posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 03:26 PM
Hey all, this is kinda my first post here so sorry if i dont get it right, anyway...
I am writing to you all today in search of information that i have been searching for for weeks and cannot find in any public records.
In 2016 and 2017 Jessica Reznicek and associates were protesting the dakota access pipeline. The act itself isnt much, sure there are lots of people
who do such things and work to better society. her information is easy to find in a google search.
Ok so, a few weeks ago i came across an article in regards to a panel of judges upholding her label as a "terrorist", refering to it as "harmless"
and lots of other tidbits of information we should all be concerned about.
so yeah i read a bit and followed some breadcrumbs to learn more. originally she was to be scentenced to 2-4 years and made to pay fines in access of
3 million dollars but someone didnt think that was enough, even though she was never charged with any acts of terrorism nor did she plead guilty to
BUT THEN....just today, a little while ago i was watching AL Jazeera and they did a great piece on the subject but i cannot verify all the information
presented in that Al Jazeera interview.
so here i am asking for your help, i need a way to find out, which 84 senators (if any), acted to label this person a terrorist, and in turn received
monetary compensation from the involved oil companies to the tune of 36 million dollars.
thanks in advance