posted on Sep, 3 2022 @ 11:39 AM
Companies spend decades developing new drugs, with 10+ years is small clinical trials that gradually increase in number as they work the bugs out.
Once a new drug is deemed safe and effective, the CDC reviews all the data, and if in agreement the drugs goes to market.
Time and time again we read how the trial data has left out or altered the number of harmful effects, of the CDC approved the drug even though there
was evidence of it having serious complications.
Tagamet was on the market for several decades before it was 'discovered' to contain cancer-causing ingredients. Odd how as soon as it was discontinued
the drug company had a new, safe improved version-at a MUCH higher price. SSDD It appears CDC approval can be bought, just like all the other three
letter organizations.
This is a perfect example of why people should be wary of ANY new drug on the market, especially one that's approved for EUA.