Use to be you could watch The History Channel for awesome history docuseries, but something happened one day, maybe it was all the Ancient Alien
It use to be like the ww2/hitler channel at one point, ah well.
Check out the video below and educate yourself, don't be a barbarian.
Well there is two minutes of my life I wont' get back.
Talk about reverse psychology and very daft.
Actually I think they are mixing up the Greek's with the renaissance Italians there, the Greek's were apparently quite proud of there oversized
peckers and there is a whole list of ancient story's from the Mediterranean about half gods being terrifying to woman because they could burn them
inside and split them in two, rather nasty but it was there literature.
Now David the statue on the other hand.
This is a pun on it from the British budget optician Specsavers whom have a security guard with poor eyesight flipping the wrong thing when he is
trying to turn off the lights.
The humour being that he should have gone to Specsavers to get some glasses and perhaps the David like statue would still have it's rather small
As for the Real HERECLES (Hercules is the Roman version of the Greek Hero/Deity's name), I don't believe he ever actually existed, Samson on the
other hand I believe definitely did exist, Samson strangled a lion with his bare hands so there were more than human beings so just perhaps Herecles
was based on a real person, certainly from south Africa to the arctic circle there are legendary men of great strength and even today we have had real
men of great strength whose strength was natural not through steroid abuse such as the gentle giant Andre the Giant.