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Lancet Warns About 'Tomato Flu' In India That Leaves Children With Red Blisters

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posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 01:35 PM
Seems they are giving us a new "Back To School" gift for the toddlers / daycare babies. This one looks like chicken pox plus as the welts / blisters grow to the size of a tomato.

I assume they will again allow this to spread worldwide shortly.

Lancet Warns About 'Tomato Flu' In India That Leaves Children With Red Blisters

The infection is called 'tomato flu' because of the red, painful blisters that appear on a patient's body and enlarge to the size of a tomato.

Doctors have sounded an alarm over a new illness that is gaining a foothold in India. 'Tomato flu', as it is commonly called, is a new type of hand, foot and mouth disease and cases have been found in Kerala and Odisha. According to Lancet Respiratory Journal, cases of 'tomato flu' were first reported in Kerala's Kollam and May 6 and has so far infected 82 children. These kids are under the age of 5, the Lancet report further said.
"Just as we are dealing with the probable emergence of fourth wave of Covid-19, a new virus known as tomato flu, or tomato fever, has emerged in India in the state of Kerala in children younger than 5 years," Lancet said in its report.

NEW THREAT Warning as new ‘tomato flu’ virus infects 82 children leaving them with painful blisters

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 01:43 PM
It may just be coincidence, but big bad scary diseases are always front page news when we have a democratic administration. That, and race....income equality....LGBTQ+FJB endless list of recycled problems that never get fixed, but held over to create division again should they lose and have to regain power.

I think they're pretty determined not to ever lose again, by any means necessary.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: nugget1

May i ask what year did covid start and what party was in power?

When was the George Floyd controversy again? or the Ahmaud Arbery incident? or that silly CHAZ nonsense?

Are you suggesting that a democrat was the 45th President?

I dont think ANY politicial party is better than the other ALL politicians are thiefs, liars and cheats. No one single government ANYWHERE ever resolves problems.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: nugget1

COVID became a big thing when which party was in power?

It wasn't the Dems, was it?

Come on man.

The tomato thing is hardly front page news. Your sources aren't even in the US, either.
edit on 21-8-2022 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: infolurker

So basically just more scaremongering, from another Propaganda™ arm of The-Rockefeller-Foundation™ // Big-Harma™, disguising Experimental-Jibber-Jabbers™ Side-Effects™, as some kind of new Illness™ ?

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: Nothin

Where do you get any of that from?

The Lancet is a propaganda arm of the Rockefeller Foundation?!!!

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 03:40 PM
This was first identified May 6, 2022

I wonder why it's just now catching attention because it would seem that if you really wanted to stop a pandemic right off the bat, you would quarantine a new malady and try to identify that bad boy, figure out how it spreads, how devastating it is etc. Fortunately it isn't fatal. It's a virus and is highly contagious. Don't pop the blisters, get bed rest and drink lots of fluids.
edit on 21-8-2022 by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Tomato can be small, tomato can be large, tomato can be sauce, if Indians bathing in Ghanghes get it, you're dead for good.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Hooooly #cock...

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: CptComa88


posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 10:21 PM

edit on 70000001010America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: oops

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

COVID became a big thing when which party was in power?

It wasn't the Dems, was it?

Who procured the financing and virus for the Wuhan lab? Could that possibly have been 'controlled opposition'?

The tomato thing is hardly front page news.

What? I never said anything about tomatoes.

Your sources aren't even in the US, either.

I didn't list any sources.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 10:35 PM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
a reply to: nugget1

May i ask what year did covid start and what party was in power?

When was the George Floyd controversy again? or the Ahmaud Arbery incident? or that silly CHAZ nonsense?

Are you suggesting that a democrat was the 45th President?

I dont think ANY politicial party is better than the other ALL politicians are thiefs, liars and cheats. No one single government ANYWHERE ever resolves problems.

I agree with you, and I also saw a VERY organized, controlled effort to burn the country down by BOTH political parties because for once the people didn't do the bidding they had programmed us to do in 2016.

If you believe there has been no planning involved in the plan to 'fundamentally change America' (Obama) and ''tear down so we can build back better' (Biden) you've got a lot of company; just not mine.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 11:17 PM
They experimented with vaccines over in India that left a bunch of kids with problems. Secondary side effects can come from any medication or vaccine. I guess they do not like Gates over there anymore, and they don't trust the pfizer and Moderna people either.


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