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Explosive: Tom Renz Presents SS And Medicare Death Data, Verizon Prevents Livestream

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posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 12:04 AM
Tom Renz was never a big name in his industry, but when it comes to his raw impact, he has the truth on his side. It turns out in the end, that the truth is the most important thing. So much so, that even Verizon prevented him from livestreaming the data he gathered from the social security administration's master death records. Cleary he has the attention of those at the top who pull the strings.

The data he presents clearly shows massive death spikes that occur after the jabs, which are way larger than anything that occurred during the initial pandemic. These occur during the initial rollout of the vax, and then around fall of 2021, exactly when the first and second round of jabs and or booster were rolled out. There was absolutely no way the government didn't know this as it came from the social security master data file that stores the death records, as well as data from Medicare.

During the vaccine rollout many were FORCED to take the vaccine. Those in nursing homes, those severely disabled, or individuals with mental difficulties. This seems to fit a pattern, just like when they put people on the remdesivir / ventilator combination that killed so many, while denying early treatment strategies. Just like when they put covid infected patients in nursing homes, and just like when they ordered massive quantities of midazolam to euthanize the elderly under the guise of end of life covid treatment.

Watch the full interview here followed by the presentation:


posted on Aug, 29 2022 @ 01:55 AM
Some of us are not surprised.

But thanks, nonetheless. I'll never a close look at all this


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