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Italy COVID VAX Mandate Lawsuit Successful

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posted on Aug, 5 2022 @ 11:49 AM
(Link to video)

Reiner Fuellmich:

Renate you also have good news coming from Italy. This is a fantastic decision.
This could be a real a milestone. Lets hear about it. It is an Italian judge who ruled on. Whether or not, I think it is a psychologist, needs to be vaccinated or not. In order to do his job.

Renate Holzeisen:

Yes correctly it is a brave decision. It is I would say the first decision in wich an Italian judge realy tried to establish the facts and then to apply the law. So this great judge Rimon of the Tribunal of Florence in the case regarding a health coworker a psychologist.

So first of all she establish the fundamental and first important fact. That this substances do not prevent infection. And already of the basis of that the fundamental fact she says that on the basis of the Italian law there can not be any obligation. But obviously she goes further. She says always on the basis of this public data we know that this substances are producing a huge number of adverse events,
very serious adverse events. And therefore she concludes that it is absolutely impossible to impose a treatment, sanitary treatment, to a person. As we know that this substances are causing also deaths and
other very serious adverse events.

And she explains that even if there was a benefit for the community. She establish the fact that there is no benefit because first of all this substances do not prevent infection.
So people treated with this substances can become sick and can transmit the virus.

She explains also in this decision that even if this substances would worked preventing the infection. There can not be allowed any mandatory sanitary treatment without a free and informed consent.

And she writes in her decision that we know from the public figures that this substances already caused thousands of deaths.
So she says never never an individual person could be sacrificed and she declares that it is clear that once the decision to suspend the psychologist from work the ward of the chamber psychologist
accepts the risk of a serious adverse event accepts that this psychologist could be a victim of a serious adverse event and she explains that that is absolutely illegal.

She explains that an informed consent is not possible as we do not know the ingredients.
You must know that a group of human law writers activists. Presented a freedom of information act to the EMA. Regarding clear information special referring to the ingredients and the safety
of this experimental substances. And as an answer they got that there is a military secret. That is absolutely incredible and we know that this answer came from the EMA. That they can not give this kind of information because of a military secret. And this Italian judge absolutely in a correct way. On the basis of this incredible answer given by this criminal EMA as we know. We do not have the information. Even if we ask the information publicly we do not get them. So we can not have an informed consent.

So therefore she declares the suspension of this psychologist from their right work is absolutely illegal and therefore she suspended the suspension from the work in an interim disposal.

posted on Aug, 5 2022 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: quickflash

This is great news!

I wonder if the Italian Medical Advisors got a financial bonus for handing out bad advice like our troll in Alberta did?

These cases being tossed out of court prove that these experts were full of shyte.


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