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New Study Shows COVID Vaccines Correlate With An Increase In All Cause Mortality

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posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 11:44 PM
The elephant in the room lately has been the SADS epidemic which appeared in 2021 and not 2020 when the corona pandemic started. We're seeing deaths from "unknown causes" becoming the number one cause of death, such as in Alberta, and now we have data that helps shed light on this phenomena. A new study posted on researchgate called "Covid-19 vaccinations and all-cause mortality -a long-term differential analysis among municipalities" examines if there is a connection between the covid vaccine roll out and the recent increase in all cause mortality. The study found that there is a 5 to 10 percent increase in all cause mortality that is associated with the roll out of the vaccines. Before you get too excited remember that a 10 percent increase in all cause mortality would represent 340 thousand deaths in the United States. This is also on the low end of a lot of estimates, such as the estimates done by Steve Kirsch who recently conducted an indepedant third party survey that estimates 500,000 have died from the vaccine.

We could not observe a mortality-reducing effect of vaccination in Dutch municipalities after vaccination and booster campaigns. We did find a 4-sigma-significant mortality-enhancing effect during the two periods of high unexplained excess mortality. Our results add to other recent findings of zero mRna-vaccine effectiveness on all-cause mortality, calling for more research on this topic.

What else matches up with this? The much higher life insurance payouts from insurance companies.

Lincoln National, the FIFTH largest insurance company in the United States, reported a 163% increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021. To put that into perspective, the annual statements for Lincoln National Life Insurance Company show that the company paid out in death benefits under group life insurance polices a little over $500 million in 2019, about $548 million in 2020, and a stunning $1.4 billion in 2021. That is a 163% increase in payouts in 2021 over the previous years.

They stated “This change was driven by non-pandemic-related morbidity [emphasis added], including unusual claims adjustments [emphasis added], and less favorable returns within the company’s alternative investment portfolio.” They clearly state that death and disability claims they have paid are NOT DUE TO COVID INFECTION, they are due to everything BUT covid infection.

Edward Dowd has also pointed out the 84% increase in all cause mortality in millennials.

“And the money chart is really Chart 4, which shows that the Millennial age group, 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality into the fall. It’s the worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history."


edit on 28-7-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 10:40 AM
Jessica Rose just did an analysis on how the all cause mortality in Alberta affects all age groups, basically proving its not caused by Covid.

Clearly, in 2021, COVID-19 was linked to the elderly with regard to death. But, this mystery killer, affected younger people more. Hmm, could it be that the elderly had already been killed off by the time the mystery killer got to them? What explains something that is killing young people and not old people in Canada, in the age of medicine? And why don’t we know what it is? Are we that lame?


posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

From your own source:

Municipalities that suffered the highest mortality during the 1st covid wave beginning of 2020 were most willing to be vaccinated later in 2021

Our simple linear model between mortality and vaccines does not capture nonlinear effects or non-uniform populations. Especially with respect to the latter, our approach is cohortless, while covid and thus vaccine effectiveness against mortality are highly age-dependent

So ... basically they're saying that areas that are heavily vaxxed were areas that were hit hard by covid early on, and that covid killed of a lot of people with thigs like hyper tension and heart disease. Which skewed the demographics and made studying using conventional models more problematic?

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 12:20 PM
It takes 5 years for the real side effects of testing medication or jabs is full understood, we are just in the beginning of the trials, the trial subjects are all that took the jabs.

Wait when the crap starts to really hit the fan.

Insurances starts to decline medical care base on side effects of the jabs, in about two more years.

No wonder Munchin wants universal health care, this will be the next push coming from the democrats.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 12:39 PM
I hope some journalists out there are keeping tabs on the first people who served as test subjects for the vaccines... I really do.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
It takes 5 years for the real side effects of testing medication or jabs is full understood, we are just in the beginning of the trials, the trial subjects are all that took the jabs.

Wait when the crap starts to really hit the fan.

Insurances starts to decline medical care base on side effects of the jabs, in about two more years.

No wonder Munchin wants universal health care, this will be the next push coming from the democrats.

Pfizer quietly pushed the trials completion date back another year to 2024.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

That is the year the protections will be over if they are not renew by the government.

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