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Is there a plausible explanation?

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posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 07:35 AM
Before I describe my experience, let me reiterate that UFO stands for "unidentified flying object," not necessarily "alien craft." I've been looking for a plausible explanation for this experience for years.

It was 1975, and I was ten years old. I was with my friend (9), her brother (7), and my brother (6). The four of us were lying in the back of a station wagon looking up at the sky. (The tailgate window was open.) My friend's mom was taking us to get ice cream.

As we approached the intersection, heading north, the light turned red and we were forced to wait. Some sort of craft approached the intersection, parallel to our course. I don't know how large it was, as I could not tell its altitude. From my perspective, it was about two inches from stem to stern. So, it could have been a small craft flying low, or a huge craft flying higher.

It stopped just above us, so we all got a clear look at it. It was shaped like a filled-in horseshoe, which was clear as there were small white lights around the curved parts. Two larger white lights were at its front, and two red ones at its rear. Light was emanating from a vent on its underside. It made no sound at all.

As we watched, the craft made an abrupt right-angle turn and sped off to the east so quickly that it disappeared from view in a split second. Again, there was no sound.

To this day, I have no idea what the craft was. I don't think it could have been US military, judging from its movements. Keep in mind that it made that right-angle turn, then accelerated from zero to really fast in about a second.

Anyone have an idea of what it was?

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 08:02 AM

does the people u were with remember it also?
what do they think it was?
i think you and your friend saw a ufo.
I cant say if it was a us militery thing, but i belive in my har that it really wasnt.
I think you really know in your hart what you saw.
you have the answer within you.
have you anyone else stange expirienses or is this it?
do you dream about aliens or ufos or have other strange dreams?


posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 08:08 AM
The shape would lend itself well to a blimp. Is it possible that it didn't speed off quickly, but instead was obscured by low clouds or fog? Just a thought.

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 08:12 AM
sorry double post....delete me please

[edit on 4-4-2005 by nukunuku]

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 08:12 AM

youve witnessed an aircraft belonging to one of the 50 alien races messing around our planet or a reverse engineered vehicle belonging to USAF.
Will you ever find out what it was? Probably not.

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 08:22 AM
I've not been in touch with my friend's family in many years, but my brother remembers the incident well. Neither of us has had strange dreams or unexplained experiences related to this sighting.

The sky was clear that night, and we saw the craft speed off to the east. I'm pretty sure it was not a blimp. The only time I've ever seen blimps around this area is for advertising purposes, which would not be at night.

Also, let me say three more things. First, I do not believe in alien abduction. I believe that such experiences can be explained as a combination of dreams, nocturnal paralysis, and behavioral illness. Second, it would be the height of human conceit to think we are the only "intelligent" creatures in the universe. Third, IMO, no alien race advanced enough to be capable of space flight would bother with our "uncivilized" race, other than as cattle. (N.B. Thanks, Spider!)

I do not claim that what I saw was an alien craft, just that I could not (and still cannot) identify it.

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 08:28 AM

The sky was clear that night, and we saw the craft speed off to the east. I'm pretty sure it was not a blimp. The only time I've ever seen blimps around this area is for advertising purposes, which would not be at night.

They've still got to get from point A to point B. They aren't advertising 24/7...
Still, only you know what you saw. I was merely answering your question regarding possibilities....

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 11:25 AM

They've still got to get from point A to point B. They aren't advertising 24/7... Still, only you know what you saw. I was merely answering your question regarding possibilities....

Very true! Except I don't know what I saw, actually! I do know what it was not. It was not a traditional airplane of any type, a helicopter, a blimp, or a weather balloon. Its shape, patterns of movement, lack of engine or rotor noise, etc., would rule all those out.

Which leaves either top-secret military plane (not necessarily US) or alien craft, unless there are other possibilities I've not considered.

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 11:45 AM
I watched something spiraling toward the ground inflames about 7 years ago. I thought i was witnessing a plane crash at the time, though there was not sound of explosion or impact. I watched eagerly for the story on the news but it never came!
sorry to hijack your thread, just an intresting experience i thought id relate. cheers.

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 11:49 AM
The horseshoe shape and light configuration were what I used for my suggestion. There was an experimental airplane fitting that too...looked disc-shaped, but really more horseshoe-shaped, but with two props forward (the name is on the tip of my tongue), but you would have heard the props on this one....not silent. Nor would it have been able to hover.

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