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German Chancellor Airplane Face Mask Controversy

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posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 03:55 PM
How does a government handle public outcry after seeing maskless Scholz and other leaders in German government maskless?

They have now made masking compulsory again.

We are almost three years onto the nonsense of COVID nonsense.
They are clearly sending messages that C19 is just being covered for the flu/cold viruses seasons of winter.

What happens during winter? of course its when the flu season starts.
Which many of the MSM outlets had forgotten as they are still pushing C19.

Germany to Make Masks Obligatory From October, Including for Air Passenger
German Chancellor Airplane Face Mask Controversy

Germany To Reinstate Mask Mandate For The Entire Winter

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: vNex92

I know people that swore on mask and vaccines but so many of them are finally seeing the real picture and voice things like:

"I don't participate in this anymore"
"I won't start wearing masks again, they are proven useless"
"No booster for me"

Left right and center, literally.

People are -hate to use the term- waking up in troves or are just simply fed up. That must scare the establishment a lot. Sadly a lot are still numb and mindlessly following the narrative but the more that question this, the better.

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 04:26 PM
I say ad nauseum. WTF is a 'case' ? If you aren't sick then who gives a flying fuq.
Why Germany leading the charge to be totalitarian again?

Why not Belgium?

Why not France?

Is there an 'agenda' at work?

I get almost sick seeing public walking videos from Korea or Japan seeing people wearing that shiz OUTDOORS still. Totally mind blown/over it.

When I ask why they are doing it, the Japanese say 'because case increase' .
I say 'okay are they sick?' no response.

I rest my 'case'

Sheeple gonna sheeple. Esp. in Asia.

a reply to: vNex92

edit on 29/8/2022 by chris_stibrany because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 04:34 PM
I often wonder how future generations will view this time in history. Same with any intelligent life that may stumble upon our planet. What a bunch of idiots humanity is now. Interesting time to be alive though!

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain
"I know people that swore on mask and vaccines but so many of them are finally seeing the real picture and voice things like:

"I don't participate in this anymore"
"I won't start wearing masks again, they are proven useless"
"No booster for me"

Left right and center, literally.

People are -hate to use the term- waking up in troves or are just simply fed up. That must scare the establishment a lot. Sadly a lot are still numb and mindlessly following the narrative but the more that question this, the better."

But i know my fellow german citizens and could bet that if only enough people wear that mask thing again in fall, when the panic level in the MSM is raised again, when people get ill because of flu and all that, when they have to test everyday with rapid tests which are wrong to around 75% and maybe an older neighbor dies with 87 years, of course tested positive so he can go into the statistics the agenda pushers need to push their agenda, then many of the people who say now:

"I don't participate in this anymore"
"I won't start wearing masks again, they are proven useless"
"No booster for me"

Most of these people will be the best agenda supporters again, including snitching on their fellow citizens, when the order comes from above. Why should their behavior, their submissiveness, their trust in MSM news and politicians have changed from last year or the year before last year suddenly now? Many of my fellow citizens are loudmouthed only when they fear no consequences. But if the order from above comes, they all stand at attention again. They will stand in lines again in front of pharmacies for hours to get their 5 or ten free masks, outside, in cold weather and rain, for hours. They will stand in lines again in front of test centers, only to later be allowed to throw money at a restaurant that forces useless corona measures upon it´s customers while slowly going bankrupt because of exactly these useless measures. They will stand in lines again and even cheat on each other to be the first for the next booster, number 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9....

Wer had this two years because of the majority of the people and i am pretty sure the thinking and behavior of that huge mass didn´t change. They will lose a few people, of course, but will stay the majority that is still the same kind of people who made the Third Reich possible.

But i believe that many don´t care about that corona BS anymore at all when they have to sit in the dark and cold soon because of the transformation, lose their jobs and can´t afford rent, electricity, food etc anymore. Because then people will die for other reasons then. This time for real. And this time really in masses because of this man made crisis that is rolling toward us while "our" politicians free they way for it.
edit on 30 8 2022 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

"I say ad nauseum. WTF is a 'case' ? If you aren't sick then who gives a flying fuq.
Why Germany leading the charge to be totalitarian again?"

I said it when she was chancellor and i still say it, because of Merkels ties to, for example, the Davos crowd, the Bilderberger gang, the WEF criminals and so on. Merkel paved they way for what is happening right now and soon. And then she was the "draw" mother of a whole political generation, of people like Young Global Leader Jens Spahn, Young Global Leader Annalena Baerbock, since Merkel Germany is completely infiltrated by by these foreign controlled agents. Germany is Great Reset and Green New Deal agenda leader in and for Europe.

And i believe that Germany, somehow not for the positive for the here living people, is and was always leader in Europe and thinks anyway that everybody else has to dance to our tune. Example: "If we ruin our nation because of crazy "green" ideas so the rest of Europe has to do the same" or they are bad and evil".

And maybe they simply know what makes germans tick and that germans still are germans, at least the majority. The same germans, i just can repeat myself again and again, who made the Third Reich possible. The same germans who will buy a ticket to take the train that rides towards the revolution. They can simply do it here with this population, without fearing any consequences like riots and revolts. They can use the idiocracy of the german masses to turn Germany into the NWO role model for Europe that everybody else in Europe has to follow. That´s btw why the german being von der Leyen was undemocratly installed as EU-President.

Never noticed that Germany had the hardest corona measures against it´s own people worldwide (except China, of course)? Never noticed that BionTech is "german", at least sits in Germany? And that Germany is one of the hardest agenda pushers of them all, besides the heavily by the WEF infiltrated "commonwealth" oversea nations like Australia, Canada, New Zealand.

Germany is perpetrator again, only a minority of it´s people is victim but the majority of the germans are submissive followers and boot-lickers again, standing in attention, awaiting orders from above.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 05:05 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

i find it hard to think of it as a thing now that the pandemic is over in all the real ways that matter from all the closed vaccine centers to no one wearing masks or social distancing.. and basically everyone going back to be arrogant gits..

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: nickyw
I live here in Germany and believe me, here the "pandemic" was never over. The propaganda went down a bit, really only a little bit, in summer but it started to get more and more again a few weeks ago. And since that, even in the most "killer heat wave", i see more and more people running around with FFP2 masks. Running around alone, outsides, sitting alone in the car, even riding on bikes.

It´s only a few more until now but it´s still summer, it´s warm, the weather is good. But you can see them slowly getting more and more. Especially in supermarkets, discounters etc. Because we had to wear masks there to get some food and people still are used to it, even if it makes absolutely no sense as "we" know now(and some of us knew before). And people here are forced to wear masks all the time until now only to be allowed to use the public transportation system, so people who need to use tht system have their masks available anyway at any time.

Believe me, the majority will do as commanded again when the orders from above are spread via Twitter and MSM, i know how we germans tick, the majority of the germans at least. Let´s wait a few weeks and then let´s check again if i was right or wrong. I hope i am wrong but if i had to bet then would bet that i am right.

But as i said before, when the lights go out and it gets cold and people starve, then that corona thing is done anyway. But it has served its purpose, it was step one to re-educate the people, to make them compliant, on line with "the state". Now we are at step two but still can´t decide if it´s bad because of Putins alleged fault or if it´s good to go down the drain because "we are saving the climate"...

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

that's a shame, i'm in one of the poorer regions of southern England and the last vestiges such as the screens vanished at Christmas in most shops..

but from the first wave onwards we've seen a spike in French, Dutch, and even German visitors in numbers I've never seen in my life, i mention Germans as its odd to see them outside of London especially roughing it here..

I guess it makes sense if the coin toss is rough it but feel free or posh but restricted..

i have enjoyed seeing the various groups along the seafront playing instruments, singing, exercising it all had a holiday camp feel rather than fearful pandemic..

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: nickyw
Many people in all other european countries, where germans spend their vacations, say that they now can recognize germans from far away because they are the only people running around with masks where it is not mandatory and needed. These people are a living joke to everybody else in Europe but they still don´t get it.

Because If, in fact and reality, only Germany is the ghost rider then everybody who is coming towards us is a ghostrider for "us" and everything "we" do is right and even better than what all the thousands of ghostriders coming towards us are doing. Many really think: WE don´t extinct soon when fall and winter comes, because we wore masks all the time and everywhere, had every available booster and all that. Many are done when it comes to logical thinking and recognizing what happens around them, they are trapped in their by the MSM ruled bubble and feel very well in this bubble.

Of course you have a growing number of people who have enough of all that and flee for few weeks to where that madness already ended, to have a feeling of how freedom once was. But what i don´t get is that most of them return to that madness here and obey instantly again, following every stupid order they even know that it makes no sense. It´s that german mentally i don´t get even if being german by myself, born and raised here, half-cast because of my "yugoslavian" father. Maybe it´s the blood of my father that doesn´t let me understand that average mentality here.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

my personal experience has been the reverse, having worked in Germany in the 90s when things in the UK where harsh but living here in southern England seeing German visitors outside of London or German school kids outside of Eastbourne has been weird.. the only ones i've seen act freaky with masks/social distancing have all been Dutch..

as for the German school kids in Eastbourne they are as brusque as all school kids.. in previous years i might be tetchy about rude kids but the last couple of years its been nice a kind of normalcy about kids being kids again..

the links with this part of the southern coast have a fascinating history be it France, Germany or the Low Countries..

The story of Bexhill’s pre-war Nazi girls’ school

though to be fair some animosity still exists to this day..

German students 'attacked by girls in Eastbourne'

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: herefortheride
Future generations that were mostly harmed by the use of the face masks..

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 10:53 AM
Sergeant Scholz got handed a huge bag of 💩 by she who preceded him.

'Nuff said.


posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Overall I agree with you. It may just be lip service, as so often. Like people waking up from a dream, being conscious for a few seconds and then go back dreaming / fearing. IDK what it is about the German mindset in general. I was once very proud of my heritage and that so many inventors and smart people are from German descent. Proud about our achievements, well except the wars.

Now, not so much. I've read your other posts down the thread and I made the same observations. Since around a month or so, when the talks about "the next wave" were started, I have seen people with masks more and more. Outside as well as inside, shopping.

Today I was at the doctor for another heart checkup because I am not feeling well the last few days. The nurses didn't say anything being in there without a mask. Because they know that the last thing I need is less oxygen and more rebreathed CO2. But the people inside the packed waiting room gave me the looks constantly. First I had to stand and then two seats got free so I gladly took one, because I was about to sit on the floor. After that another seat next to me got free. The next two people coming in even made themselves uncomfortable standing in the corner because left and right of me, no one would take a seat. An older lady prefered to stand, I didn't understand the world anymore. And not because I felt shunned, no, I thought like, how fearful do you have to be?? You're in there with me for at least half an hour average. YOU WILL BREATH MY BREATH. No matter what. Then I though like "well then idiots, more space and air for me" and relaxed.

And then there's this other observation I have, like people seemingly going to the doctor for #'s and giggles. I mean, besides my presence being a downer, the overall moot was happy and energetic. Not one I saw had any visible struggles it was like they are happy to see the doctor to get told what to do. I know, checkups and all are a thing too but really.

I only go there on my last limb walking on my gums when necessary but some really think and behave like it's their #ing living room.

And what you wrote about vacation in other countries, so true. Also always complaining about #, like they expect their living standard and everything they know to be present. Buffets? You gotta line up parallel to the food and wait until the procession reached that container you want. I just want #ing noodles or whatever, I am not going to stand ten minutes and walk past all food and not process twenty other food servings. I did that the first time to check out what is on today.

People literally hiss at you when you have the audacity to ask to get a sideways entry because you got noodles and now need a sauce (swabian roots, told you). I am not going to wait ten minutes and stare on my noodles getting cold, so I can get to the #ing sauce.

Law and order my ass. I am also fed up about cleaning the god damn street every saturday and if you don't, you're a filthy outcast that defies the establishment.

Little rant over. Germans... (rolls eyes). Maybe that's my Italian side coming through. God I am so glad I am a mutt and at least have some fire left in me.

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I just watched some German walking videos in Frankfurt and Berlin, from this month , and even in the train station most people were not wearing masks. I guess they are 'mandated' (?) to wear them on the vehicle, but in the station they can do what they want?

Thanks for reporting

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

Your post made me sad LOL. Did you ever see the BD of 'Signor Spaghetti'? Your being a 'mutt' brought it to mind. It's an Italian in France in the 60s. ...yes random..

"Today I was at the doctor for another heart checkup because I am not feeling well the last few days. The nurses didn't say anything being in there without a mask. Because they know that the last thing I need is less oxygen and more rebreathed CO2. But the people inside the packed waiting room gave me the looks constantly. First I had to stand and then two seats got free so I gladly took one, because I was about to sit on the floor. After that another seat next to me got free. The next two people coming in even made themselves uncomfortable standing in the corner because left and right of me, no one would take a seat."

Sorry you had to endure that at any rate.
When I went to my last skin app (USA) t I was the only one there not wearing one and the nurses at the desk also didnt say anything. Nor did anyone else shun me, but it was fairly empty. Here since it's private, a lot of smarter clinics dont turn anyone away due to that, they need the money badly.
It was the same in my dentist. I was the only one.
This was about 1-3 months ago.
Only clinics have the 'requirement'
Transport has none,
Shops have none

Best of luck....

posted on Aug, 30 2022 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: vNex92

The Germans have Always Been Mad .............." Double Entente " .


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