a reply to:
Then.. there is the mosquito.. biting a vaccinated person and then biting an unvaxed person. Based on the way the vaccines work by production. The
chance you are vaccinated, increases. Again this would be more of a variable as no research has been done to see if the effects spread from a
vaccinated person being bitten into a non. So that part is hypothetical. Not to mention the fact they had been working on
Vaccine produce
2. Vaccine mosquito delivery
Which we all know if they did release the bugs we wouldn't hear about it. As far as what brands went vaccine produce.. also remains in question.
With the biggest supplier most likely being Nestle/Monsanto/Bayer (parent of at least 70% of all brands out - only set to look like seperate companies
only 10 companies in the world control ALL food sources.).
Ensuring access to every household in America and worldwide. Through parent or a subsidiary company.
As well as owner of big pharma distributor Bayer.
what companies are owned by nestle
Bayer owns Nestle - who funded Tony Fauchi s education and put him in a place of power.. to not only profit from his position. But I am sure you can
imagine the rest.
here is what Bayer owns
Monsanto ownership list
Please note that Bayer is the Master company, Nestle and Monsanto are sub-master with seperate branches.
This is why Nestle/Bayer/Monsanto are the most likely to use vaccine produce in their foods over other brands.
Because they are one in the same, they also work very close with the corruption in government.
Operations this way allows them to split the heat, while still retaining steady income no matter what they do.
Hence Nestle has bad water rap, Monsanto has bad food rap, and Bayer has bad drug rap. But not many people realize that
coca cola is owned
by the same drug Lords who gave HIV infested pain killers in children's Tylenol. Which is how Cocaine wound up in their drink in and is often
referenced to "bringing it back".
Or that not only does
Monsanto destroy the world with self pollinating gmo crops, but they also strip the land of water on expired contracts
during droughts.
If all that was put under 1 company it would be easy to see the line of corruption and corporate greed. But multi-company ownerships like
owning both Pepsi and Cola allows them to profit if you boycott one but not the other.
Especially if you believe they are competitors HAHAHA jokes on you they aren't. It is a sales tactic to keep certain drinks in certain
places/venue to keep up the appearance of competition. But in reality both are owned by Bayer. One was created to compete with the other in case of
fallout from drugs on the drinks. Which worked flawlessly, safe alternative for the kids.
But ask anyone if Coke and Pepsi are competitors, they will say YES. Without question, no one will tell you they are owned by the same MASTER company.
Then they hide behind brands like Aunt Jemima - equality kick - for your support even though it's owned by the company listed above who does all that
bad. While publicly claiming water is NOT a human right. Despite the fact companies did NOT inherit the earth. We ALL did, and we ALL have just as
much of a right to it as they do.
Brand recognition only goes to the label, not the parent company, sadly most people can't see past that. Because they might see p&g on a label. They
think it's a completely seperate company. When in reality it is nothing more then a sub-master label of one of Bayer.
Now that you know about that form of corruption do you really think that people aren't being vaccinated by their food? I mean bill gates is
heavily involved and invested in sub-master Monsanto. Tony Fauchi is invested in upper branch Bayer.. do the math.
P.s if you want to make a topic on this, I will be glad to participate. But keep in mind, the numbers the CDC spew is probably a good chunk less then
reality, based on this possible statistic or scenario which was on the works for over 2 years now again depending variables based on unknown further
Trail went cold after the produce was developed for public consumption, and released for said consumption. Which does NOT mean
they abandoned this after spending millions producing it. It just means they have NOT released the brands/company names selling the vaccine foods.
For all we know it could of been the cause of massive cow deaths we have seen over the past few months. During LIVE testing. As many suspect
vaccines being used on the cows themselves, many forgot about the vaccine produce they developed. which could of easily been fed to the cattle
because of droughts and lack of food for the cattle due to supply issues. On top of possible testing for transfer of vaccine from meat to humans via
consumption. As a dose strong enough to effect the amount of people that consume that cow would of had to be VERY strong even within lethal range for
the cow to give a "proper" dosage to the human consumer. Especially when you account breakdowns in the digestive tract, time breakdowns/effectiveness
and more.
edit on 18-9-2022 by BlackArrow because: Coke and Pepsi are they really competitors? Or do they just trade among their branches?
on 18-9-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)
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