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Girl, 14, charged with murder in deadly attack of 73-year-old man

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posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: MeatHookReality

I don’t understand the South’s majority hating Biden as Biden is extremely racist

That's one reason why we don't like the boy.

You came down here with that attitude firmly established. I'd bet good money everyone you met just acted racist long enough to get you to go away. It's a common tactic; less messy to just get the racists to leave than shooting them. Saves on ammo, too.

Absolutely wrong .. there are many Sothern Dog men who wanted to buy my genetic line of Patterdale Terriers . I spent weeks showcasing my dogs bump after bump with many a Southern dog men , but after weeks of meeting & greets they did not want to pony up the 150k for a bitch & stud out of my kennel. I stayed with 3 different Southern families during that dog tour & was treated with grace , but of the 80-100 people & family members of dog men I met & stayed with … the vast majority were openly racist .
ps: Network Dude fessed up to being white just as I called .

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

When our Reading and Math proficiency tests are on the same level as third world countries instead of in the top 10 where we used to be, it tells me there's an issue with our education. That's why my son goes to a non-private, non government-seeking school, and why many kids coming up through public education today are lost on reality. I don't have a narrative for that, I have a dislike for a failed education system destroying our kids. I have a problem with tests being dumbed down because teachers won't work with students to help them, and their parents do nothing to help. I have a problem with states like New York removing the Reading portion from the exams potential teachers are required to take, because so many were failing it and unable to be hired. Do you honestly think these are helping students?

I don't know what you consider a "boomer", but a boomer is a person born in the baby boom era so if these last two generations are even bigger then that means they're boomers, too.

I'm still waiting for you to match "logic and reason" over all of us unedumacated folkses because from where I'm seeing it, you're losing at every angle.

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Also there's no way in hell I'd use a dog that small to hunt our big ass boars down south notbwhen we have so many other breeds that are far better

They'd be torn up quicker than a rat in a cat fight
Patterdale Terriers have more snot pound for pound than any dog on Earth .. Ive ran ragged Pit Terriers , Kangals , Dogos and Ridgebacks ..,
The only dog more ferocious than a Pattedale is another Patterdale . I was introduced to the breed while in school over in England… highest predation rate of any dog breed . 14 inch a$$ at 18 pounds with a 220 ft lb bite force … look out .. They are as fast as lightning. If you know anything about violent dogs , you would know of the legendary Patterdale Terrier

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck
[Quote]"I've watched the world change around me, and it's not getting better. It seems every year people are angrier, more scared, and more uptight than they were before, and it's not slowing down. We have some seriously bad times coming, times that most of us cannot even imagine, and they're closer than anyone knows. We're going to need goodwill and camaraderie to get through them. Those who do not have that will likely not survive.

Certainly agree about goodwill, camaraderie, and survival chances.
But when a thread about a child killing an old person, descends into North/South black/white bull# arguing, I don't hold much hope for the future lol

edit on 26-7-2022 by angeltone because: tag quotes issue

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Also there's no way in hell I'd use a dog that small to hunt our big ass boars down south notbwhen we have so many other breeds that are far better

There's only one explanation... someone made some coin off him! I knew about the canned deer hunts, but canned pig hunts now?

I have a pit bull, and I wouldn't let her take on a single razorback, much less a pack of the critters, without me being there with something that shoots great big wads of lead really, really fast. To a razorback, that little puppy would be an afternoon snack!

I think he was "hunting" someone's young pigs.

I run my Pattedales on Russian boar in Alberta on a game farm & sold many dogs to Russians.
as catch dogs for boar .

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Also there's no way in hell I'd use a dog that small to hunt our big ass boars down south notbwhen we have so many other breeds that are far better

They'd be torn up quicker than a rat in a cat fight
Patterdale Terriers have more snot pound for pound than any dog on Earth .. Ive ran ragged Pit Terriers , Kangals , Dogos and Ridgebacks ..,
The only dog more ferocious than a Pattedale is another Patterdale . I was introduced to the breed while in school over in England… highest predation rate of any dog breed . 14 inch a$$ at 18 pounds with a 220 ft lb bite force … look out .. They are as fast as lightning. If you know anything about violent dogs , you would know of the legendary Patterdale Terrier

Lol yeah highest predation rate for rats small game

Not Russian boar were not talking javalinas here

Though I never ran dogs for boar just bear and I used my Ridgebacks amd Redbone for that
edit on 7/26/2022 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:15 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

when explaining the facts= fessing up, you lost the plot. But I guess the only question I have left, is where will they put your statue?

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: angeltone
a reply to: TheRedneck
[Quote]"I've watched the world change around me, and it's not getting better. It seems every year people are angrier, more scared, and more uptight than they were before, and it's not slowing down. We have some seriously bad times coming, times that most of us cannot even imagine, and they're closer than anyone knows. We're going to need goodwill and camaraderie to get through them. Those who do not have that will likely not survive.

Certainly agree about goodwill, camaraderie, and survival chances.
But when a thread about a child killing an old person, descends into North/South black/white bull# arguing, I don't hold much hope for the future lol
That is because Network Dude used a racist slur … chat at him …

have you ever seen a white person make excuses for being a garbage parent? If not, I can say I have, and it all sounds the same. If you see race in everything you look at, well, a person as smart as you should know the rest.

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Also there's no way in hell I'd use a dog that small to hunt our big ass boars down south notbwhen we have so many other breeds that are far better

There's only one explanation... someone made some coin off him! I knew about the canned deer hunts, but canned pig hunts now?

I have a pit bull, and I wouldn't let her take on a single razorback, much less a pack of the critters, without me being there with something that shoots great big wads of lead really, really fast. To a razorback, that little puppy would be an afternoon snack!

I think he was "hunting" someone's young pigs.

I run my Pattedales on Russian boar in Alberta on a game farm & sold many dogs to Russians.
as catch dogs for boar .

Uhuh on canned hunts on a game farm lol

At any rate just where did Network Dude use a racial slur????

Was it an actual slur or just another trigger I've come to get use to PNW residents having

Well except in Idaho, they're not as super sensitive as our saferoom needing Washingtoners

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Also there's no way in hell I'd use a dog that small to hunt our big ass boars down south notbwhen we have so many other breeds that are far better

They'd be torn up quicker than a rat in a cat fight
Patterdale Terriers have more snot pound for pound than any dog on Earth .. Ive ran ragged Pit Terriers , Kangals , Dogos and Ridgebacks ..,
The only dog more ferocious than a Pattedale is another Patterdale . I was introduced to the breed while in school over in England… highest predation rate of any dog breed . 14 inch a$$ at 18 pounds with a 220 ft lb bite force … look out .. They are as fast as lightning. If you know anything about violent dogs , you would know of the legendary Patterdale Terrier

Lol yeah highest predation rate for rats small game

Not Russian boar were not talking javalinas here

Though I never ran dogs for boar just bear and I used my Ridgebacks amd Redbone for that
Yep your the expert .. Ive been breeding & bumping mean dogs for years & the no dog has the snot a Patterdale has .
Ask any real dog man & they will tell you about a little dog known as “ Black Death “

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: angeltone
a reply to: TheRedneck
[Quote]"I've watched the world change around me, and it's not getting better. It seems every year people are angrier, more scared, and more uptight than they were before, and it's not slowing down. We have some seriously bad times coming, times that most of us cannot even imagine, and they're closer than anyone knows. We're going to need goodwill and camaraderie to get through them. Those who do not have that will likely not survive.

Certainly agree about goodwill, camaraderie, and survival chances.
But when a thread about a child killing an old person, descends into North/South black/white bull# arguing, I don't hold much hope for the future lol
That is because Network Dude used a racist slur … chat at him …

have you ever seen a white person make excuses for being a garbage parent? If not, I can say I have, and it all sounds the same. If you see race in everything you look at, well, a person as smart as you should know the rest.
Your quote was a racist slur mocking a black mother through your white man use of ebonics . Just give up ok .. Any person can see what you were doing. I called you on it & now you are salty .

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

Also there's no way in hell I'd use a dog that small to hunt our big ass boars down south notbwhen we have so many other breeds that are far better

There's only one explanation... someone made some coin off him! I knew about the canned deer hunts, but canned pig hunts now?

I have a pit bull, and I wouldn't let her take on a single razorback, much less a pack of the critters, without me being there with something that shoots great big wads of lead really, really fast. To a razorback, that little puppy would be an afternoon snack!

I think he was "hunting" someone's young pigs.

I run my Pattedales on Russian boar in Alberta on a game farm & sold many dogs to Russians.
as catch dogs for boar .

Uhuh on canned hunts on a game farm lol

At any rate just where did Network Dude use a racial slur????

Was it an actual slur or just another trigger I've come to get use to PNW residents having

Well except in Idaho, they're not as super sensitive as our saferoom needing Washingtoners
The forth post on page one of this OP .
Network Dude posted “ my baby didndu nuffin ! “
As a response to this horrible act by a four year old .

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: network dude

have you ever seen a white person make excuses for being a garbage parent? If not, I can say I have, and it all sounds the same. If you see race in everything you look at, well, a person as smart as you should know the rest.

Isn't this the left's play book to insert race into every situation? Everything about them today is race, so every question they ask is race based. I watched a short video with Candace Owens and she was asked by a liberal group does she really think the left is 1960s racist, and she said yes. They asked her to prove her point, and all she said was, why did you ask the last question the way you did by inserting my skin color into it. She said, if she was White then the same question would have been asked differently, the group really had to answer to it.

With this Op's case it is not as much as a Black kid, or a Black family as it is a failed system that has created a new culture for many Blacks that has nothing to do with the Black cultures of not that far in the past. This newer culture is truly dysfunctional in every way you look at it and the left wants to blame race as the cause, but it almost looks like the liberals created it just to exploit it. They sure are not working to fix it in anyway.

edit on 26-7-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: angeltone

Wow dude, I have only read this reply of yours here, but I've read lots of your stuff previously, and you just seem a regular 'friendly to all humans' guy.

Thank you; I try to be. I'm aware it often doesn't come across that way via text, but I do really care about all people. We are all Children of God equally. Hate tends to be very good at disguising itself.

In real life I am a joker and a helper any time anyone needs help. I've watched the world change around me, and it's not getting better. It seems every year people are angrier, more scared, and more uptight than they were before, and it's not slowing down. We have some seriously bad times coming, times that most of us cannot even imagine, and they're closer than anyone knows. We're going to need goodwill and camaraderie to get through them. Those who do not have that will likely not survive.


You are defending violater1, who made a racist comment, that I called out.

This isn't about isms, or some movement. You are making excuses for his comments and deflecting what they actually were. You have given me lengthy replies saying just that. You claim to be a person of God. If you are, then understand the hate and bigotry I just called out on. It could of, and should of, been a simple "yeah that was pretty racist you might want to rethink that" by you if you wanted to get involved.
edit on 26-7-2022 by ExiledSpirit777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: angeltone
a reply to: TheRedneck
[Quote]"I've watched the world change around me, and it's not getting better. It seems every year people are angrier, more scared, and more uptight than they were before, and it's not slowing down. We have some seriously bad times coming, times that most of us cannot even imagine, and they're closer than anyone knows. We're going to need goodwill and camaraderie to get through them. Those who do not have that will likely not survive.

Certainly agree about goodwill, camaraderie, and survival chances.
But when a thread about a child killing an old person, descends into North/South black/white bull# arguing, I don't hold much hope for the future lol
That is because Network Dude used a racist slur … chat at him …

have you ever seen a white person make excuses for being a garbage parent? If not, I can say I have, and it all sounds the same. If you see race in everything you look at, well, a person as smart as you should know the rest.
Your quote was a racist slur mocking a black mother through your white man use of ebonics . Just give up ok .. Any person can see what you were doing. I called you on it & now you are salty .

That wasn't ebonics ffs that was southern drawl

You claim to spend all this time in the south but don't know the difference?

Was nothing racist about a damn thing he said

Literally no different than someone talking like someone from the Appalachians
edit on 7/26/2022 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: MeatHookReality
Oh ffs lol, I saw that, but I took it as the dialect of uneducated # parents, NOT anything particular to black US people and how they may talk!
Even the overwhelmingly white, uneducated parents, where I live, use "my baby didndu nuffin ! “ type language on local social media sites!🤣
The race issue is the least important part of this sad topic of a child killing an old person, pity it's devolved to that again when race ain't the topic.

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Also there's no way in hell I'd use a dog that small to hunt our big ass boars down south notbwhen we have so many other breeds that are far better

They'd be torn up quicker than a rat in a cat fight
Patterdale Terriers have more snot pound for pound than any dog on Earth .. Ive ran ragged Pit Terriers , Kangals , Dogos and Ridgebacks ..,
The only dog more ferocious than a Pattedale is another Patterdale . I was introduced to the breed while in school over in England… highest predation rate of any dog breed . 14 inch a$$ at 18 pounds with a 220 ft lb bite force … look out .. They are as fast as lightning. If you know anything about violent dogs , you would know of the legendary Patterdale Terrier

A patterdale has one of the weakest bites at around 200 with an average weight of 12 to 14 pounds, why are you making things up? They are also ranked at 230ish in popularity, nobody uses these hamsters for hunting dangerous game.

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: Muninn

originally posted by: MeatHookReality

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Also there's no way in hell I'd use a dog that small to hunt our big ass boars down south notbwhen we have so many other breeds that are far better

They'd be torn up quicker than a rat in a cat fight
Patterdale Terriers have more snot pound for pound than any dog on Earth .. Ive ran ragged Pit Terriers , Kangals , Dogos and Ridgebacks ..,
The only dog more ferocious than a Pattedale is another Patterdale . I was introduced to the breed while in school over in England… highest predation rate of any dog breed . 14 inch a$$ at 18 pounds with a 220 ft lb bite force … look out .. They are as fast as lightning. If you know anything about violent dogs , you would know of the legendary Patterdale Terrier

A patterdale has one of the weakest bites at around 200 with an average weight of 12 to 14 pounds, why are you making things up? They are also ranked at 230ish in popularity, nobody uses these hamsters for hunting dangerous game.

Stop it sir he's a 55 yr old expert from the PNW w 100k stud fees

posted on Jul, 26 2022 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: MeatHookReality

Absolutely wrong

Sorry, hotshot. I live here. These are my people. I was watching racism and getting sick to my stomach over it when you were still messing in a diaper (and that's assuming you're being truthful about your age). I know what goes on around here. You just visited, saw what you expected to see like any good tourist, paid your money, and went back home.

Them folks saw you coming from a mile away and had their wallets set on "receive" status. You've never even seen a razorback outside of a picture; that much I am certain of.

Network Dude fessed up to being white just as I called .

OK, and why does that even matter? I'll admit it would have been hilarious if he had turned out to be black, but it really doesn't matter to me. He's an OK fellow; we agree on most things, disagree on a few. That didn't change when I thought he was black and it doesn't change now.

You are the one fixated on what color people are.

Oh, and since you're so great with logic and so super-uber-mega intelligent... any day you think you can out-debate a self-professed REDNECK, you feel free to submit a request for the Debate Forum. Should be easy fer yew, feller, since y'all is so smart 'n' all up there is Wush-in-tun and Or-ee-gone and we're jest a buncha dumb hicks down heah.


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