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Early Childhood Educator Explains Why We Need To Talk To Preschoolers About Gender & Sexuality

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+7 more 
posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 09:58 PM
See, anyone who tells me that this crap is no indoctrination and grooming is a liar. In this case, an early childhood educator explains "Why" they have to get to the Pre-schoolers quickly before normality can settle in. They have to get them at their most vulnerable age in order to shape the child's values to THIER values.

This is what we are dealing with people. We are fighting the activist for our Kindergarten and Pre-Schoolers.

We need to talk to Preschoolers about Sexuality and Gender because any later is Too Late! Once you get past this age, it is a lot harder to undue the ideas of the Cis-Hetro normative world

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: infolurker

That thing pictured in the thumbnail is a sub human pedophile.

My 2 cents

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: infolurker

So, basically this video says the earlier they start grooming them, the easier it is.

But are they willing to say that in front of a room full of parents?

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 10:14 PM
Short-Tempered Geezer explains why he plans to beat the crap out of people like this at the first opportunity.

"A wired-shut jaw will keep the noise down."
edit on 7/28/2022 by pteridine because: correction

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 10:17 PM
It seems the best way to make something new take over and become majority is to throw constant attention to it. I highly doubt the number of people backing this movement is anywhere near what people are being programmed to believe, btu the more they report it as true the more people will believe it and the more non-thinkers will join in on the movement.

If my kids were little I'd do everything possible to keep them from being exposed to this garbage, whatever it took.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: pteridine

Child abuse.

+5 more 
posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 10:23 PM
And many thanks to the #LBGTQP+ folks. They are the main mover and shaker element in this abomination.

What's that? I'm wrong? I'm hateful? I don't know what I'm talking about? I don't know the LGBTQP+ community?

Prove me wrong. I'll just point you to the above video if you try to.

Or this one.

Or maybe this one.

Or this case.

OrOr these cases.

Yeah, I don't think that any of these were straight white men.

And if you want to out throw the old trope about it happening in churches, it's the LGBTQP+ types that infiltrate the churches that do it. Yeah, church leadership fails in discernment and guarding the flock, and sometimes they want to keep it quiet to not deal with the fallout. B ut it's not actual committed Christians who do this crap; it's the perverts. Even when it's people in place of leadership in the church, they are perverts. As a nearly life-long committed Christian, I reject any involved in this filth.

You'll say that all churches and Christians are guilty because a few of your allies infiltrate and do evil, but when it's a bunch of homosexuals and perverts doing this to kids in the open, suddenly it's not fair to judge the whole movement by the actions of "a few" (which are actually a helluva lot more than "a few"). When I posted about the LGBTQP+ movement a few days ago, apologists came out of the woodwork defending the movement. Keepi it up ...

edit on 2022 7 28 by incoserv because: I could.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: incoserv

So you're saying all gay people are actually pedophiles?

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Liberals now have the ability to force their mental illness on unsuspecting, innocent children.
They seem to believe that it’s a like a super power that they have and they are attempting to extend the cult for future generations of deranged Liberals.
They must be stopped at all costs.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 11:41 PM
No, I am not saying that all gay people are actually pedophiles. That would be incorrect.

I am saying that the LGBTQP+ movment has run the natural course of normalizing that which is not normal and is participating in the sexualization of children and the normalization of pedophilia. It has proven to be in the very makeup of hte movement. Anybody who says that they do not support the sexualization of children and the normalization of pedophilia but still identifies with the LBBTQP+ movement is at best tacitly supporting it.

One can be a homosexual and not identify with the LGBTQP+ movement.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 11:48 PM

Those scums are agressive abusers which should go to prison .

The Psychology of Children

20% of transgender people regret “gender reassignment” and their number is growing

The development of feminist movements gave impetus to the formation of the pseudoscientific theory of "gender", which claims that differences in interests and abilities between men and women are determined not by their biological differences, but by upbringing and stereotypes that a patriarchal society imposes on them. According to this concept, “gender” is the “psychosocial sex” of a person, which does not depend on his biological sex and does not necessarily coincide with it, in connection with which a biological man can psychologically feel himself as a woman and perform female social roles, and vice versa. Adepts of the theory call this phenomenon "transgender" and claim that it is absolutely normal. In medicine, this mental disorder is known as transsexualism (ICD-10: F64).

Needless to say, the entire “gender theory” is based on absurd unsubstantiated hypotheses and unfounded ideological postulation. It simulates the presence of knowledge in the absence of such. However, in recent years, the spread of “transgender”, especially among adolescents, has become an epidemic. It's obvious that social contamination in combination with various mental and neurological disorders, it plays an essential role in this. The number of young people willing to “change sex” has increased in recent years tenfold and reached a record level. For an unknown reason, 3/4 of them are girls.

In Western countries, only an affirmative approach is allowed to patients with gender identity disorder; mistrust of the patient's feelings or an attempt to object to him is regarded as a “violation of human rights”. Physicians who question “gender theory” are subject to exemplary discipline and lose their jobs... Therefore, health workers are now prescribing harmful cross-sex hormones and referrals for mutilation operations to everyone without any questions.

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 11:53 PM
When did it become not OK to be normal and heterosexual... why is this something to fix?

These fkn people are chocolate milk before anyone has even tasted the milk. they can gtfo.

edit on 28-7-2022 by jerich0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 11:54 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: incoserv

So you're saying all gay people are actually pedophiles?

No. That is what YOU are saying, and projecting it.

Typical leftist bull#.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 12:00 AM

originally posted by: jerich0

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: incoserv

So you're saying all gay people are actually pedophiles?

No. That is what YOU are saying, and projecting it.

Typical leftist bull#.

When I first posted, a few days ago, about the using the #LGBTQP+ hashtag, the apologists came out of the woodwork and harped on this very gaslighting technique, then denied it was gaslighting.

They would attack "christians" as a whole based on the fact that abuse occurs within the context of the visible church, but then claim that it was wrong to point ouit that the LGBTQP+ movement as a whole is supportive of the perversion.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 01:50 AM
Woah! I mean wow seriously...... this person should not be a teacher of young children. Who ever you are that's wonderful. Look, my children were not raised to be any certain way. They are who they are they like who they like it doesn't matter. My kids are part of the LGBTQ community and they were raised in a cis parental family. I don't go touting around my cis-genderness as a norm but then again I don't go telling children that are 3 years old that they should explore both being a boy and a girl.

That is not needed. Children who are 3 years old practice roles. It's part of development. I don't need to talk to them about that. Furthermore sexuality comes in the teenage years. That is when people will start forming relationships. It's at that point they decide who they are and what they like. All this is the naturally without anybody telling them about all the different possibilities. Let the children figure it out for themselves. I will say it is up to the teacher to make sure that all children are tolerant of their peers choices. It is not my place to teach the children about sexuality and genders at the age I teach.

It's idiots like that person that give people like me a bad name. And I'm getting sick and tired of the rhetoric being spread throughout our school systems.

Having an inclusive classroom is important, because children come from diverse families. That being said I don't feel that it's important to discuss different family setups if there is no other setup to be had in my class. There's no relevance for the children. However if there is children in my classroom who come from lgbtq backgrounds, I might have some books that are relevant at an appropriate age level. I will not make it part of my social studies aspect of my curriculum. Just as well as I would not put any other family set up as something Central in my curriculum plan.

Do I have a family photo wall? I certainly do. Have I had children in my classroom who had lgbtq Parents? Yes I have you just treat the family the same as any other family.

And for goodness sake when it's Father's Day and you have two mothers you don't make the kids sing a Father's Day song. However if one of the parents is trans the child might like to sing that song. It's one of those things you have to get to know your families.
It's about getting to know your families and making your families part of your class.

That was very long-winded and annoying of me. But that person needs to go back and take some refresher courses on Early Childhood through 12th grade development and when things happen.

No where NO where have I learned in school that It is my place to teach toddlers about who they are fundamentally. I even one day had a child tell me that some boys have a uterus and some boys don't. That's not my place to correct him. At some point parents need to be taking responsibility. Where is the line drawn.

I am their teacher. Not their parent.

Ridiculous human up there in the op spreading information well above litte ones heads.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 01:55 AM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge
a reply to: infolurker

So, basically this video says the earlier they start grooming them, the easier it is.

But are they willing to say that in front of a room full of parents?

The inception of public schools in the USA was meant as a way to control the minds of children. It is what started the whole thing. They just keep taking more. Think of Federally funded schools as news indoctrination for children.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 02:23 AM

originally posted by: infolurker
See, anyone who tells me that this crap is no indoctrination and grooming is a liar. In this case, an early childhood educator explains "Why" they have to get to the Pre-schoolers quickly before normality can settle in. They have to get them at their most vulnerable age in order to shape the child's values to THIER values.

This is what we are dealing with people. We are fighting the activist for our Kindergarten and Pre-Schoolers.

We need to talk to Preschoolers about Sexuality and Gender because any later is Too Late! Once you get past this age, it is a lot harder to undue the ideas of the Cis-Hetro normative world

nancy grace might be doing a special or 2 on these people soon.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: infolurker

That is the face of a pedo, this poor excuse for human being is what is been allowed to now educate our children no in subject matters, like math, science and how to read or write, but now the school systems have been transformed to be the GROOMING ground for sexuality to benefit the growing fedo movement in the US.

Concern parents need to fight this with their lives, especially their children future is in danger.

Or just boycott this pedos in schools.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 07:58 AM
I find it telling how when I posted s few days ago about using the LGBQTP+ tag, there were four pages of triggered apologists and sympathizers screaming about how ignorant and mean I was, but now they are nowhere to be seen.

Their silence is deafening.

posted on Jul, 29 2022 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
a reply to: incoserv

So you're saying all gay people are actually pedophiles?

Common man, you are more intelligent and smarter than that, you know what is been done to children under the communist in power, this is the most despicable mental, social and physical abuse that is and this is fighting the rights of parents.

Pedos have gotten into our schools systems, they want to normalize pedophilia. This is not about people that seems to feel attracted to other people of the same sex aka gay or lesbian this is another can of worms been opened trying to get to babies.

You do not need to be blind to see what is going on.

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