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So went to the doctor and she said I may have have a stone or obstruction in a bile duct

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posted on Sep, 13 2022 @ 10:47 PM

originally posted by: Bigburgh
a reply to: putnam6

Sour cream helps me, may not be the same for others.

Plan water room temp sipping just enough over night works quite well now. If an attack is bad enough I'll sit up and stand, then sip some water. It gets it down.

I can only say what's working for me. Losing weight and no alcohol has played significant for me.

Blood pressure also has finally dropped remarkably.

But still make sure nothing else is going on with you.

Well let's put it this way I moved it to the front of the fridge already for quick access, another thing I forgot though and it's probably not exactly helping is I eat ginger root quite a bit, while it does help digestion it might not be good if my stomach is enflamed and that can be a perfect description. I think it is GERD Ive got most of the symptoms and even my Mom has said Ive mentioned my stomach feeling scalded a couple of times. FWIW I used kefir or yogurt when that happened and it seemed to help so the sour cream makes sense.

posted on Sep, 13 2022 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Yea I had my gallbladder was removed 3-4 years ago, it's the last time I'll put off surgery. I had one doctor suggest getting it removed but t I waited till the third attack, never again. They said mine was in bad shape, but they did the laparoscopic surgery.

I mean the bile duct blockage. I had a stone in mine. They discovered it when my gallbladder failed. (I had a freakishly small gallbladder)
I had the gallbladder removed and then had to go back in a week later to have the bile duct blockage removed.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 01:50 AM

Check to make sure it is legal where you live. There are those who take a lot, 8 to 10 grams at a time to hallucinate...supposedly.

It doesn't make you hallucinate, it just gives you a short-lived opioid like buzz, maybe like taking a few hydrocodone pills. It's cross-tolerant with opioids to some extent but also has other alkaloids that affect other receptors in your brain. The opioid agonism is where the pain relief comes from.

Tolerance forms rapidly and people chase a high if thats what they're going for. It can cause a withdrawal syndrome in higher dosages but its mild compared to real opioids.

Thanks my friend, this is the second time Ive heard about Kratom but it is illegal here last I checked. Will research this though

Where do you live? It's illegal in a few deep red states and maybe a few restrictive countries but the World Health Organization recently refused to ban it from international shipping at the FDA's request after review.
edit on CDT01Wed, 14 Sep 2022 01:55:27 -050000000009b2022 by Thrumbo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 02:04 AM
As for using baking soda to get relief from acid, be careful to watch your blood pressure as it's literally bicarbonated sodium. I forgot how much baking soda equals how much salt, around 40%? A little over 2 grams of baking soda is an entire gram of sodium, half the recommended daily allowance (which is 2.3grams or 2,300mg) from all sources of your diet. One can of soup, chili etc can have 60-80% of your daily amount alone. A teaspoon of baking soda is a few grams at least.

But you can do what I do and try potassium bicarbonate. It neutralizes acid the exact same way and amount as baking soda, it just isn't bad for your blood pressure and other health problems where salt is an issue. We don't get nearly enough potassium in our diets and the recommended daily amount is 4.7 grams(!).

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 04:21 AM
Oxalates found in certain foods and drinks especially vegetables is said to contribute/cause the formulation of kidney stones.
This is a very engaging video about it. Although it is a bit long it is informative all the way thru. I thought the explanation of oxalates causing crystals in our system (@12min) is interesting.

Surprisingly problems with the gallbladder can manifest as pain in the right shoulder.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: putnam6

Yea I had my gallbladder was removed 3-4 years ago, it's the last time I'll put off surgery. I had one doctor suggest getting it removed but t I waited till the third attack, never again. They said mine was in bad shape, but they did the laparoscopic surgery.

I mean the bile duct blockage. I had a stone in mine. They discovered it when my gallbladder failed. (I had a freakishly small gallbladder)
I had the gallbladder removed and then had to go back in a week later to have the bile duct blockage removed.

I read the thread through later and thought that you had to be talking about a stone. Not gonna lie, I was and am still more concerned than normal. It was like when I went to the doctor's office all the staff were still wearing masks, and even most of the other patients had masks. I finally asked the girl at the desk do I need to have a mask on, and she said it's up to you, we can't make you put one on. So I pressed further and said well let me know what the consensus is, I laughed and told her I want to do what the whole staff wants, LOL and she said it wasn't even unanimous for the staff to wear them but decided since they were exposed to sick people daily it might be the best thing.

FWIW I did sleep better last night with no episodes and even the pain is more of a low soreness, I'll know more when my lab tests are posted online. Read more about the purified bile salts, I'm checking with my doctor on those as well.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: BelleEpoque
Oxalates found in certain foods and drinks especially vegetables is said to contribute/cause the formulation of kidney stones.
This is a very engaging video about it. Although it is a bit long it is informative all the way thru. I thought the explanation of oxalates causing crystals in our system (@12min) is interesting.

Surprisingly problems with the gallbladder can manifest as pain in the right shoulder.

Yea I read that too much turmeric can be an issue, and I love turmeric, routinely put it in my tea or cooking and sometimes take a supplement. It was so funny I was talking to my sister and we were discussing what we had to eat before all this happened. I told her I'll be glad to do nothing but unflavored oatmeal if it makes me feel better, it's like I told her I'll get and drink Huel nutrition every day.

Thanks for the video I didn't know that and it's interesting, I watch a lot of Berg's videos but missed this one. Here's the ironic part, even before I had my gallbladder removed I always had pain in that area and attributed it to I was always driving and/or sitting at a desk.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: Thrumbo
As for using baking soda to get relief from acid, be careful to watch your blood pressure as it's literally bicarbonated sodium. I forgot how much baking soda equals how much salt, around 40%? A little over 2 grams of baking soda is an entire gram of sodium, half the recommended daily allowance (which is 2.3grams or 2,300mg) from all sources of your diet. One can of soup, chili etc can have 60-80% of your daily amount alone. A teaspoon of baking soda is a few grams at least.

But you can do what I do and try potassium bicarbonate. It neutralizes acid the exact same way and amount as baking soda, it just isn't bad for your blood pressure and other health problems where salt is an issue. We don't get nearly enough potassium in our diets and the recommended daily amount is 4.7 grams(!).

Excellent points when I told my doctor I used the baking soda, she said to go easy on that your blood pressure is still a bit elevated, the good news is I don't add salt as well as I try and keep the sodium intake extremely low. One of the reasons I love shopping at Aldi's about the only canned anything I eat regularly anymore is beans, their brand is significantly lower than traditional American grocery stores and even then I rinse them completely. I used to be a saltaholic, and one of the things the surgeon who removed my gallbladder said, was you got to cut way back on the salt, carbs, and processed food

I never even heard of potassium bicarbonate, I'll have to check on that. FWIW I don't ingest it often, but I know my Mom still brushes her teeth with it and has a bottle on her bathroom sink, I know it's her go-to for indigestion and she probably doesn't need that much sodium intake either.

Where do you live? It's illegal in a few deep red states and maybe a few restrictive countries but the World Health Organization recently refused to ban it from international shipping at the FDA's request after review.

Yea pretty sure it is legal here, they just barely passed medical MJ here, but at least one updated site said it is now legal.

FWIW I've tried CBD and even D8 which is legal here and it does seem to help, and it does take the edge off the stress. But even that I've cut back on all the digestive issues going on. Once I get to the other side of this I'll do more research, and ask my doctor, cause I do have chronic pain in my lower left leg and foot, and tinctures do help.

For one thing, as I discussed with my doctor I'm concerned about my allergies, hay fever, and food allergies, I used to never have issues with either of those, so I do want to be careful what I start taking again.

It's one reason I post here, I just want to find the smallest amount of vitamins and supplements that I need to take and make sure I take them in a form my body can digest. It's like the CBD I can't eat gummies but if I melt one in a cup of hot tea it works better.
edit on 14-9-2022 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: putnam6

I hope you find out what is going on and you find relief soon. The digestive enzymes and elevating your upper body while you sleep sounds like really good suggestions.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: Onlyyouknow
a reply to: putnam6

I hope you find out what is going on and you find relief soon. The digestive enzymes and elevating your upper body while you sleep sounds like really good suggestions.

Thanks my friend, threads like these always give me something to ask my doctor, and at least now you can communicate online I even asked my doctor if I was asking too many questions and she said no, this is exactly how it needs to work before you do something ask my opinion.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: putnam6

Everything they say is good for us like spinach and turmeric, isn't. Foods that seem similar like Swiss chard and kale can be at opposite ends on content.

My friend complained of shoulder pain and really identified with the symptoms. It's good information.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 12:31 PM
I would do a liver/gallbladder flush. It cleans out the garbage that builds up in there and clogs the bile ducts. One of the very best things we can do for internal cleansing and overall health

edit on 14-9-2022 by shasta9600 because: to add

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 03:19 PM
One of my Co-Workers swears by her CBD oil .....she did say it took some trial and error to find what works what Strains and or Oils it's made well as Full spectrum or Broad spectrum....I just know she says it's the one that has SOME THC in that works best for her....takes in the AM and right before bed of luck

Info on CBD

posted on Sep, 19 2022 @ 02:30 PM
I wanted to add where my stuff is headed, first of all, blood work was ok, better than last time, and kidney function and liver were within normal range. I didn't find out till later that Ive got a UTI/Bladder infection however and she put me on Nitrofurantoin Mono. That was a bit weird didn't feel like I had symptoms but according to the lab work I do.

The really good news is I've been taking Bile Salts, Black Seed Oil, and Calcium supplement cause I rarely eat dairy, Zinc, and Magnesium as well as raised my bed and now sleep on my left side too. Discussed it all with my Doctor too she was on board.

Started this last Thursday and by Saturday night was feeling lots better, wasn't able to get an ultrasound scheduled till tomorrow, and will know more then.

One other thing yea the sour cream helped the pain, also yogurt, cabbage juice, aloe vera juice, etc. Talked for a while with my pharmacist and she is thinking it sounds a lot like GERD on top of the UTI. Hopefully, that's all it is.

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