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The poor will freeze to death in the UK.

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posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:15 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: anonentity

To be honest, if i was the pensioner, with an old meter, i would simply have the meter rigged rather than freeze for they bastards.

As TPTB are not likely to jail old sods if caught, and if they did well that's free lecky, gas, 3 meals a day, and access to the gym.

Fact of the matter we treat our prisoners better in a lot of respects than we do our pensioners, sad but very true.

Sadly you are correct-If you commit enough of a string of crimes to be imprisoned,you will be given food,heating,fast health treatment,TV,Playstation,gym etc...

If you have been a hard working law abiding person through your life,the government won't give you anything other than your meagre pension-which BTW once was yours anyway until you were forced under the threat of violence to hand it over in the form of tax.
You can starve or freeze to death,they don't give a #.People do every year.

Now there is something to look forward to.

Isn't modern Britain just wonderful?

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: Cymru

that's my wife's enduring memory of the 70s the smell of the paraffin heater, it's fondly remembered, though mine where of calor gas heaters, even picked pone up for this winter as a justin.. I also have camping gear/heaters to so should be ok.. feel for those who don't as being cold is my ensuring memory of the 70s, at home and junior school..

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: Cymru

Smelled somewhat like eucalyptus to me.

Your poor chin, bet that one stung like a bastard.

Could be really dangerous if knocked over reminiscent of a petrol bomb going off if that wee safety feature type thingamabob did not drop down and extinguish/cover the wick.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:21 AM
That our own citizens will freeze while many illegal visitors will be warm and cozy in hotels at the tax payers expense is a disgrace. Now I’m not suggesting illegal visitors should freeze, but we fall over over ourselves to make sure those that break our laws are comfortable while not caring about the old.

Selling off the utilities was a massive mistake, no doubt designed to make those selling even richer. It will undoubtedly cost lives, but those that will suffer are old and do not work so expendable to the government who have been looking for a solution to the boomers reaching pension age.

If I was being flippant I’d suggest OAPs buy a dinghy and wait on the south coast to be kept in comfort for the winter.

(Cost of living was such a problem for old people in Japan that they turned to crime to get jailed so they could eat and have secure accomodation

edit on 15-8-2022 by Tortuga because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

though to be fair in modern Britain it can be framed as for the greater good.. I saw what that meant for the vulnerable & elderly on hyper acute wards at the local general.

though that experience has led me to believe that change is coming that neither extreme will like or be able to control..

the cynic in my suggests this the real reason for the current political turmoil (in the UK at least)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

I don't think its much fun all the same Silcone Synapse, food is terrible, practically inedible for some.

You are locked up for the better part of the day, and if you do get a job, it pays less than peanuts, plus the company is apparently not all it's cracked up to be.

Junkies and mental health cases all over the place, and nutters ready to pounce and fight you at the drop of a hat should you happen to look at them too long or in the wrong sort of manner.

Where Playstation is concerned, anything that connects to the internet is forbidden behind bars, so needs to be the older consoles which you would have to pay for yourself.

They don't get to smoke anymore nether.....unless of course you like Spice.

Modern-day Britain is anything but wonderful but i don't think any sane person realistically entertains getting the jail as an alternative.

That being said, we do indeed treat pensioners worse off than we treat prisoners which is shameful beyond contempt given what they have contributed to society.

edit on 15-8-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:52 AM
ah...the melancholy little story by Hans Christian be revisited?

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:53 AM
Hopefully a few more people start to notice that exactly the same BS is happening to all of the nations who are, i am sorry that i have to say it again and again, infiltrated by WEF tools. This is no theory anymore, everybody can use the official WEF websites and the Wayback machine to find all the needed informations. Everybody can watch the videos where Schwab talks about what those stinky and filthy rich (and their henchmen in politics and mass media) would like to see and love to happen and we are right in the first half of that "conspiracy theory".

Everything i read here are exactly the same problems we have right now in Germany. And a lot of people noticed that these problems weren´t created by the people but by so called politicians and their puppet masters. It´s exactly, really exactly the same BS when it comes to energy costs and heating problems the upcoming fall and winter. We are EU, the UK isn´t anymore, makes absolutely no difference. There just have to be enough WEF tools to be installed in a government, in a nation, and "somehow" all these nations have exactly the same problems at exactly the same time, get the same MSM news about this and that at almost exactly the same time (maybe up to 12hrs difference), no matter if Europe or for example North America.

I don´t get it that so many people ignore the facts and simply put everything that happens away with: "conspiracy theory". Even if you show them all the available informations. I guess it´s a psychological thing, kind of childish psychological self defense or something. Just ignoring the reality till the big bang knocks on your front door, rudely awakening the woke sleepers on the current things side, catching them completely unprepared. But till that moment they were happy because everything, all the sh!t going on around them, was only a "conspiracy theory".

The people get and got terrorized only in the, let´s call them WEF nations, with that corona BS. The people have to sanction and hate Russia and love and support the Ukraine only in these WEF nations too. In all these WEF nations the people get mentally drilled by the MSM to love and want war as long as "we" are the "good ones" and the enemy is the absolute evil, according to "our" presstitutes and "politicians". More than 120 nations around the earth watch, stunned but amused, how these few WEF nations destroy themselves right now, all following the same stupid agenda to first tear everything down now, to "build back better" later. One can´t be that blind to not see what is going on and who are the perpetrators.

But "Germany" takes it a step further again and plans to go full corona haywire again against the people. While really everybody around us stopped the BS measures, all of our neighbors and almost nearly the rest of the world (you can´t fool all of the people all the time), we are in addition to all the sh!t that happens right now, bombared by new upcoming corona measures to keep the people under control. The framing started weeks ago, all people who dare to protest against that madnes al are nazis, rightwingers, "the dirty kids good people don´t play with".

And what a "coincidence", the new anti-people corona measures start October the first and somehow at the same time "we" have new rules for a Bundeswehr unit installed, the Kommando Territoriale Aufgaben der Bundeswehr. This unit is, among other things, allowed to "help" with "pandemics" like the corona plandemic. Means nothing else that they are allowed to force these anti-people corona measures upon the people.

Because with these measures they simply can forbid demonstrations and protests (because of energy, heating, money, tax etc, etc issues) because "three" people didn´t wear a mask or didn´t keep a distance of 1,50m to each other. As they did since begin of that corona madness in 2020 with protests and demonstrations against the inhuman and senseless measures here in Germany. These people all were painted "brown", declared to Nazis and rightwing-extremists, even if most of them were in reality lefties, old hippies, average people of all ages, poor and not so poor people, people of different skin-colors and a really huge part of (now former?) green party voters as they had to admit after they did surveys among the participants of these protests and demonstrations.

All what happens right now unfolds like a book in real time and in front of the eyes of all of us but unfortunately the most people refuse to take a look at the book because it could be a book they don´t like because of it´s story without happy end for 99% of the people WEF-world wide. So they rather tiktok&youtube%MSM their brains away while standing on the side of the street where the bus approaches, refusing to look into the direction of the approaching bus they even can hear come closer and that will hit them soon because that bus is only a "conspiracy theory" for them.

Unfortunately we keep losing one battle after another against the stinky rich in that war they declared on us. Because too many people have their false psychological self-defense activated, keeping their ears and eyes closed while loudly crying and yelling and singing (those songs of slavery but not those of freedom) to avoid contact with the reality their are caught in. They keep swimming with the stream, maybe even knowing that there is a fish factory at the end of that stream millions swim with instead of against, "but if everybody else around me does it then it cant be wrong, amirite???". With such "woke fighters" you only can lose battle after battle.

It feels like we lose so many battles right now, day by day, that the Endsieg of the criminals isn´t that far anymore. I hope all the supporters and possible-makers of that new fascism are happy about what they have done to WEF-mankind!

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Cymru

Your poor chin, bet that one stung like a bastard.

Not ashamed to admit that 6 year old me burst into tears.

But Grandparents phoning my Mum was likely more stressful.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

the problem with grandiose plans is they fail in equally spectacular ways.. consider the humanists wanting their golden Virgillian age breaking their church and ushering in the reformation instead..

it failed even more spectacularly in England as Henry 7 wanting to secure his families bottoms to seats of power identified where Camelot and had his first son born there (Winchester) naming him Arthur so he would become king Arthur the once and future king to rule Christendom from Camelot.. he died so instead we got a messed up sequence with Henry 8..

the correlation in my mind is Johnson took the role of Henry 8 but the reformation will happen regardless of grand plans or appeals to the god of the rich.. they had their chance to make a better future like the humanists they chose this path, its on them..

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: Cymru

I climbed up atop a plastic bucket of near enough boiling water and bleach with nappies steeping when i was about 4 trying to look out the window.

One of my legs went right through the top of the thing and i had to get pulled out screaming blisters and bubbles everywhere.

I can remember them running a pair of scissors up my leg in the Victoria Infirmary AnE to take the skin off for some reason.

Lucky wee boy i suppose, not even a scar to be seen when i grew up.

Strange the things you remember.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Margarete Thatcher may have started the downhill slide to the right but the current batch of Tory's make her seem positively saintly and even left wing by comparison.

They do NOT care about the British public only about there vote as that gives them power.

They do NOT have the best interests of our nation at heart only those of there own select group of ultra wealthy patron's many of whom are not even British.

They are dead set on pushing right wing ideology even if it kills people and it already has.

They have already killed AT LEAST 1/8 of a million British people through there welfare policy's toward impoverishing the poor even more.

They hid and HIDE the real number of unemployed through the sanctions regime.

Remember these are only provable estimates but the real figure may be four times as many or even higher as they do not include deaths through stress etc.

Yet they remain completely unrepentant, regard the poor as parasites and give themselves tax cut's and push forward with there plan to return us to Dickensian period inequality.

They are utterly, unrepentantly and irredeemably evil.

And they are NOT for our nation, while our own people are being forced to go to food bank's to survive even the employed they are giving themselves tax cuts and pumping billions into aid for international corporations and wars in other parts of the world that really don't involve us and we should not be involved in.

And what happened to the extra money for the NHS?.

Waiting times for operations are off the charts, no one can get a dentist and everything is being funnelled so that even the poorest in our society are having to pay for services that should be free on the NHS.

What about education for our Kid's which is why so many voted out of Europe but NO instead May and Johnson went and made deals with India so there graduates would come and take our Kid's job's, no help for our own poor, nothing to save our nation but only to save the rich.

But remember NEW Labour is not our party either, Corbyn was NOT a radical he was just an old fashioned labour MP whom believed in old fashioned for the people, by the people and of the people Labour democracy but look how they twisted it to make him look like a communist or something, to brainwash the British public into voting for anything but him, even the BBC had plants in the audience to slander him and decry his plans (Fair his defence policy was pant's and most of his front bench were not presentable except for McDonnell who is another true old fashioned pre Blairite labour MP so even if we get labour in if it is Keir's lot I am afraid they have no intention of undoing the harm done by these Tory Lout's.

Greed, Greed, step on the poor, down the poverty stricken to the floor and pay fill the wealthy cup with there blood so that our future is lost and too late the true Tory evil is understood.

Here you go this ugly article of a woman is hiding the facts and pushing to let the poor die old Tory style by starvation and poverty.

And the pure unabashed arrogance of the Tory's is evident here.

They are NOT GOOD, they are BAD even EVIL and as far as God is concerned they are the ones on the LEFT they are only on the DEVILS right hand side.

It was JESUS whom said if you have two coats give the one you are not using to your brother or sister that does not have one, feed the poor (Feed my sheep).

It is evident by there actions they HATE God.

Even the senior Anglican Cleric in the house of Lord's called them out for there cruelty but they ignored him, Atheist, Heartless and EVIL, Selfish and greedy scum at the top, like a barrel of water with Crap and Gold in it the Gold has sunk but the Crap floats on top stinking the place up and that crap is the TORY's.

edit on 15-8-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:24 AM
why is everyone worried about a cold winter and heat costs, I thought we as a whole are supposed to be worried about some global warming issue or some crap like that.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

ouch thats nasty, mine was being so cold I could get close enough to the heater ended up so close that I sat on it (convector heater) and burnt my posterior in a crisscross grid followed by months of tummy sleeping..

its also surprising how these things impact us, it didn't resonate with me un January this year fearing a return of that cold I ended up being a sad git making plans to keep the family warm and as safe as humanly possible.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: nickyw

Use anything other than gas and you might get fined for your troubles lol. Everything is being regulated with more stuff on the way.

It's been years since I've seen a portable gas fire so it'll be no surprise to me if people started acquiring them and using them without atleast opening their windows.

DIY heating solutions need to be thought through. Operating a hot water bottle needs common sense, I know too many people who've used out of date ones and scalded themselves.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Cymru

I climbed up atop a plastic bucket of near enough boiling water and bleach with nappies steeping when i was about 4 trying to look out the window.

One of my legs went right through the top of the thing and i had to get pulled out screaming blisters and bubbles everywhere.

I can remember them running a pair of scissors up my leg in the Victoria Infirmary AnE to take the skin off for some reason.

Lucky wee boy i suppose, not even a scar to be seen when i grew up.

Strange the things you remember.

We should start a thread about all the stupid things we did as kids in 70's with household gadgets that now would be classed as a torture device or life threatening.

As far as the rising cost of energy, I think its' criminal that these companies (with most now owned abroad) are making billions in record profits.
A billion in profit is nothing to scoff and in my opinion, a company doing well, but 10s of billions is just criminal, and this is just pure profit after tax and running costs.
I think super profits should either be super taxed or a better cap on bills to supply energy.

edit on 15-8-2022 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: anonentity

We still have winters?

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: SleeperHasAwakened

We import energy but it's not really gas and when it is gas it's from stable economies like Norway. The biggest cost to the UK energy market is the fact it's a private market and therefore much more subject to the force of international markets than anything else.

The cost to extract North sea gas or to push gas from Norway and the Netherlands didn't shoot up, the markets shot up.

So yeah, energy companies. Any Brit here would know that it could easily be a nationalisation debate though... Maybe drop the green stuff too for a couple years.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

I can only imagine the kind of things some of us would come away with. LoL

Aye that would make a good thread.

The reason they are making such record profits would seem to be that they are trying to get blood out of a stone where some poor sods are concerned, and thats not just residential bills, but also business accounts.

They need to do something Kurokage or a load of people are apt to become destitute never mind out of a job also.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

calor still do a lot, i opted for a couple of cubes you can switch out down the local petrol station, but amazon will be there for those looking at last moment anything which is a worry.. if I had the spare cash I might have opted for a calor lpg boiler and thats the bottom line those with money will be toasty and warm as the poor freeze..

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