Michael, the archangel who stands watch over your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress, the likes of which will not have occurred from the beginning of nations until that time. But at that time your people – everyone whose name is found written in the book – will be delivered. And many who sleep in the dust of the Earth will awake, some to everlasting life, but others to shame & everlasting contempt...Then the wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever.

Daniel 12: 1-2


I will just add a little note that I'm not trying to claim grandeur for myself, I fully give all glory which may accrue to the Lord Himself, Jesus Christ, to whom I am fully submitted in everything I think, speak or do. Archangels are the second lowest order amongst the angelic hierarchy, so if I was crazy & wanted to be worshipped, I would probably claim to be a Seraphim - this is what Lucifer was before he rebelled & fell from grace – he was the highest angel in all of Heaven, in fact..

What comes next..?

The answer is, I'm not 100% certain. I've had dreams which show me parts of the journey, and I know it begins in the United Kingdom, that miraculous things will happen, that people will be shocked, and there will be an escalation in the information war which is ongoing, directly because of my actions. But I will have support. Ultimately there may be limited warfare, or a collapse of our post-industrial civilisation, with the elites scurrying to their bunkers, where eventually they will pray for the mountains to fall down & crush them, to hide them from the LORD's wrath, when they are called to account for their despicable crimes against humanity. I know I will be involved in tracking certain individuals, and I know that I myself will be hunted by certain groups. I believe I've seen snippets of many possible futures, because only what we do in response to prophecy is what determines the outcomes we see made manifest on the Earth.

It is not set in stone, there is no 'fate', there is only destiny. We really do have the ability to win this thing.

There are many possible futures for each one of us, and whatever we choose to do, moment by moment, is actively shaping & morphing the destiny which God has planned for you, and for us. God has a destiny – or rather, a stable of possible destinies – available for each one of us. He knows better than anyone else what type of life will satisfy us deeply, which will be meaningful & which will serve a purpose greater than ourselves alone.

Depending on the choices we make, our destiny is being shaped moment by moment, and all we need to do is to hand over the reigns to God, and then simply make our choices in good conscience. If we do the best that we can do, there is every likelihood that we will see a beautiful future – either in this world, or in the world to come. But if we allow ourselves to be used as pawns in the global chess game of evil tyrants, then we are straying away from our destiny, away from righteousness, away from everything God has in store for us. There is nothing that man can do which will undo the work of God – so step forward boldly, like a lion, and claim your rights in this struggle against evil. Walk on the side of goodness & truth, walk according to your conscience, love others & do everything you can to live at peace with everyone. But don't be afraid to defend yourself, if it comes to that. God is on your side, and He is the only judge for the events which occur within the hearts of men & women all over the world, throughout all time, and forever more.


FITO/ 'Michael'

edit on SeptemberFriday2219CDT06America/Chicago-050011 by FlyInTheOintment because: clarification

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 11:09 AM
I realised there was another incident which I forgot to describe, regarding the validity of my name, and the reality of a mission which will unfold over the coming months & years.

There is a member of my extended family who, as noted, was a longtime member of MI6, that has been confirmed by obvious facts of his background & by his associates, as well as his own admission - his wife is my stepmother, and she directly confirmed this also. They met through administration of Church of England events & services, he was involved in a high church position, she was at one time a nun (after she had divorced my father) for a brief while. They married around ten years ago, and they have become guiding lights to my wife & myself, they are committed Christians in the Anglican tradition, and we often visit with them.

On one occasion, we were discussing some matter of the faith, just he & I, and another of those 'incongruous book-ended comments' was made, leading to the typical dissonance which has plagued me as an inability to openly challenge what I have just heard, to sort of disbelieve in it while it is being made obvious by the party involved. In one moment he said: "[..You're the first] of so many Michaels" with a broad smile on his face - not nefarious, just finding the incongruous nature of the situation amusing.

As with so many other direct comments which support the hidden reality of my life as a MILAB candidate, with my specific identity known by the military intelligence folk involved in supporting & shielding me, I found it psychologically impossible to backtrack & ask him about why he made that comment. After writing this thread, I've gained more confidence that in the future I'll be able to challenge such incidents, to hopefully pry some additional information from those who are deliberately inserting comments regarding my identity into the conversations which shape my perceptions of my position within the family, and the wider reality of which I'm a part.

If anyone has any comments, I'd be keen to hear your thoughts on the remainder of my personal testimony - it seems nobody wants to be the first to break it to me that I must be batsh1t insane!

If anyone has any supportive comments, they would be most appreciated. It's lonely, being convinced of the reality of this bizarre situation. Anything sympathetic to the narrative I've explained would be appreciated.


edit on OctoberSunday22110CDT11America/Chicago-050011 by FlyInTheOintment because: clarification

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment
FiTO - First, keep in mind that at nearly 59 yrs. old, I am writing from the perspective of a mother's heart.

In the decade or more that I've been reading ATS (like many, I 'lurked' years before joining), I have read enough threads on "MILABS"/'abductions' to be certain that such experimentation by various governments has well, my own 'relationship' with God has involved quite a lot of reading, research, and contemplation with many spiritually intuitive insights...
So, I do not doubt the reality of your experiences, and I don't think you are insane.

However, I'm not entirely convinced that the 'evidence' of your experiences leads to the conclusion you've drawn...

Now, I'm not saying you're definitely 'not' ArchAngel Michael - I think you are a unique, lovely individual with a beautiful soul - so, it certainly seems possible that you are a 'particular spirit-person' born with a specific destiny..

But until the day that you experience the manifestation of tangible, special abilities - it's best to keep an open mind...

You are not the first Christian I've known who experienced spiritual indications of being destined to 'play some part' in these current, (probably) 'end times' difficulties the world is going through -
- one woman realized that her life 'mission' (so to speak) was daily intercessory prayer on behalf of the innocent victims of the evil influences currently corrupting the powerful...
- another has discerned that she is meant to utilize focused intention to 'open the way' for heavenly powers to intervene more tangibly in the world...

All I can really say with certainty is that I believe in miracles, and I wouldn't rule out any possibility in regard to God's Creation or His plans to end the rule of Evil in this world.

God Bless and keep you, FiTO!

edit on 2-10-2022 by lostgirl because: spacing

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

Hi LostGirl,

Thank you for your kind words, and for your open minded suggestions for the appraisal of my experience. I certainly agree that there is risk in believing absolutely in what I feel I have experienced over the past thirty five years, and I agree that until there is a concrete manifestation of the abilities which I suggest I have been informed regarding it is important to retain such an open mind, readying myself for assessment of the prospect that I'm incorrect in my assumptions.

I believe in what I have been shown throughout my personal experience, I believe we are approaching the 'end of days', and I believe in what God has told me regarding my identity. In that respect it seems impossible to me that I can suddenly turn everything around to choose to disbelieve in what I've been shown. It is my intent to undertake 'experimentation' to determine whether or not those abilities will be made manifest in my experience. If it turns out that there is nothing which goes along with my expectations, then I will prayerfully consider why I got to this stage of absolute certainty, and I will assess how I can operate in this world without any hope of expressing what I've been shown - I am perfectly happy with the possibility that I have to live a perfectly ordinary life. I have several things going in favour for me in ordinary terms - I will be purchasing a house soon, I have a fledgling business which could potentially be very successful, and I would love to see my plans in this regard work out well, I would love to grow a business & provide opportunities for others. I am prepared to walk either path, and I know that no matter what, the truth will out, and indeed it will set us free.

In my own life it is as though there is both an ongoing 'normal path', and a secondary 'occulted path', a hidden path with a secret plan which has been unfolding over the past several decades. Either one or the other will bring about good things, but I'm not discounting the possibility of a bizarre & even miraculous way forward, I will be appraising each option in the near future. If indeed there are some unusual & bizarre outworkings of my expectations, my faith, I will return to ATS ro report on them, and I will make sure those bizarre outworkings are seen & known in the world for what they are, tools to help engage with a fractured world which needs to be encouraged & people who need to be affirmed in their beliefs towards a positive end result, the destruction of the satanic overlords who have taken over this world.

This world belongs to God, but the servants of the Devil have usurped the power structures of this world, they need to be neutralised & this world needs to be handed back to the Lord, to undo the damages which have already been done, to ensure that the children can no longer be guided down dark paths by the servants of evil. We must invest our talents wisely, so we will be seen as good & faithful servants when the Lord does eventually return to establish His thousand year millennial reign.

I'll start looking deeply into the matter, to come to final conclusions, to appraise the possibility that evidence might be on the way. I believe that these possible evidences might be useful to establish the Kingdom of God in this civilisation, to conquer the forces of evil, to aid the societies which desperately need an injection of faith, power & love, for the world to see the rollout of universal truth & power which will truly set people free, ensuring they no longer need to bend the knee to the powers of darkness which have been blackmailing & intimidating people of all classes & financial circumstances over the past few hundred years. It's all been going downhill, like a runaway train, with an upcoming disaster seemingly unavoidable in light of a mountain of debris on the tracks up ahead, the power of the radical left which has created a satanic world order, claiming it is liberal when really it is nothing of the sort. I hold out hope that the world can be won for God, and that soon the powers of darkness will no longer be able to control & dominate world affairs, with their corrupt media & entertainment industries capturing people & holding them bound in a prison of materialism, atheism & cynical post-post industrialism.

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Thank you for replying with such consideration!
I want you to know that I understand your spiritual journey better than my words might seem to indicate, as I have been watching the world 'unraveling' (just as you describe, "going downhill") for many years and have been aware that the only real hope is Heavenly intervention, which I pray for daily.

One thing I have come to believe is that even if we are in the Biblical 'end times' - it doesn't necessarily have to play out in strict accordance with prophecy...I believe that just as Abraham 'bargained' with The Lord to spare Sodom 'for the sake of [the] righteous' (Genesis 18:22-33), so we can intercede for the sake of the innocent and righteous and pray that God miraculously aid the world now.

Please do post or PM any updates to your experiences or any new insights you may wishes to you!

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