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97% Of Corporate Execs Think US Is In Recession, Half Of US Companies Gearing Up For Layoffs

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posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 04:48 PM
Get ready if you can. Here come the lay offs and hard times. Meanwhile our idiot Democratic overlords will be increasing taxes both on businesses and us along with a new army of over 80 thousand IRS agents to ensure our lives suck.

Congratulations, voter fraud has consequences.... wait, did I say that?

“Given the uncertain backdrop, it’s understandable that companies are planning for a potential prolonged downturn and are considering various economic scenarios, as well as their approach to strategic planning over the next year,” said Michael Kollender, head of consumer, retail and diversified industrials investment banking at Stifel. “Market conditions and economic cycles often turn quickly.”

More than half of respondents — 55% — expect inflation to remain problematic for the next two quarters to a year, while another 43% anticipate high prices lasting even longer.

More than half of all US companies are planning to lay off employees as they brace for an economic downturn, according to a new survey.

The PwC survey — which polled 700 executives and board members across the US — found 52% of companies have already enacted hiring freezes, four out of 10 have rescinded jobs or axed signing bonuses for new hires, and roughly half have started laying people off or are preparing to cut headcount.

The grim numbers underscore how dramatically sentiment has changed from a year ago when employers were handwringing over losing staff amid the so-called “Great Resignation” when employees left corporations en masse.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 04:58 PM
It absolutely baffles me that common folk like us always fall for this!

The collapse is BUILT into the systems we have ruling over us, it's axiomatic. Why do we pretend we can't see it? Is humanity that weak?

We can't simply print money (governments solution to everything ever) because that causes inflation, yet EVERY single time the governments say, and I mean EVERY time "let's bail out this and give away that".

They think we're morons, literally.

The UK RIGHT NOW is in the worst inflationary spiral in decades, probably going to be ever, and yet the ONLY solution the stupid government has is to "bail out the poor" ergo, making them POORER! But they know this is a short term fix for a much, much, much bigger issue, yet the act like this is how we fix it! It's absolutely, mind bendingly infuriating and NO ONE CARES!

I've talked to countless people in the UK about inflation and none of them even care to understand it, its always "Well thats all too complicated for me, but how bad can it get" and when you retort "You tried eating your children" they laugh.......

These corporate execs speak another language, it's called smooth BS. They've known theae layoffs were coming since the stupid Covid lockdowns, they've been quietly reducing everyone's hours and only hiring minimal hours contract workers......

Once again the little man is HOPELESSLY ill informed as to the goings on in the financial sector.

Wait till October in the UK, Mad Max is about to come to life!

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: infolurker

We are not in a recession…
They changed the definition remember?

I do find it funny that we send billions in aid to Ukraine and then hire 80k irs agents to collect more taxes.
Do people honestly not see that these new agents are coming for your earning from places like Pinterest and Etsy sales?
They don’t need armed agents to audit a business…🙄

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Yeah , Well , it ain't Easy Keeping a White Collar Job Nowadays . Oh , wait .........................

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

I can only hope they intend to send those agents to the kind of people making money living in their parents basements making a fortune and spending it on other people doing the same sort of thing.

My worry is that they'll instead be using these armed agents to go after actual productive members of society- those who produce physical goods, and those who purchase them.

From the standpoint of an over funded and heavily armed collection agency, they look the same.
Worse yet, the patent office will get involved.
You have a better mouse trap? Not while we've got the IRS.

Reminds me of that time 'they' killed the electric car, back when it might have actually made sense


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